I'm a little out of it right now. For some reason for the last few days I haven't been too bad getting up for school and going to bed and things. And I don't think I'm jet lagged anymore, I don't feel it anyway. And then two hours ago I just kinda collapsed on the sofa I was so tired and feel asleep for two hours. I know it's very cool as a teenager to have silly sleeping schedules, but I am not liking this. I had so much to do tonight! That's two hours gone! It doesn't even feel like anything at the moment, I have a headache and I'm so exhausted, I dont have a chance to catch up on my reading, start my music blog, watch Peep Show again, go exploring the bands in the pages of the NME, or something. I'm really upset now. I used to love my nine to twelve Internet time followed by one episode of something on TV. But I just don't think I can make it. But what can I do? Ugh.
While day one was great, I've been definitely having a case of Second Album Syndrome with the last two. First off, on the subject of homework, I am most definitely not a happy camper. Monday was pretty bad, Tuesday was something else. I was struggling with math quite a lot at first, and I had to study for Spanish and I had science a little bit, and I needed to go get some more paper(mostly just to get out of the house, admittedly, although I spent most of the time outside the house in a panic). I got into the I'm So Stupid thing which is inconvenient and frustrating while doing homework but also wastes a good amount of time. I literally didn't have time for anything else that day. Maybe like a half hour to an hour online, that's it. There comes a point, surely, where the amount of homework one has becomes not only annoying, but unhealthy, right? If I didn't have time to do anything I liked...that can't be right, can it? How can anyone do this? How does anyone make it through high school alive? The work load is killing me right now.
I have two friends on the bus, and one of them is in my Physical Science, Spanish, and lunch with me. And don't get me wrong I like him, but I'm missing the independence that for me came with middle school in that I wasn't followed around by someone half the day. I've spent so much of the last few days talking to him or someone in the hallway, and frankly it's driving me a bit crazy. I'm excited for this weekend just so I can be to myself at last. Gaaaah. I'll bring my iPod on Tuesday(long weekend, woo). I'm sick of being talked to for the moment. I brought my book in to lunch today. It was worth it. Lunch feels long in high school, but of course it isn't.
OH WAIT. Just so you know, while I like Blogspot, it can be unbearably annoying sometimes. Like last night, where as you recall I was fighting to urge to collapse at my keyboard, I finally wrote out the damn post, and then Blogspot decided to save only to here. Silly Blogspot. Maybe it was a sign--it's 8 in the morning now and it's finally the weekend! Also, I'm not so tired anymore. So hello again!
Anyway I finally found the short route to Geometry yesterday! Finally! I finally understand this place. Classes are same old. Science isn't that interesting but I'm actually keeping up at the moment and geometry isn't that boring for Geometry. Notice how the combination of physical science, geometry, Spanish, and gym is pure, pure evil. I dislike my Spanish class a lot and I don't get to sit where I want anymore but I'm not struggling as much as I thought i would. I had a quiz yesterday on some basic stuff and I didn't do great(hey--no time to study!), but at the same time, I didn't completely fail either. the middle ground is where it's best to be, right?
I've always dreaded gym, because all I've ever known is dreading gym. But the high school gym we have isn't that bad. Mostly because it isn't gym, admittedly, but still. Yesterday we walked round the ropes course they have out there. It's nice that they have such a thing, but no, I will not be using it if I can avoid it. that stuff stresses me. It will not stress me as much as middle school volleyball, but it stresses me nonetheless. Afterwards we played some get to know you games that involved talking to people and that was that. Also, big moment for me, I had my first proper conversation with someone not from my school. okay, so a conversation for me probably isn't a conversation for you, but it was a moment nonetheless. She said her school was full of stupid people and she likes music. Um, kinda sounds exactly like me. She's in my study too. It should be fun.
Earl was supposed to go by where I live. No show! I wanted apocalyptic dramatic weather! Not fair!
Also, what are your opinions on the background? It's my belief that summer is decided by weather not by school so technically it's still summer and I needed something summery. it's either that or the brown one with birds. obviously that'd fit in with the title more, but who knows? The background fits in with how I feel right now--relaxed, summery, happy, happy to be doing nothing whatsoever. Happy happy happy. I've no plans for the weekend yet. Beach maybe. Today I'm probably going out for yet more CDs. FREELANCE WHALES, PLEASE. The question is, will anywhere sell them? I'm guessing no but it's worth a shot. I think my sister will have a friend round too. I just need to get out of the house. I haven't been anywhere for recreation since we got back, and I'm a bit bored.
So until another jumbled, horrendously bad blog post. See ya, world!
- Naomi
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