Saturday, January 29, 2011


In the spirit of hating myself for writing unreadable, uninterestingly long posts about nothing every four days and declaring myself completely vapid and silly and unfathomably uncool to the blog 'verse because of it(and being stupid and impressionable), I'm doing a short post today.

actually, it's more of a song post. bear with me, please.

I found this a couple days ago and I have since swooned and obsessed and musicgasm'd over it repeatedly. look past the indie rock facade if you must--the combination of classically-trained string musician, synthesizer, mumbling, messy hair, and the five o'clock shadow. there are people out there far more guilty of it than he. and I will admit, the melody or anything isn't AWFUL, and that random drum beat thing is rather Neutral Milk Hotel, which most people would agree is a good thing.

anyway, today I realised the lyrics matter more than the music to me in general. and here is where Andrew Bird shines.

"And despite what all his studies had shown/what was mistakes for closeness/was just a case for mitosis/weighed deception or mercy/ while others train for the show/...'cause he just wants to know the reason why/the reason why"

"his keeping busier as bitter storms/his imaginations and his palindromes"

"Poor proffesor Pynchon/had only good intentions/when he put his Bunsen Burners all the way/and turned into a playground a Petri dish/of single cells/would swing their firsts/at anything that looks like easy pray"

These are but to name a few, though there aren't too many lyrics in the song.

Anything who mentions mitosis(he later goes on about osmosis, too) in a freaking pop song wins seriously huge amounts of cool points from me. as does anyone who can relate a function of cell division to a function of human emotion too, I have a not inconsiderable deal of respect for.

in general I think the idea of the thing is pretty damn amazing. It's basically kinda fighting back to the idea of quantifying emotion, in particular love, to preexisting notions of biology and science. It's been talked about lightly, but I've never seen anyone tackle this in a song before, obviously. It's amazing how anyone would think to do that, to me. It's leads to some really interesting thoughts, too--I kinda get hear this a lot, reading Dawkins and Hitchins and that whole crowd as is kinda a 'thing' at the moment, and has been for some time. And I do agree with Mr. Bird for the most part. For all of my love and appreciation and utmost respect for the sciences and for said sciency-atheist people, there has to come a limit with what some people are trying to do. What's more interesting is FINDING that limit, of course, which is something which deserves my interest and research in the near future. And what's more interesting still is that point at which this lust for knowledge of the human psyche is almost detrimental("it was anything but here the voice/anything but hear the voice/it was anything but hear the voice/ that says that we're all basically alone") to a person and whether this interest is better left alone.

and all the hipsters thought the Decemberists and Arcade Fire are making 'statements", right? Pfft, as if.

just thought you should know. The alternative title of this post is "Wooly, Childish Pretentious Explanations Of Pop Songs; Post #1. now, time to scuttle off and write two mini essays. good night. :D

Friday, January 28, 2011

so these last few days were pretty cool.

for one thing, I had a two day school week. just Monday and Friday. that in itself is the makings for a wonderful week, no matter how the bookends of it pan out. I reveled in the lack of finals for most of Monday. felt like doing a run through of all the HP movies(shrugs) and watching awkward clips of the Graham Norton show for far too long that night. it was pure, pure bliss. tuesday the same-ish also, nothing much to say there. ditto wednesday, plus overloads of DVD marathons, hot chocolate, and Iron&Wine, and eating out for lunch. it snowed again! so much snow lately. Thursday was a snow day. It shouldn't have been really. it should have been a two hour delay, that's what everyone was expecting. but what do you know, a snow day it was.

I don't hate snow days yet; most people around me do. People keep updating their FB statuses like "yeah, we know it's a snow day, stop updating your statuses about it!" and "I hate snow...I actually want a summer!" like they think they came up with it. snow days became unfashionable round here like a week and a half ago. whatever. It's not like you do anything in June anyway and US summers are like crazy long compared to most European places. so you get out on June 27th or whenever? wow. big deal. another three days of the teacher not caring enough anymore to assign much homework.

yesterday I realised my bedroom wall is running out of spaces for posters. I bought a copy of Factory and a gray butcher boy hat.

I found out my geometry final grade! I got an A, 95% proving that geometry is actually stupidly easy. These lost 5% were due in part to only one test, so the whole thing was kinda silly. Also, I got about a 92% on the final which is round about what I wanted(side note; because I studied for little more than two hours for this, and about eight for science, I will probably fail science. logic has not been a theme for my test taking so far this year). Apparently, the final didn't go so well for most people--I think the average was like the high 70s? Sorry if I sound like I'm bragging. Smart people called me smart because of this, which is something to keep oneself content for a little while. No news on other final grades yet.

the new semester started today and it was pretty good. After some scurrying around the school before the day began, I had art. Something quite noticeable about the art teachers here is that however talented they may or may not be, they appear not even remotely 'artsy', you know? my teacher is this guy who's retiring this year. He droned on and on the entire block, first about learning and the steps a child takes when drawing and then made us write our names various ways repeatedly and in the last two minutes he was like 'so, let's talk about the color wheel'. I sat with a girl from my geometry class and another from my spanish. No one in our class knows each other. we were silent the whole time. but it's only art.

Environmental Science, oh my God. way to ruin a potential perfect 2nd semester, science. i hear the teacher's a 'mean lady'. she ran out for something for the first ten minutes. came back, talked about her many turtles she keeps in the classroom(with the water filter things that buzz relentlessly, much to my annoyance) then gave us like seven handouts saying things that differed very slightly. also, the subject matter looks more dull than what I'd expect. makes some of physical science look wonderful. it's more focused on, say, geology and the structure of the Earth than I expected. how very naive of me. my class makes up for it. most number of people I know/like a bit relative to class size, I'd say.

after my new 1st lunch block(10:40? wtf?), I had history. or world civilisations, as it is called, but I would prefer to call it history. our teacher used to teach at my middle school. he's quite intimidating and very abrasive, but y'know, he gets stuff done. he only spent a half hour on contracts and books(they're like six inches thick.) and then he dived right in there. THE SPREAD OF ISLAM. YES. SOMETHING WAY INTERESTING. I am secretly a history nerd. it's just in middle school all I did was ancient history and US history. they have their good points, but to be honest both of those are pretty low down on my list of parts of history I find interesting. I flipped through my enormous textbook, while he's talking about tolerance and the spreading of culture and how no one was familiar with the term 'polytheism'(*cough*mixed level classes *cough*), and I'm thinking this is the COOLEST STUFF EVER. and guess what, I hadn't already done it to death already! so we're starting on this whole religious thing, focusing mostly on Islam, then why do the European middle ages, African middle ages, monarchies, the European renaissance, the French revolution and I was all like, this is freaking incredible. plus, very little homework. yes yes yes! xD

last period english. english is almost always my favorite class so I can't really complain about too muc here. the teacher seems nice, as does my class. she just gave us books and talked about stuff then made us write stuff about ourselves, then read. she seemed intent on knowing everything about us. I hate those 'get to know you' questions because they ask such inane stuff and it's not honest, cause you wanna give an impression. mine didn't turn out quite right. I was all like "Mark Z Danielewski! And Edward Scissorhands! And punk!" and then I was like "dogs! and vanilla ice cream! and spring". whatevs. she gives a lot of homework. and four books? that's kinda ridiculous. and horrible to carry home.

so that was my new semester, in a very long winded fashion, health in stead of art monday. monday morning is the quest of where the room is, since I've been given like three different room numbers.

finally, I saw Black Swan today and I totally loved it. do not come to me for movie opinions, unless you want them extremely juvenile and misinformed and generally ignorant of movies. I'll just stick with saying it was great. :D

so now I have homework to do again...hmm. okay, that's it for now.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Freedom For Two Days.

finals are done, baby! finally! words can't describe this level of relief. I had geometry 1st block. My teacher got annoyed with the state of my textbook and I had a headache for most of the 90 minutes that I was there for. There was only one question I really couldn't do--the others were fine, bar the odd point taken off for units or something, a careless habit I've yet to shake. I came home after that for lunch. I watched Mitchell&Webb again and studied for Spanish. My mom dropped me off and I walked back to the school--it was negative 21 degrees Celsius today, wow! I was the only one who found something oddly refreshing and lovely in that, I think. I never liked the cold before. only in this extreme, I suppose.

Spanish was listening(80%, but whatever) and then two short little essays. While I try hard to be wordly and set my goals too high(life plan; do Spanish through to senior year to the tiniest degree of fluency. after, learn about of german for the sake of it. then get a bit comfortable with french, live out my wildest stereotype-induced dreams of Parisian sophistication etc. for a few years. get head around a language that isn't romance--swedish, preferable--. move to Stockholm. buy woolen jackets and listen to saccharine scandinavian pop music. decide I'm not hardcore enough for all that, buy a house in Kent and eat salt and vinegar crisps and buy the NME every wednesday. where was I?), I can't say the language was particularly enjoyable this year. kinda just wanna get it done. haha. ditto geo, but everyone knows geo is the most useless mathematics class you can ever possibly take(bar statistics, I 'spose) so it doesn't matter much.

it's a bit difficult fathoming that this semester is over, like I said a couple posts ago. I won't miss Spanish or gym--I will miss everything else. so many inside jokes and stuff. high school is remarkable fun, I've found. there are a lot of silly, stupid people but a brain, a book, and a good collection of Divine Comedy songs I have found will sort that out.

my schedule starting Thursday; B day art, G day health, 2nd science, 3rd history, 4th english. I know a few people in my art class already, and one in my world civ. Yeah, I really don't actually know anyone.(it's entertaining seeing all my middle school friend's and their rapidly expanding social groups this year and their vast, vast knowledge of freshman gossip and I'm all like..."er, who are you talking about? I don't know who that is?". such a weirdo). Study will be sorely missed. I hear this particular science is hellish. art should be fun, health is a breeze bar the "OH MY GOD IT'S SO AWKWARD" stupid people who litter the classes and the lunch discussions and the universe, history sounds fun because it's actually different to what I've done before. english is my favorite subject generally though I've heard this year it's a bit disappointing. still, I'm a delusional nerd who's excited to read books this year, actually read not just own a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird for two months and be all like "he is racist. he isn't. the end".(cough cough 8th grade cough cough). I just heard Animal Farm is a selection? like, wow wow wow why didn't I know about this? next year or the year after, I hear we read The Great Gatsby which I really must pick up, and that will become the crux of my high school life, I think.

anyway, to staples tomorrow and the mall, to black swan the day after. possibility of a snow day so maybe something else, I don't know. it's like a 2nd weekend!

you find me without anything to say. i mean literally without words, not just the vapid stuff I babble on about most days. this sense of freedom is a funny thing. I read a lot today, especially Lucky and Peter Doherty's journal book thing, which is worth a read. I really want to be a Trilby or a Pork Pie hat. I actually can't wait until february, I'm counting down the days. for 28 days I try to shut off the world, read books, and listen to everything by Peter Doherty day after day. well at least i did last year. really, it's fun. I do wish he'd work on something now though. he's probably doing some 'Shambless stuff but it's not like anyone pays attention.

oh yeah, another 18+ dissappointment. Foals!(marry me, Yannis) Freelance Whales supporting! Wow! Ugh! Stupid people. sigh.

I'm gonna leave with a video again.

I discovered this lady today. the guitar is so, so beautiful. plus, I kinda have a thing for Guy Garvey. by 'thing' I mean I love him--who doesn't?--even though he is surely turning into Henry VIII. I listened to Leaders of the Free World all day today and it never stops being amazing. I heard he can't read music. I hate those sorts of people, writing some of the most amazing music of their time and not, technically, writing music in a literal sense. some of work hard and don't write anywhere near as astonishing music, Guy! whatever he does turns to audible gold which is why, Guy, I will literally pay you anything to drag your band around this country. K? K.

Good night.

Friday, January 21, 2011

did you do it for fame did you do it in a fit did you do it before you read about it?

I just watched parts of Who Is Poly Styrene, an episode of The Punk Years, and then listened to Roxy Music, The Au Pairs, Velvet Underground, and the Stooges for an hour. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing or what is happening to my music taste lately.

now for good measure, to All Time Low I go.

today was another snow day. most people didn't want one so they could be done with finals, but I was really not ready for geometry so I think it was probably for the best. it does ruin my four day weekend, but I get Tuesday and Wednesday off anyway so it doesn't really matter. if you exclude June, we have more time off school. plus, all I have to do this weekend is study! in other words, nothing! This weekend is super amazing though this doesn't feel like a snow day.

This afternoon I listened to a lot of Elbow and Ke$ha and flicked between reading Alice Sebold's Lucky0--and being so, so jealous of her amazing writing schedules--and Peter Doherty's Book of Albion and being so so jealous of his creativity and complete infatuation with his whole Good Ship Albion thing he's been spinning since like '96. mygoditissoooooenglish. I mean this in a good way, really I do, I could go on for a long, long time about my, to be honest, not insubstantial knowledge of British music and how Peter Doherty, through all his skirmishes, played a very important element in all of that because it's really interesting, but I won't. all I know is, I will never be as cool as Peter in any way. fuck it, I want to talk about art films and London and pork pie hats and gin in teacups and I don't care how pretentious that might make me. He's amazing. Read his book. NOW.

oh yeah, then I tried to come to a conclusion about Noel Gallagher's new group, Beady Eye(result; please shut up and go away, Noel, and let the Britpop and post-punk revival stragglers die a natural death), went for a walk in my snowy back yard, and relived my childhood via Ratchet and Clank and really nerdy walkthroughs of Jak and Daxter.

this weekend is the same. Hopefully mall tomorrow or day after. stay in, stay up late and watch Edward Scissorhands over and over. researching stuff about V Festival(fest I go to) lineup, which is gonna be released for real in little over a month. Rumours are spreading. I cannot wait for the festival, too, literally I cannot. Eminem and Arctic Monkeys headliners? plus REM, Rihanna, Paolo Nutini? Oooh, yes please! Especially Arctic Monkeys. I totally adore them, but I've only seen them once, at a place in Boston the December before last. I was second row and two people fell on me. My parents had to pull me out. All in all, I wasn't very aware of the concert. I know, a summer festival with a crowd roughly ten times as big will be no better but the energy will be great, I'll be with friends, and people will know the songs more. Trust me, it'll be euphoric. and oh yeah I've made it through the Prodigy, headlining V on their home ground('this is our fucking party' I remember being a sort of theme for the night) so anything else is nothing.

so other than the mall I need to get more music mags, study, and begin operation Convince My Mother To Let Me See Black Swan, for tueday or wednesday. it'll be exciting. :D

oh yeah, so The Kills, whom I'm starting to love, finally released some tour dates for their new album. I wanna go see someone live, so I thought this would be a good idea. I check the dates, and there's a Boston one and I go to the website and of course, just my luck, it's 18+. to add insult to injury, it's the day after my birthday and I would have loved to have seen them. I feel like I'm gonna see no one this year. I'm hoping for Florence again towards the end of the year, Kasabian if I'm lucky, Elbow if I'm even more lucky. sad stuff. moving on.

right, so I'm gonna go watch something on TV, but I leave you with Tired Pony 'cause I have a thing for completely bland pop rock songs. also, I love the video.

Bye :D

Thursday, January 20, 2011

two finals done.

this week, I studied for finals. I stayed up till midnight, got headaches, drank sweat tea, blasted X ray Spex, and ate unhealthy amounts of Pot Noodle every night.

today as my last science class. the final was relatively easy. I'm going to miss that class, oddly, more so than probably all the other classes. it's a shame I think my teacher hates me. The vibes, shall we say, around the school were interesting. Afterwards I sat in the cafeteria with someone in my class, and we flipped through our geometry binders like that was an affective way of studying. most people had nothing that block either so they kind of huddled around declaring how everything was so ridiculously easy, regardless of actual levels of difficulty involved. figuring I didn't want to study for some two hours or eat cafeteria food, I went home and watched Mitchell and Webb.

HAHAHA fantastic, right? Yes!

Also I had a gym final. I know, a gym final. We did that thing were you wrap up eggs and throw them off something. Two idiots in my group were playing catch with it. A few minutes before we were due to present, boy in group shook the package by his ear, declared he heard nothing. probably due to falling on the floor during their stupid game, no doubt. I will reiterate that I will not miss gym class. I will miss my clan of three other people cause they're cool but the other girls are endlessly bitchy(I mean this when I say it--I'm cutting down of my usage of this word). I didn't half mind the teacher until yesterday. "I'm going to miss this class" she said, opening the door to the locker room "you're all really amazing girls.". I walked by to get my bag. "Except some of you are quite quiet" she said, smiling at me. oh, it's the "although" that ruins everything. shy/introverted/whatever people can be amazing too. if the cat got my tongue, it also took all the loud people's brains, I am sure. That's one way to ruin someone's reputation in my eyes.

I spent so long on science I'm sure to do badly in geo. I already did 2/3 of my Spanish, got 100% in reading, and a good 90% I would guess in speaking. Listening has a tiny point value, and writing is just tenses and having payed some minimal amount of attention this year. I'm nearly 100% grade average in that class, I can't be bothered either way. Gonna spend like five hours studying math today. I probs won't miss that class either. I made friends with this really loud, obnoxious girl who doesn't try at all. It's all a facade I'm sure. Kinda Ke$ha-like, minus the blue lipstick. I might miss her.

also I might see Ke$ha if Ticketmaster hadn't majorly fucked up on me. gee, thanks. But I guess there's still hope. Maybe? I don't know. I am SERIOUSLY pissed off about the whole thing, which I am not going into.

possibility of snow day tomorrow, which is good and bad. ruins my four day weekend but gives me study time. monday off, no finals. most people are going back to our old middle schools. I'm not--i think I'd sooner stab myself.

I'm starting to feel nostalgic about this half year being over, but it's probably the cause of my developed sugar addiction(no joke) and my not having eating anything with the substance in it in a while. also, I'm tired. and stressed, duh. my overwhelming sentimentality is a story for when there is no studying to be done. also, I'm tempting fate by saying this is my first winter where I'm not seriously unhappy since 5th grade. but it has to be said.

Anyway, good bye.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

tim minchin, you genius you.

The video with the Spanish translations is of better quality than the one without.

also, I can't stop listening to Tim Minchin phase, yep. this one will probably last about a week or two, I would guess. I go around my house mumbling stuff in a really bad country accent and wondering if I could ever be as good a pianist as him. witty lyrics too, no?

in a similar vain, today I went to a Borders at the mall, and raped their Christian section with copies of the Selfish Gene and a series of books that says rude words in various foreign language. fuck yeah atheism is fun. by far the most entertaining bandwagon of the last century.

also I finally found Lucky by Alice Sebold, which I've only been looking for for about an eternity. I'm slowly reading about four books at the moment. don't have the time, either.

yesterday I kept telling myself I'd study for most of the day, then my mother presented me with a DVD collection of The Thick Of It, then I was in a Harry Potter mood, then I wanted to watch a Louis Theroux doc. Replace each of these things with a list of crappy soap operas, and this would be normal 14-year old behavior four days before finals. unlike most 14 year olds, I seem to feel guilt over the most ridiculous things, such as not studying. Eventually I told myself "I said I was going to study today, I'm GOING to study today". 'today' wasn't really 'today' because this was at one in the morning. did I study? Yes I did.

I mulled over a Kills CD in FYE, because they're super duper awesome. new album soon, please. then I had pizza at Bertuccis. should go to the mall more. need more clothes.

I took the Meyer Briggs personality test again for no reason whatsoever, since I haven't for like two years. In 7th grade I was this sort of angsty ball of perpetual misanthropy and I was hoping I'd changed but no, not at all. I'm still this narcissistic soulless 'mastermind'(not accurate). just thought you should know.

tomorrow; wake up, study, sleep. you already knew that! I'm guessing it's a morning of Spanish verbs, atoms, sound waves, and shapes, an afternoon of verb conjugations, atoms, and area/volume, then an evening of shit loads of Spanish, sound waves/heat/atoms/panic, and geometric proofs. plus loads of Tired Pony and the Sleigh Bells. I love Tired Pony and Sleigh Bells.

that is all, my friends. xD

Friday, January 14, 2011


so what happened with the star signs thing? I payed no attention to the actual thing, only what I am now. Was a Taurus, now an Aries. I look at Aries so called personality traits I'm like, what the fuck, I'm not an Aries. I wanna be a Taurus again. I don't suppose you care but there we go.

It is the week before finals and all hell has broken loose, at least in my head. I keep telling myself I'm going to study but I don't which is stupid then I get stressed, then I worry I'm thinking about finals too much, then I get stressed some more, and then I probably sleep. UGH. stupid finals. I got my schedule today--science 1st block thursday, gym 4th block thursday, geometry 1st block friday, spanish 4th block friday. I was gonna have my gym final(you might at this point be going "uh, gym final?!. I wholeheartedly agree.) on Wednesday but it got moved. I could've eaten out for lunch, got out of school by 10:30. Also in my experience, my brain(stress part plus, uh, science-doing part) need a rest after any science test. or something. functioning life for a whole day after a science final is not possible.

then of course geo and spanish, ugh. I have to do bits of the Spanish final through the week, but the main part is on that one day. I have to memorize the answers to 35 questions this weekend. and, geometry, whilst the easiest by a long way, is probably just enough to send me over the edge. funny, right?

But I'm looking forward to a long weekend. Then I got the next Monday+Tuesday off and the new semester starts Wednesday. Finally got my messed up schedule right. Art, health, environmental science, world civ, and english, for some reason I'm excited. Is it just me or is this year the fastest year ever? Nearly half way through already. and we're halfway through january aren't I supposed to be so melodramatic this time of year? what is going on? I actually like winter this year(where did that come from)--soooo excitied for February. snow and darkness and Peter Doherty, hell yes. just need to get through this damn week.

HEY GUESS WHAT. Tim Minchin(have I mentioned my plans for a polygamic--is that a word?*--marriage with Tim Minchin, Mark Corrigan, and Matt Bellamy? No? Should do that some time) was on some rubbish-y late night talk show that no one in their right mind watches, this week. Tim's trying qat this 'breaking America' thing. this was his US TV debut. I reeeeaaally hopes he makes it here. Inflatable You seemed to go down well--shame he won't get away with much more. He's perfecting his skill of avoiding bear cans being thrown at his head, at this very moment,and then he'll be ready and we'll have forgotten all about Russel Brand by 2010. can't. wait.

I'm supposed to be writing stuff for spanish, therefore this is a post of nothingness. in review of my last few days

- there was a bomb threat at school.
- I have come to the realisation that I must live with at least one obsession at a time. good? bad?
- Tim Minchin has an ironic Jesus door hanging. yes, that's right, an IRONIC JESUS DOOR HANGING. A hugr picture of Jesus, several square feet. Actually I'm not really sure what it is, but oh my god, where did he get it, I must have it now, I literally died of amazement when I saw he had those. can't wait to confuse my parents with that come my birthday.
- I have a science test on Tuesday for no reason whatsoever. not to be melodramatic(psh, when have I ever done that?) but I think I may actually be dead before finals come around.
- bat for lashes is brilliant.
- if someone says you will have a double snow day, don't trust them.
- I have a B- in Science and I think I already died a bit.
- I have about a 103% in Spanish which leaves me thoroughly confused.
- Note; don't get into fashion logs. you will never escape.

that is about it I'm afraid. back to the madness. bye.

*whether this is a word or not, I just found out the term for women marrying multiple men is in fact 'polyandry'. you learn something every day.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I should be studying for a geometry test. I should be losing my mind over finals. I should, really, be having a snow day. nearly 500 schools aren't having school tomorrow, and mine is as of now, not one of them. considering this is a 'blizzard warning' I'm hoping for an announcement tomorrow morning, but regardless, oh how I wish I could waste the night away, watching DVDs and eating pear yoghurts like I do most of my life.

stuff that has happened since I was last here

- I had a beautifully slow weekend
- I had a Peep Show Addict relapse and started planning my wedding to Mark Corrigan(totally healthy behavior there...)
- I listened to loads of lo-fi folk
- I quoted 'Religious Songs' by Withered Hand whenever possible, regardless of situation
- I started wanting, very desperately, to dress like Alison Mosshart from the Kills
- I started counting down the hours until Tim Minchin's first major US TV appearance(26 left.)
- I started trying to fit the word 'milieu' into everyday conversation, and tried my best to replace the word 'discography' with the word 'oeuvre'.
- I got obsessed with KenKen.
- I separated myself from school more than I normally do.

que sera sera.


Snow day, woohoo! Crappy music on the local channel to prove it. should've watched a movie or something--instead what do I do? if it involved Peep Show, you're correct. well, to be technical I was wondering where the best place to buy Stalingrad is. but, y'know, same thing. no really it is.

this is a pathetic post, but there we go. It's midnight on a Tuesday--this feels fucking amazing. to the british DVDs.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Night. NME Playlists. Making a Spanish Study Guide.

This is what is happening right now, obviously.

I'm listening to Grouplove and they're really fun and very distracting. I love the NME for whatever reason and they put up a PLAYLISTS(playlists = fun). I need to get back into the music blog circuit, that is if I was ever any part of it, which I wasn't. Have I mentioned my growing obsession with fashion blogs? I can't explain it, seeing as I'm not a fashionable person in real life. If you'd looked at my blogroll you might have worked that out, but you didn't. my point is, they're pretty and distracting and it gets me away from chill wave and all that.

so we took the christmas decorations down yesterday and everything looks so bland, but that goes without saying. I miss Christmas already, it's pretty sad. However, if I keep telling myself it's not ac tally January, I will survive this horrid month. This week has been nothingy. I went to the mall on Sunday(need brown Aldo boots, now).

It's funny how easier things are when you're actually, y'know, doing them. Wish my perpetually anxious head would learn this. Homework was only un,manageable for, like, two days this week which is kind of odd compared to normal. And, people weren't too annoying, though I had my nose in The God Delusion whenever possible, so I guess I wouldn't know. By the way, I'm totally dragging this book out as long as possible, 'cause in an American high school it has some really amazing affects on people. By that I mean, people either see the word 'God' or 'God Delusion' and they think '..oh. okay. gonna avoid this'. And the people who normally talk about my book or to me while I'm reading, don't. It sounds like I'm a brat, and it sounds it 'cause it's true, but it's so much fun. As for the actual content of the book, it's okay, but I've heard better. there are traces of circular logic in there but he's on the right path and at least he's actually speaking out, you know? Better than everyone else. Did you know atheists are the least trusted minority in the country? Me and Richard Dawkins and the other 10-ish percent of this population, we're gonna change that! But this is an internet-generated rant for another day.

So of course right after Christmas, and we have to start getting ready*for finals. They're either on the 20th or the 21st, which is two weeks away, which is a nightmare. what's that, electricity, magnetism, parallel/series circuits? oh yeah, forgotten about you. Geometric proofs? Yeah, maybe in like October. Each and every Spanish tense I've learned this yeah? *shrugs*. I'm terrified. We took a practice Spanish final today and I knew, basically, nothing and it was very, very worrying indeed! Now I have to spend the entire weekend studying for that, have to type up a study guide, re-learn hundreds of words, and then never ever stop worrying because thank you high school, worry is an inevitability. Plus, it's not like normal life stops, oh no. Spanish quiz tuesday, math test next week, probably a science test, like this week. also, I have a final in gym of all classes. Gym! I so can't wait to get out of that class. Only about five classes left!

only good thing this weekend, my sister's going to a bat mitzvah so I can stay at home and put on Elbow really loud. By the way, Leaders of the Free World is amazing and there's only like three months until their new album, and I swear it's gonna be like Peep Show Series 7 all over again and I'm gonna count down the days because I. LOVE. ELBOW.

oh yeah, Peep Show leads me to TV! I finished all of Getting On and I loved it, naturally, although it did get randomly dark--by dark I mean really, really dark for a show which at the end of the day is a comedy show--but it has some really clever moments, and it's cool that it's written by three women, because there's a definite lack of funny women in the comedy world at the moment. then, I watched one episode of Black Adder and thought it was okay, but let's face it, outdated and not what I'm used to. really interesting to see how comedy and TV has changed.

then, I got through all four series of Mitchell and Webb. I was never that big a fan because of that damn post-apocalyptic quiz show sketch that seemed to rear its ugly head a thousand times. I never even liked it anyway! Too exaggerated! One trick pony! So it really surprised me when I went through all of the other episodes just how good, they were--really, so so good for something which could so easily be misinterpreted as a sort of odd Peep Show spinoff. The quality of the writing was extremely impressive, and you could totally hear when David was writing. Love him.(since I am female, English, and have hit puberty, this is a given). It kinda outshines all the other sketch shows I've ever seen, and almost all of the comedy shows(bar, er, one. bet you can't guess...) I've ever seen. Which is pretty amazing, and amazing how much my views of this show have changed in two weeks.

Shame I'm gonna have to suffice with David Mitchell appearing on QI and Mock The week occasionally(are these shows on at the moment?). Life is sad without him and Robert.

and uh, yeah, that's about it. I'm going to go watch something on TV and eat toast.

sigh. I'm so boring I haven't a clue why the five-ish people who read this even do. one's supposed to be yourself, and I'm sure it's all well and good saying that if hundreds of people read your pretty-looking, almost-interesting blog. I'm here embracing by wannabee version of the weird reality I'm supposed to be into. Oh, standards.

anyway. bye.

* I use 'getting ready' as a sort of euphemism.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

school tomorrow. it's an angst-athon.

school tomorrow and feeling pretty horrible about it. haven't felt this bad since...oh yeah, the last time I was back at that place.

I've found I tend to like school until this exact point in time every year(if three years counts as every year). this is the point at which point everything, all the happiness and warmth and kindness, starts to crumble away. homework is killing me--no really, I almost literally cannot do it. Music, books, TV, sleep--boring but, yes, they are my bread and butter. high school, I would like those things back, please. now. or else my being starts to deteriorate. and thus, potential angst becomes kinetic angst. tada.

I'm probably gonna find out how my science project went tomorrow. here's another chapter to the now-forgotten Peep Show Moment of the Post Chronicles; "allakazoo allakazam, let's see just how fucked I am" - Mark. Good isn't it? And appropriate. I'm expecting for the essay...gosh, I dunno, could honestly be anywhere from an F to an A, it's all about the damn bibliography. handout, a B minus. presentation...B? C? it's anyone's call. My. grade. is. such. a. mess. It's not even in the A range anymore which is massively annoying. grrr. I would like at least honors this term. this is all causes insane amounts of stress and makes school increasingly unpleasant. then of course finals are in about three weeks and I'm worried if I let myself think of them too much, I will have some sort of break down or aneurysm. is there more than one sort of aneurysm? whatever, science is gonna be a disaster in the grades/sanity respect, geometry not good generally, spanish not good and annoying as hell, gym horrible, all round things are pretty bad.

good thing I have a study hall tomorrow. three hours of homework, they say? yeah, maybe if my homework was at my (12-year-old) sister's level. no, it's actually closer to five. or more! depending. people think I'm crazy when I do a very insignificant portion of my homework during the ten or so minutes of free time I have during lunch. but I'm not! I just want to have a life! How come everyone else can manage and I have to resort giving up half my lunch break? actually, some good ol' snobby Richard Dawkins literature is more on the menu tomorrow, unless I have ridiculous amounts of homework(more likely than not), but my point stands. too much goddamn homework! It's so sad.

then of course there's the people. with the except of a handful of nice people, most of whom I rarely see, I've concluded that everyone is naive, boring, shallow, and mostly, utterly, utterly trite. this does include a lot of the people I know to be vastly more intelligent, talented, thoughtful, and friendly than myself, because even they inexplicably end up fitting in same lame stereotype. they are all the same and it's beyond me how they could even turn out that way. am I much better? probably not, I'm just a kinda mishmash of my odd mind and whatever society has thrown at me. it bothers me nonetheless. get your own damn personality, okay? also, don't start talking about 'drama' because honestly unless this directly affects me I couldn't be less interested in her and him and her and her and her and her and she said this which caused her to say that which caused someone to join too many whiny Facebook groups. your friendships are petty and fake and you just need to grow up. and for another matter, don't call me 'sweet', don't call me normal, don't tell me what I think about(yes, this happens.), don't tell me how I behave, don't assume stuff about me. I'm done. I shall become a recluse and live off Richard Avedon photos, fashion blogs, and sugar. I want to be rid of these people.

back to the world of being forced to talk, too, often by my geometry teacher. like, screw that. If someone at my table wants help with a math problem then I will help you as best I can(probably). however, I very much enjoy working by myself and become such a self-absorbed bitch when told to do otherwise. that can't be helped very easily, I'm afraid. believe it or not, 21st Century America, there's nothing wrong with this side of my personality and I can't help it. my geometry teacher would rather us have too many recreational conversations in class than not talk at all. that makes perfect sense. people say the most stupid things and I'm the odd one for not commentating my entire life. keep it in your head, please. I think the desirability of these traits in this culture is very, very sad indeed.

misanthropy session over, happy new year everyone. I spent New Years eve drawing a poster with my sister, in Dunkin Donuts, dreading tomorrow, watching DVDs and the like. I don't actually like new years that much. I'm the only one who finds something decidedly hollow in the fireworks and the champagne and the staying up till midnight. something about the endlessness and insignificance of it all--quite the contrary to what most people feel, I know. also the knowledge of january's arrival is lonesome. I'm pretty much dead until April. though, weirdly I was comfortable with bare arms yesterday it was so warm, and the snow's melting. I went for a walk. our car got stuck in the barely-there snow. it's also an FJ Cruiser. a couple levels of irony there.

today I went to the mall. 'bout it. I watched Getting On for hours on end. feeling pretty terrible for most of it, due to reasons mostly explained above. I'm here now. listening to iron and wine. I'm avoiding my homework. did I mention feeling pretty terrible? yeah, that too!

I want to sleep and week up for FRebruary vacation.

I'm gonna go now, I need to get my bag and rest. good night.