Monday, September 27, 2010
without him I am only revolutions of ruin.
I'm eating salt and vinager crisps/chips/whatever at the moment. They're my favorite kind. It's weird because most places don't sell them. And also, salt and vinegar are suppsoed to be blue, ready salted red, etcetera. I hate when they mess around with the colors. I love how I'm refering to 'them' like they're this big corporation we're supposed to oppose. I mean yeah they're a big coporation but I sound like I'm trying to be such a rebel for disliking crisp colors. Yeah, fight the power.
I'm just about done with homework now. I mean, I'm totally and completely lost with math at the moment and I have a test tomorrow which is fantastic obviously. What exactly is the point of a geometric proof? I hate it. Everyone at my table(which, by the way, is all the shy kids thrown together for no real reason. Silly teacher) was completely lost, too, and the teacher made it no clearer. My mom looked at it, and she had no clue either. The rules are too stupid and particular you can't do anything with them. So fail this test I will.
I'm probably best at math out of everything at the moment, oddly. I got 100% on a quiz last week. First 100% of the year and I really didn't deserve it but oh well, a hundreds a hundred right? Spanish is going okay in terms of quizzes and stuff, although I had an oral quiz last week which did not go too well. I keep making an idiot of myself in front of the class, but that happens the whole time anyway. At least we changed seats and I'm sitting next to a friend of a friend and this quiet guy who seems nice, rather than the snob and the guy who cracks his gum too loud. And we haven't sung anything in a few days, hoorah.
Science is going okay too. Got an 85% on a test. Not great but I'd say fairly average judging by the looks of things. I did okay on my lab which is weird because I hate labs. I actually like Newton's laws this time around. I hated it in 7th grade. It makes sense now and I like it.
Things are just generallys o much better than 6/7/8th grades now, anywa. I miss seeing all my friends evereyday, but I do not miss how nervous and stressed and stuff I felt last year. I feel so much better now. I do miss seeing all my friends in the hallway but just about everything else is okay.
Oh, except gym. Gym was a nigthmare today. In gym you basically have to physically attach me to someone running to make me run. Remarkabley, they knew that. I was in a chain of people today holding hands as they ran to catch other people. I hate running. Then we had to do one of this logic problems where you're standing on mats and you can barely make everyone fit and you end up just holding on to each other for dear life. And then, get this, we play this puzzle game and if you get it you're "in the possy" and if you don't you're out until you do. I never get that stuff anyway but whatever. I was actually told by someone else how to do it I just couldn't be bothered. That's the honest truth. But it's sort of humiliating ansd unfuriating how when you're the last of two people left and everyone's giving it away and laughing. Especially now that the group's supposed to be about friendship and making conncections and having higher self esteem. BS. And then these girls who I actually like walked back mocking my accent. My accent kinda gave away the trick that got me into the group. Partly why I was embarassed with it. But anyway, it's weird with the accent thing because A it hasn't happened in a long time and B Rarely was it as bad as that. I'm not saying it's such enormous discrimination because it obviously isn't, it's just sort of frustrating and sadenning when it happens. I wad acvtually pretty upset after all that. Read my book in the hallway after gym. Ha.
I have study hall tomorrow. It's both a laugh and a burden. Some girl's started sneaking in now to talk to her boyfriend who's so loud and disrupts everyone anyway, and she just kinda doubles it. Poor kid in my class is fourteen and looks half his age and he has now developed the niockname "Minny Allen" And then they throw paper planes and giggle and the happy couple kiss and it's blooding annoying. Then again, it's not gym.
Had a great weekend, too. it was *name of my town* Day on Saturday which was great fun. Got slightly freaked by all thepeople I could potentially happen(don't know what that happens, but id does) but it was great, they had a lot of stores and it was well into the 80s temperature wise which was great because I'm growing to hate fall. I got Swiss bread that I got before. Walked around. Looked at stuff. I like days like this. And, oh, get this, The Candles were there. The Candles are huge. Reviewed in the NME and everything. I 'd actually heard of them before, which is weird for such a smalle event. They really didn't deserve The Candles, but hey, they got them! And it was great. Adorable. great summer music. I got their CD although I'm not sure it's the sort of thing I would ordinarily listen to. Still, it was fun. Next Saturday I have a neighborhood autumn party type thing. A ton of people are going and it's gonna be absolutely phenomenal. Can't wait.
I read the new Ellen Hopkins book, Fallout and it was pretty mediocre. Fun to read but had no plot. I'm not sure how realistic her characters are but I can never really see myself in normal teen characters, so maybe I'm not the best resource for that. I loved Crank and Glass was pretty good and I've read a lot of her other books and I liked those, but Fallout didn't quite do it for me.
I ordered (the readable) Only Revolutions sa few days ago because I am really that much of a Biffy Clyro fan. I'm like 40 pages in and my God it is phenomenal. Almost compelte nonsense, but profundly beautiful, intimindating, unique, revolutionary, poetic, realistic, entertaining, daunting. You spend half your time reading it upside down and it's clever. There are some things that are so quotable in there, too. It's extordariny. Writing hasn't really done anything new in...well, quite a long time and it's people like this guy who make it more interesting. Like, way more itneresting. it's nothing short of spectacular, I promise you, and easily one of my favorite books. Anyone who can read must go and read it NOW.
I'm gonna cram for math and find a song I like that's actually on iTunes. It will be a tricky hour. Then I'm gonna forget all of that and listen to the Pope Song by Tim Minchin until I fall asleep.
Guten nacht, all.
- Naomi
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
the birds and the bees have all caught STDs(not that this is at all relevant)
Guys, a line has been met. I have now officially seen every single Peep Show episode there has been. Yes, it is very sad. Until November there is no more Mark Corrigan quotes for me to discover. Very sad indeed. Until November I'll just have to keep updating my AIM with random excerpts of wit and keep telling myself I will one day create a band called the Big Beat Manifesto, just because of Jez and Superhans. I thought that was worth noting.
I'm listening to Tinie Tempah for some reason I can't really explain. Enough of that. I can't explain my music at the moment--I'm on a poetry writing tip which never happens because I can't write anyway, I barely practiced piano this week, and my CD player keeps vomiting up the All Time Low CD I impulse purhcased over the weekend. When I say vomiting, they can actually write a better whiny emo song than most. Maybe it's the hair. At least, that's what all their copycat bands seem to think it is.
Oh, but I got Brandon's new album. I'm gonna see him now--It's a loyalty thing I can't seem to shake. I wanted to see The Antlers--I saw them in June--but it was 18+. Again. Why is it 18+? it's so unfair.
It felt like summer again--yay, I'm slightly happier and feel free! Today the weather got to eighty degrees or around there and I got to wear shorts in the afternoon. Not at school sadly. It's freezing when I wake up anyway. My lunch table was stupid again and we didn't sit outside. I guess it's not my choice. I choose to sit with them, I sit where they sit, but it was so nice outside. They also talked about how certain phones suit certain genders and some peoples' 8th grade English teacher. Again. I need a new lunch table.
I'm not sure what there is to say about school, but that's all that's really going on, so I suppose I'm obliged to. A few days ago I somehow gave myself a headache from yawning so much. I didn't know that was possible--hey, turns out it is. I got to miss half of Spanish, which was great because I'm growing to hate Spanish. Oh yes, that's something else entirely--I regret Spanish. I was gonna take German because I'm so bad at Spanish, but then I figured German would be much the same, except with three articles and a lot more unpronounceable words. So, Spanish it was. Turns out, not a good idea. While my quizzes are going okay, I guess, I keep humiliating myself because we keep playing games and going in the language lab(which is a vile thing, regardless of language or teacher) and I can never do anything right. It kinda sucks. I'm gonna switch to German next year. I'm sick of being told German isn't as useful as Spanish. I just generally hate the idea that another language is useful. It isn't. Less so as we get older than now, even. That's not to say another language shouldn't be learned. Of course it should! The usefulness thing, though, that's not the point--it's all about culture. You just don't realise that when you start age eleven. So yeah, I'll learn German instead, although it seems to happen all the emo kids are in German. Not sure why. If I do German next year I'll be in a class of emo freshman, I would imagine. Joy of joys.
Gym class. Gym class. It's a love/hate relationship. I was actually forced into running yesterday and then we did the most humiliating games. First this clapping and naming things game, which I lose virtually every time. And then this game where everyone has to run under a jump rope(increasing sets of tasks once that's done) and if you do it wrong, everyone starts it again. You know me, I'm always the one to run at the wrong time, conjugate the simple verbs incorrectly, or write the answers in science in letters rather than numbers. I am that person. And it doesn't help having the weight of 36 people on my shoulders. My stupid brain. Hell, how is there any point to that game? To humiliate me? To be given sneering looks from other girls in the class and laughs from the guys? That's supposed to help with the self esteem crap and have fun and make us participate as a team as opposed to shout at each other? There's a flaw in that logic. The good thing is, we're supposedly working so badly as a team, that they might split up our two classes meaning my class of like eighteen. All my friends included. Aha, yes--that would be heavenly. Probably not gonna happen, but I can hope.
today was picture day. Not much going on there. A half hour out of classes, hoorah!
Tomorrow I have both a Spanish and a Geometry quiz. We're doing statements and conditionals in geometry, it's good because it barely appears mathematical. On the contrary, science appears very mathematical at the moment, I'm so done with physical science when I get the chance. No, biology all the way, no matter what my family keeps doing. But today in science we got off to a tangent about astronomy and velocity and gravity and stuff and no one started rolling their eyes or anything. Like, it was in complete seriousness. I have the greatest science class ever. Like in the mornings, I'm normally the second outside my class and eventually it becomings a coming and going of like fifteen people. Which is great fun, because I'm normally so quiet most of the day, it's nice to get out there the slightest bit for a little while. Today I was talking to three or four people in my Science class, one in my Spanish, one at lunch, and some friends of acquaintances. I don't know why I love those mornings so much-but I do.
Mockingjay is the most overrated book imaginable. come on, I could have written that. Oh wait, I'm too realistic to write a character as pathetically fake as Katniss, I think. And the plot isn't even interesting, like the first two. Come on. And stop patronizing me, author--Yes, I do know about war, thank you very much. Your stupid post-apocalyptic nonsense didn't clear anything up. One star. Wonderful.
"The birds and the bees, have all caught STDs". Just thought I should mention that. LYRICS OF THE YEAR. Nice one, Mystery Jets.
I didn't have that much to do today, but I did have piano and I have studying. Bye blog
- Naomi
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Boy Kicked The World, The World Kicked Back A Lot Harder
Hello there.
Be prepared for awkward. 'cause I feel like going on a short Pope rant.
So far I haven't actually written about it anywhere and frankly this isn't the time or place for me and my left-winged-ness so I'll just keep this brief. Basically, Pope, screw you. Out of the two of us we can agree one of us believes there's a God and the other does not. You seem to believe one of us is also a Nazi. I'll tell you now that that person is not me, you stupid bigoted dick. Take your crap elsewhere. Ignoring the fact for now that throwing the wor 'Nazi' around 24/7 is sick and disrespectful to actual victims of Nazi Germany, let's add some Naomi logic in here; you seem to think condoms are sinful thus you try to deter the use of them in various places in Africa by saying they spread AIDS, in a sort of attempt to promote abstinence. I swear to God, I actually heard that. So. Assuming someone were Catholic they might listen to you, and if somehow they believe you, well, what if they get AIDS? Yeah, they die. Wait. So who is the Catholic-killer now? Not us Athiests, no, it is in some twisted way, your fault, Pope. Oh, what a Nazi. Dick.
Now that I've got that party out of my system, we can sort of pretend that never happened and get on with our lives. Ahem.
The great thing about high school is how much more exciting it makes the weekends. Like, it may be wet outside and I may not be listening to music(yet. Where's my NME?) it was just really exciting to get into a supremely lazy routine of read, music, Facebook, repeat from two thirty to nine and then blog. Also, it was really great, my sister went out with friends because she actually has a non-school social life, and I was alone with Chinese takeout, series 6 episode 1 and 2 of Peep Show, and my copy of Mockingjay. Oh, it is lovely, Fridays are the best. Superhans, you are such a lovely crackhead. I can't wait for series seven.
Oh, by the way, do you know what I heard this week? Only the best news of the year. If Peep Show is my cocaine, then Nevermind The Buzzcocks is unquestionably my heroin; and guess what. IT IS RETURNING. Just when I was losing hope on that front, hey, there it is again. Well, in a couple months I'm guessing. Hosts include Robert Webb, Frankie Boyle, Mark Ronson, and ohmyeffinggod Tim Minchin. I was sort of obsessed with Tim Minchin in July-ish time. It was great. I love Tim, he's so clever and funny and talented. And hosting? Jesus, it'll be great. Cannot. Wait. New Glee series in a couple days? That's nothing. Give me Next Lines instead any day!
school has been moving along this week. The first five-day week felt oddly unlike a five-day week. It moved fast. There's a lot of elements of the school I really, really truly like, a lot. My science teacher's so cool, she doesn't patronize us and she talks how I'd like to talk if I was smarter. I get to school a half hour before school starts and I go into my hallway and it's super quiet. I like the routine in the morning, I pass three or four friends, sit down outside my class, take out a book or some studying that needs doing and sit there and drift away and watch people flow past. Be the creeper staring at everyone because she thinks that routine's nifty. An hour twenty minutes in science, nearly fall asleep, wake up on the way to geometry, talk to my ever-growing group of people approaching friends in Geometry, walk to Spanish, forty minutes Spanish, lunch and then read as lunch finishes, back to Spanish, Spanish, and then either gym or study. On the bus. Ride home. Homework. Computer. Sleep. Boom boom boom, easy, organised, fun. No one treating you like a baby or making you do skits and no gawking at the clock for a half hour because it's so tedious. No. Plus, everyone's really cool. I don't know why the people from the other middle schools seem so much cooler than in my middle school, but they so are. They're really down to Earth, they don't go on about being so out-there and they're not so homophobic and they don't make half the cafeteria stare at your lunch table(my goal is to find a new lunch table.) because they're just so loud. Stupid people I know. Why can't they be like everyone else at school? Why can't they be nice and weird but not too extroverted? Why is that so hard to ask for in a person? it seems I may never know.
I was gonna elaborate on this more, but it seems I may be in too good a mood. But regardless, I went to a music festival this summer. After every concert I get in bad moods about it being over. And I didn't for V. I only just realised it was because I didn't have time. Now that things are calming down it just sorta exploded. I miss home. I miss summer already. When I walk to my bus stop there are acorns and leaves falling, and I've started to wear jeans again. It makes me really sad. I miss the freedom so much it hurts. Summer walks, music festivals, British TV, shorts and t-shirts, it's so saddening I can't even begin to explain it. While I like school, I wanna go back so badly. I don't like this country, not that I see much of it thanks to homework. I don't want winter to come. I want warm and happiness again, not science and Facebook. Boo hoo. I don't know why I'm contradicting myself all over today, but it so happens I am. It's juat that all I want is July again.
But such is life.
Thanks for reading if you did. I guess I'm off to practice piano or read or sleep. Night everyone!
- Naomi
Monday, September 13, 2010
It's Nine Twelve
Miraculously, I finished my homework today and it wasn't even six. How great is that? Thank you school. Some days I hate you. Some days I love you. you're being especially weird and moody at the moment. I wonder why that is.
I was gonna start this a half hour ago, but I was distracted by Peep Show quotes and Kevin Devine. It's very difficult to go hunting down new music, you know, when I'm trying to write something. I might go get High Violet from downstairs. Matt from The National's voice is one that will surely grate after a few listens, sadly, or at least I think. If you listen to it too consistently, actually, rather than too much. Wait, what am I saying? That makes no sense. What I find beautifully ironic about Matt is that he has a slimmer vocal range than your average person, let alone your average singer, and yet he wins all these "Best male Voice" awards the whole time. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it--my God, he does. He's voice is stunning. The whole thing is funny, that he's so good. I hate the idea lately that art is about doing as much as you can as fast as you can. It isn't. Art is so much more. Thus, I present to you, The National.
Anyway, I didn't mean to write that. So, school, school, school. I got 11% above average on a science test. Pretty damn good considering I did not deserve such a grade. We're working on speed and acceleration and vector quantities. Don't ask. I don't wanna know about all that stuff anyway. Who would? Spanish I had a quiz today and, again, I was too lucky with that stuff. I shouldn't deserve to understand it all. Possibly the best Spanish class so far. I'm growing to hate all of them. Geometry I have a quiz tomorrow and I'll probably do okay, it's just vocab this time around. My Geometry teacher's annoyed because I don't talk enough, or something*, but hey, so is everyone. It shouldn't really bother me as much as it does. She's annoying, though. She gives more homework than Science and Spanish combined and claims it will take a half hour. No, it won't. If I knew the answers instantly, the writing along would take more than a half hour! Loads of people are dropping the class. It's sort of an okay thing to do. I don't like this class.
I didn't have study hall today, which I'm growing to love, but I did have gym. Naomi, keep telling yourself you still hate gym, even though you know that's not true. Not once today did I get really frustrated and upset at myself because I did something stupid in a game. No, we played every body's it, and got into partners and I was with who I was partners with first day. For all his basketball shirts and annoying football friends, he's pretty nice and cool. There were worse people in the class. Then we played group games. it was cool. Gym class is my favorite still, the people are nice mostly. Do I found myself actually excited for gym? Oh wow, I think I do.
The nice thing about school at the moment(and possibly about high school in general? I'm not sure) is how unsure everybody is in terms of friends, that they're just willing to talk to everyone. The mornings are great, the position of my science room is brilliant. I was talking to three or four girls in the hallway that morning, most I had never talked to before and it was okay because they weren't sure what to say, either. Same with Geometry, and gym especially. I've talked to so many people, oddly, and they don't care if you talk to them either and it's really relaxed and I haven't developed a burning hatred for anyone yet. that's what's so cool. it's one of my favorite things about it.
*In relation to my Geometry teacher, again, when she asked us questions about ourselves on one of the first days she asked us to 'rate our shyness' 0-10, ten being the least, supposedly being the optimum. I used to think the idea that shyness isn't a sort of defect or major problem went without saying, but lately, I'm not so sure. The next day 'we got very few people under a 5...and we'll deal with those people as we go along'. What the hell? You'll deal with my three? (or was it two? I'm not sure. Three is fairest). That's horrid. Basically saying that I have a personality problem, a defect in my brain, that I'm socially inept, etcetera. What the fuck is that? that's sick. Horridly extroverted human beings, ugh, yuck.
Basically other than that, I just finished reading a book called Sarah's Key. I can't remember the author. But it was great. I'm going through a WWII phase at the moment. The book started out horrible and then halfway through it got absolutely unbelievable. Go read it. However, I do hope it doesn't give you a dream when one minute you're at a swimming pool in a manor house and then you're being moved to a concentration camp. Because that happened to me. Okay, I'm done with these books for the moment.
I can actually probably get this in time for Peep Show or something. Only 9:49, Jesus, I'm learning to use my time well. Other than that, go listen to Gold Panda, I'm obsessed with Manchester Orchestra, and Peter Doherty is wittier than you are I will ever be, regardless of his mental state. I bet that's why journalists fuck with him so much. JEALOUS. haha. anyway, see you guys some other time.
- Naomi
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I Got A Day Off.
Thank God for Judaism and its holidays. I needed a break. Not just because school is physically and mentally tough at the moment, but because I've been having difficulties the last couple of days. I really needed a break. I'm not saying the sort of pointless nervousness I experienced in middle school(which was, frankly, extreme) is comparable to high school but like...Tuesday and Wednesday were tough. Well, just Wednesday, but still. it rained in the morning. pretty in the sunrise, but hell, it's rain and I don't want autumn to come. Winter officially terrifies me. It's so miserable. But anyway, we had an essay in the physical science class from the summer reading we did. Question; "Is the main character a hero?". How am I supposed to answer that without diving into some big swimming pool of cliches? answer; I've no idea. So I did the cliched 'a hero can be many things' route, sixty minutes, a page and a half. Crap but not difficult. Geometry my teacher's a narcissistic bitch and had a go at me for doing the wrong side of a worksheet, not that she actually specified which side to do, naturally. I don't know why that got to me, something about the almost public humiliation of it, but whatever way I panicked and couldn't do much else and went my usual route of internal self hatred and anger. This plus a really, really bad Spanish lesson didn't help. I got a C on a quiz. Okay, so that was actually pretty middle of the road, I did hear of Fs, Ds, and Bs, but no As so it's not like a tragic grade, but still, C. And then we played this conjugation game and I suck at Spanish so the public humiliation continued, and then I had to review homework with the girl next to me. I couldn't do half of it. She didn't think much of me, and after my performance in that class, I do not blame her. But it still hurt like hell. it's weird that gym would be some sort of hi light, but so it was--one game I looked like a total fool, and I heard we get graded down for not bringing gym clothes(which I will not be doing, FYI, because the rule is pathetic and because I don't like getting changed), but otherwise it wasn't bad. The whole thing just got a bit much.
Thank Christ for this break. Five days straight will be a nightmare. I keep waking up at four in the morning for no reason. also, homework is too much. I could handle today's, not that we were supposed to get homework, but a whole four days straight is difficult.
One day I need to write something more conclusive about Peep Show. I was getting upset at the silliest things earlier, like my height, which may not be much(five two, if you're interested, not that you are) and I got into this nightmarish loop of miserableness(wannabee emo lyric of the day?), and I was like 'I need Peep Show now'. Not only is Peep Show realistic and genius and clever and possibly the most genuinely witty and funny Sitcom there has ever been in my opinion, it's comforting. Everyone's a bit like Jeremy, a bit like Mark, some more to one than the other. I'm about 5%-95% on the Jeremy-to-Mark scale. Watching Mark makes me laugh and makes me feel better. I am Mark Corrigan. It's okay. He can relate. He can relate about a lot of things. And it's okay Mark is wonderful, not that I am, and you're not on your own, Naomi. I need that quite a lot, just like everyone I suppose. Sometimes Peep Show is all that comforts me. Right now I find it more comforting than music and reading and playing piano and blogging combined. Wednesday I had a bad day and I just had a late-night Peep Show episode. Mark's public humiliation, self hatred, embarrassment, fear, and anxiety is endless; and it's so wonderful to see because our days are so similar. it makes me feel so much better about myself and about the world in general. That is why Peep Show is so brilliant. That is why I watch it so much. That is why I have greatly over exaggerated about a lightweight comedy show.
In other news, today I went to Concord which is one of my favorite places. All quirkiness and history, I love it. I went to one store that was dedicated to stuff that was meant to look antique, largely things centered around birds and eggs and nests. When I look at antiques, first I feel very angry about myself for being overly sentimental, feminine, simple, and easily tricked by stupid things. And then part of me goes 'oh my god. it's an old fashioned weighing machine! I need that!'. Then part of me wonders if I have the money or the means to take something big home. So I go looking for something small. And then I realise I can't pick one small thing that I love more than the others so I pick up the first cutesy thing I find. Then I leave with an expensive notebook with the picture of a worn-out newspaper and a butterfly on top and I wonder what exactly happened in the last twenty minutes. But it's fun, right? Concord is so wonderful and it was so good to relax and do nothing.
Apparently a theme for this blog is choppy paragraphs, so that is the way it will stay. Have you heard of Perfume Genius? He's a music an. I generally avoid the word 'lo-fi' because most lo-fi sucks and I hate the term. But his song Learning is cool and it has quite good lyrics. there are a couple of songs I want but they're not on iTunes USA. Also, I need to add my Pretty Reckless, Editors, National, Skunk Anansie, and Kings of Leon CDs to my iPod but somehow I don't see myself having the time.
Two things, one, 'redundant' is my new favorite word, because I always go for the obvious ones. Two, I have last period Friday study hall which I see as sort of...redundant? That doesn't actually really work, but that's the closest I've got so far. I'm looking forward to it. Shamefully, I haven't been keeping up with reading at all, except in the mornings at school when I've been sitting outside my science class(which happens to be in the freshman hallway) with some other nerd. I need to keep up if I hope to reach fifty books. Also I have a science quiz tomorrow, my first in that class, and the stuff we're doing is more my style than most of the stuff in that class will be, but still, I like my teacher because shes something of an evil genius. Emphasis of evil. I'm expecting another C. Thanks high school; rather than reading fifty books this year, I will get fifty quizzes with C grades. Cheers.*
Well, it's that time of the night where I choose between reading my crap WWII novel, playing Song of India for the millionth time on piano, watching TV, or studying. Oh, it's a tricky one. See you another time, blogsophere.
- Naomi
*that is possibly the first and only time I will ever use that word in that context.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Homework Has Made Me Go Peep Show Cold Turkey(Almost)!
You know what I miss? Being bored. Having time. Doing nothing. All of that. I'm having a particularly difficult time with homework lately, I'm not sure why. Yes, everyone is sort of struggling with keeping up with its enormous amount, but I in particular seem to be having problems. In terms of time, especially. Okay, so I do sort of do homework on and off during the day, but still, it's not that bad and I started at 2:55, finished at about eight oclock. And I had study hall today! This. Is. Madness. In fact, forget that, this is unhealthy and ridiculous. Perhaps it's the fault of the classes. I could go into an easier class...but I don't think my self esteem could forgive me. It sounds silly but I couldn't live with that.
And this is why I'm on the verge of tears, losing my mind, panicking, and half considering giving up entirely. I cannot do this.
Hell, guess what, I was having a panic after I'd finished my HW, and my mum knows of my new obsession and how indulging it would help me feel better, she was like "Okay, we can watch an episode of Peep Show later". And do you know what I said? I said "I don't think I have time, but maybe". Becuse that is the truth. And when I, who can average four or five episodes of this show on a day on a weekend, cannot fit in one episode on a weekday because of homework, then you know something has gone seriously wrong. and it's very sad. I miss my daily Mark Corrigan fix. But more I miss the knowledge that that fix is a given--depdent on nothing.
Right now I'm gonna blog on both(both as in plural, blogs and listen to The National's High Violet with my big headphones. and it will help. I'm not exactly sure what Matt Berninger is singing about a lot of the time, but all I know is he seems pretty down, too, and he is a baritone so it is very comforting.
The ironic thing is, I may hate school when I'm a t home, but I like it when I'm there. Actually, I like it a lot. In some ways the classes are killing whatever self confidence I had before, but today I brought my iPod on the bus, I read my book in the both vile and relaxing experience that is lunch and my lunch table, only got slightly bored in physical science, found geometry moved easily and fast, and Spanish isn't half bad. I like the classes. It's kinda testing my introvetrtedness but it's easy to fight back, and waking up is a pain, but it pays off. I quite like my teachers. And study hall or gym at the end of the day. it's good. The only thing I'm seriously worried for is Wednesday without study hall, when I have piano, and I don't know what I'll do.
I have had no time for piano and I feel very upset, because I was moving so well with it last year. I can only blog some days. I can't spend time finding new bands online. I haven't had the chance to draw all week. I haven't done guitar in forever. Some days I can't even read. In these afternoons, I am a bt miserable.
Oh, I am a whiny teenager, aren't I?
Anyway, it doesn't help to have a crap week because I had such an amazingly relaxing weekend. Saturday I went to the mall with my family and Natalie's friend. It was mostly for the friend but the mall is the only thing of a very commercial nature(except some of the onternet, I suppose) that I can stomach right now and I haven't been in a while and it was really fun. I looked around the clothes shops but didn't buy. On an other note, it's getting weirder and weirder, mainstream fashion, sort of. Also, while I will never forgive FYE for not having Libs or Babyshambles or Peter Doherty(a February '10 obsession, FYI), I do give them credit for Jonsi and Freelance Whales. I've only had the chance for FW so far but what I've heard is profoundly beautiful. Give me twee lyrics any day, I don't care! Wire my heart to your synthesizers please. Your music is so beautiful. Also, I got a smoothie and got out of the house. Oh, and on Monday me and my mom went fruit picking I can't beleieve I don't do it more, it's one of my favorite activites, I guess you could say. it's great being out in the summer sun, picking rasberries, looking under peach trees, and then we got icecream and the farm is so...farmlike and so absolutely folksy and lovely. I'm in love with that place. The sun says it's still summer--so, in my book, it is.
One thing I've mixed feelings on. Could the stores please stop saying it's autumn? Because it. is. not. autumn. yet. I don't like autumn that much. Okay, I suppose there's something stunning and hypnotic about the leaves, halloween, the nice weather, fruit picking again, goingfor walks, all of that. Autumn was amazing for me last year. actually, what am I saying, I love autumn. Love it. But it's not summer. Only I can see something as beautiful as autumn and think "everything is...dying", right? It's just I can seriously barely handle the winter I hate it so much and from January, February, to March, I don't know what I'll do. it's a good thing it's only September.
The only other news is that I've spent the week opposing the common 21st century idea of 'feminism'. I really wanna discuss it so much but I'm done here. I haave organge juice, music, and the internet. In 8th grade I would say time to kill--now I would say time to savor. I hope next time I write here I'm in a better mood.
Until then!
- Naomi
Friday, September 3, 2010
I'm Tireeeeeed.
I'm a little out of it right now. For some reason for the last few days I haven't been too bad getting up for school and going to bed and things. And I don't think I'm jet lagged anymore, I don't feel it anyway. And then two hours ago I just kinda collapsed on the sofa I was so tired and feel asleep for two hours. I know it's very cool as a teenager to have silly sleeping schedules, but I am not liking this. I had so much to do tonight! That's two hours gone! It doesn't even feel like anything at the moment, I have a headache and I'm so exhausted, I dont have a chance to catch up on my reading, start my music blog, watch Peep Show again, go exploring the bands in the pages of the NME, or something. I'm really upset now. I used to love my nine to twelve Internet time followed by one episode of something on TV. But I just don't think I can make it. But what can I do? Ugh.
While day one was great, I've been definitely having a case of Second Album Syndrome with the last two. First off, on the subject of homework, I am most definitely not a happy camper. Monday was pretty bad, Tuesday was something else. I was struggling with math quite a lot at first, and I had to study for Spanish and I had science a little bit, and I needed to go get some more paper(mostly just to get out of the house, admittedly, although I spent most of the time outside the house in a panic). I got into the I'm So Stupid thing which is inconvenient and frustrating while doing homework but also wastes a good amount of time. I literally didn't have time for anything else that day. Maybe like a half hour to an hour online, that's it. There comes a point, surely, where the amount of homework one has becomes not only annoying, but unhealthy, right? If I didn't have time to do anything I liked...that can't be right, can it? How can anyone do this? How does anyone make it through high school alive? The work load is killing me right now.
I have two friends on the bus, and one of them is in my Physical Science, Spanish, and lunch with me. And don't get me wrong I like him, but I'm missing the independence that for me came with middle school in that I wasn't followed around by someone half the day. I've spent so much of the last few days talking to him or someone in the hallway, and frankly it's driving me a bit crazy. I'm excited for this weekend just so I can be to myself at last. Gaaaah. I'll bring my iPod on Tuesday(long weekend, woo). I'm sick of being talked to for the moment. I brought my book in to lunch today. It was worth it. Lunch feels long in high school, but of course it isn't.
OH WAIT. Just so you know, while I like Blogspot, it can be unbearably annoying sometimes. Like last night, where as you recall I was fighting to urge to collapse at my keyboard, I finally wrote out the damn post, and then Blogspot decided to save only to here. Silly Blogspot. Maybe it was a sign--it's 8 in the morning now and it's finally the weekend! Also, I'm not so tired anymore. So hello again!
Anyway I finally found the short route to Geometry yesterday! Finally! I finally understand this place. Classes are same old. Science isn't that interesting but I'm actually keeping up at the moment and geometry isn't that boring for Geometry. Notice how the combination of physical science, geometry, Spanish, and gym is pure, pure evil. I dislike my Spanish class a lot and I don't get to sit where I want anymore but I'm not struggling as much as I thought i would. I had a quiz yesterday on some basic stuff and I didn't do great(hey--no time to study!), but at the same time, I didn't completely fail either. the middle ground is where it's best to be, right?
I've always dreaded gym, because all I've ever known is dreading gym. But the high school gym we have isn't that bad. Mostly because it isn't gym, admittedly, but still. Yesterday we walked round the ropes course they have out there. It's nice that they have such a thing, but no, I will not be using it if I can avoid it. that stuff stresses me. It will not stress me as much as middle school volleyball, but it stresses me nonetheless. Afterwards we played some get to know you games that involved talking to people and that was that. Also, big moment for me, I had my first proper conversation with someone not from my school. okay, so a conversation for me probably isn't a conversation for you, but it was a moment nonetheless. She said her school was full of stupid people and she likes music. Um, kinda sounds exactly like me. She's in my study too. It should be fun.
Earl was supposed to go by where I live. No show! I wanted apocalyptic dramatic weather! Not fair!
Also, what are your opinions on the background? It's my belief that summer is decided by weather not by school so technically it's still summer and I needed something summery. it's either that or the brown one with birds. obviously that'd fit in with the title more, but who knows? The background fits in with how I feel right now--relaxed, summery, happy, happy to be doing nothing whatsoever. Happy happy happy. I've no plans for the weekend yet. Beach maybe. Today I'm probably going out for yet more CDs. FREELANCE WHALES, PLEASE. The question is, will anywhere sell them? I'm guessing no but it's worth a shot. I think my sister will have a friend round too. I just need to get out of the house. I haven't been anywhere for recreation since we got back, and I'm a bit bored.
So until another jumbled, horrendously bad blog post. See ya, world!
- Naomi
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It's Day One and I "Have No Time To Be Writing This"
No seriously. I really don't have time. Like, I'm still running on GMT so my head thinks it's sort of 2:30 in the morning rather than 9:30 and I'll be falling asleep at my keyboard pretty soon so I need to go to bed, but I can't because I'm on a specific reading schedule because I want to read 50 books a year, and I'm about three days behind. And, I've convinced myself, stupidly, that I need to blog here. But when a highschooler says they don't have time to be writing this, it's a hundred times more convincing than a middle schooler saying it. And I am not a middle schooler anymore. So yes, i get away with minor excuses!
the bus ride wasn't so bad. Waking up was okay, with time to spare. I'm friends with two people on my bus. Our bus driver complains how he isn't getting payed for the driving somehow. I still had like 30 minutes to spare once I got there and I didn't wanna waste time at my locker that day so I hung out in the hallway which felt tantalizingly independent. physical Science was right by my friend's ,ocker so me and my other friend went in there. We were early and got talking to a girl inf front of us until the rest of the class dribbled in. I knew a few people. Not looking very promising, though, in terms of people who I might actually like. The same group of boys in American Eagle outfits and girls in short-shorts and tanktops. Judgemental, yeah, but it's a pretty efficient way of sorting people out. my teacher seems a little abrasive, but nice enough. Her class will be the hardest, no question, I've heard some accusations of 'btichyness' floating around. But it's all good. We pretty much got ourselves assigned seats, went over lunches, rules, regulations, how the school works, grading, all that good stuff etcetera and then we were divided into groups to build towers out of straws and paper clips. it's the sort of thing I've been doing in Engineering for the past two years endlessly and I absolutely loathe it. god, I hope the whole class isn't like that. I was the one who twiddled her thumbs because I couldn't care less about these towers, while my two assigned partners helped built. It didn't stand up. my friend has a spectacularly stupid design that came in second place, haha!
Second block was shorter, Geometry. Took a sort of accidental detour around the building to look for it and wandered into the wrong class because it wasn't labelled properly, but found it eventually. have one sort of friend, two other people from my middle school, and a few friends of friends. the teacher seems friendly, if hardgoing. She's really into the online stuff, which sucks because I forgot to activate mine the day before. But no matter. We had a short block, Thank God, and she just went over the basic rules, assigned us a little bit of homework, and went over some math terms. Spanish was waaaay easier to find. I was one of the first there. Just me and one other friend. I'm sorta hating my class right now, full of Sophomores who don't give a damn and obnoxious boys, frankly. Not promising. The teacher was nice and she did speak in English--some don't--and was very friendly and everything. We went over some All About You and then I had lunch--middle lunch--and they had pizza and turns out I got a good lunch. My Spanish friend, one other good friend, and at least three or four acquaintances. We ate lunch quickly and didn't have much else to do, so we wandered around the building which was cool and then went back to finish Spanish where we went over some verbs, rules, and question words for 40 minutes. Then it was a long route down to Project Challenge, or Gym That Isn't Actually Gym. it's one of those corny self-esteem building things that I hate. However, I hate actual gym more, much much more, so it all works out in the end. I knew six or seven people there, though I'm not really friends with anyone. they talked about the kinda team building stuff, two teachers, one kinda loud and annoying, the other quieter and friendly. We were split into groups of two and given trick question quizzes for a while. My partner was nicer than I expected, smart too. In the end we got 13 out of 25 and came third out of the whole class. to be fair, I had seen several of those before and I already knew the answers. that was, somehow, pretty much it as far as that class went. I was on 1st floor so getting back to the bus was easy.
And, well, that is pretty much high school until January-Februaery time for me. Except study hall tomorrow. Oooh, I have no expectations of study hall. I finally got my homework done, although today I had to have my first piano lesson since July and go get school supplies. the piano lesson went great. I'd forgotten a little, but overall I think I caught up pretty quickly. Next week I'm getting a book io simple classical pieces. She seemed unsure of me wanting to learn classical on piano, although it would strike me as a popular thing for pianists. But hey, I learn that or, like, Keane and the former is obviously more fun to play. And yeah, I tried to be quick with supply shopping but it did take some time out of the day which was kinda frustrating, and I've pretty much had to work almost nonstop since. It'll be easier for me tomorrow because I have more time. And I can actually reda. I don't know I'll have time right now.
I had a great day. For some reason I thought the school was kinda great, in the way that it's big and independent and they don't act like they care about you as an individual. Just the way I like things. Oh, the freedom!
Not much else to report, I suppose. I'm not really missing England yet. it won't start till i start to hate school, I suspect. Give it a few weeks. That being said, today is NME Day and it's sad I can't get it anymore. Grrr. I have a love-hate relationship with the NME, no question. Also there's stuff like the TV I miss. Oh yeah, I'm in a Peep Show phaze. Gotta love Mark. Really, I do. I've never seen a fictional character more like me and it rocks and sucks at the same time! I need to load all my CDs to iTunes soon. Also, I need the Freelance Whales CD which came out like a week ago, and I feel like getting the Arcade Fire for the sake of it. it seems like the sort thing you need to listen to in the whole record form to understand you know?
Anyway. Bye for now!
- Naomi