Friday, January 28, 2011

so these last few days were pretty cool.

for one thing, I had a two day school week. just Monday and Friday. that in itself is the makings for a wonderful week, no matter how the bookends of it pan out. I reveled in the lack of finals for most of Monday. felt like doing a run through of all the HP movies(shrugs) and watching awkward clips of the Graham Norton show for far too long that night. it was pure, pure bliss. tuesday the same-ish also, nothing much to say there. ditto wednesday, plus overloads of DVD marathons, hot chocolate, and Iron&Wine, and eating out for lunch. it snowed again! so much snow lately. Thursday was a snow day. It shouldn't have been really. it should have been a two hour delay, that's what everyone was expecting. but what do you know, a snow day it was.

I don't hate snow days yet; most people around me do. People keep updating their FB statuses like "yeah, we know it's a snow day, stop updating your statuses about it!" and "I hate snow...I actually want a summer!" like they think they came up with it. snow days became unfashionable round here like a week and a half ago. whatever. It's not like you do anything in June anyway and US summers are like crazy long compared to most European places. so you get out on June 27th or whenever? wow. big deal. another three days of the teacher not caring enough anymore to assign much homework.

yesterday I realised my bedroom wall is running out of spaces for posters. I bought a copy of Factory and a gray butcher boy hat.

I found out my geometry final grade! I got an A, 95% proving that geometry is actually stupidly easy. These lost 5% were due in part to only one test, so the whole thing was kinda silly. Also, I got about a 92% on the final which is round about what I wanted(side note; because I studied for little more than two hours for this, and about eight for science, I will probably fail science. logic has not been a theme for my test taking so far this year). Apparently, the final didn't go so well for most people--I think the average was like the high 70s? Sorry if I sound like I'm bragging. Smart people called me smart because of this, which is something to keep oneself content for a little while. No news on other final grades yet.

the new semester started today and it was pretty good. After some scurrying around the school before the day began, I had art. Something quite noticeable about the art teachers here is that however talented they may or may not be, they appear not even remotely 'artsy', you know? my teacher is this guy who's retiring this year. He droned on and on the entire block, first about learning and the steps a child takes when drawing and then made us write our names various ways repeatedly and in the last two minutes he was like 'so, let's talk about the color wheel'. I sat with a girl from my geometry class and another from my spanish. No one in our class knows each other. we were silent the whole time. but it's only art.

Environmental Science, oh my God. way to ruin a potential perfect 2nd semester, science. i hear the teacher's a 'mean lady'. she ran out for something for the first ten minutes. came back, talked about her many turtles she keeps in the classroom(with the water filter things that buzz relentlessly, much to my annoyance) then gave us like seven handouts saying things that differed very slightly. also, the subject matter looks more dull than what I'd expect. makes some of physical science look wonderful. it's more focused on, say, geology and the structure of the Earth than I expected. how very naive of me. my class makes up for it. most number of people I know/like a bit relative to class size, I'd say.

after my new 1st lunch block(10:40? wtf?), I had history. or world civilisations, as it is called, but I would prefer to call it history. our teacher used to teach at my middle school. he's quite intimidating and very abrasive, but y'know, he gets stuff done. he only spent a half hour on contracts and books(they're like six inches thick.) and then he dived right in there. THE SPREAD OF ISLAM. YES. SOMETHING WAY INTERESTING. I am secretly a history nerd. it's just in middle school all I did was ancient history and US history. they have their good points, but to be honest both of those are pretty low down on my list of parts of history I find interesting. I flipped through my enormous textbook, while he's talking about tolerance and the spreading of culture and how no one was familiar with the term 'polytheism'(*cough*mixed level classes *cough*), and I'm thinking this is the COOLEST STUFF EVER. and guess what, I hadn't already done it to death already! so we're starting on this whole religious thing, focusing mostly on Islam, then why do the European middle ages, African middle ages, monarchies, the European renaissance, the French revolution and I was all like, this is freaking incredible. plus, very little homework. yes yes yes! xD

last period english. english is almost always my favorite class so I can't really complain about too muc here. the teacher seems nice, as does my class. she just gave us books and talked about stuff then made us write stuff about ourselves, then read. she seemed intent on knowing everything about us. I hate those 'get to know you' questions because they ask such inane stuff and it's not honest, cause you wanna give an impression. mine didn't turn out quite right. I was all like "Mark Z Danielewski! And Edward Scissorhands! And punk!" and then I was like "dogs! and vanilla ice cream! and spring". whatevs. she gives a lot of homework. and four books? that's kinda ridiculous. and horrible to carry home.

so that was my new semester, in a very long winded fashion, health in stead of art monday. monday morning is the quest of where the room is, since I've been given like three different room numbers.

finally, I saw Black Swan today and I totally loved it. do not come to me for movie opinions, unless you want them extremely juvenile and misinformed and generally ignorant of movies. I'll just stick with saying it was great. :D

so now I have homework to do again...hmm. okay, that's it for now.


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