Friday, September 17, 2010

The Boy Kicked The World, The World Kicked Back A Lot Harder

Can't Stand Me Now - The Libertines

Hello there.

Be prepared for awkward. 'cause I feel like going on a short Pope rant.

So far I haven't actually written about it anywhere and frankly this isn't the time or place for me and my left-winged-ness so I'll just keep this brief. Basically, Pope, screw you. Out of the two of us we can agree one of us believes there's a God and the other does not. You seem to believe one of us is also a Nazi. I'll tell you now that that person is not me, you stupid bigoted dick. Take your crap elsewhere. Ignoring the fact for now that throwing the wor 'Nazi' around 24/7 is sick and disrespectful to actual victims of Nazi Germany, let's add some Naomi logic in here; you seem to think condoms are sinful thus you try to deter the use of them in various places in Africa by saying they spread AIDS, in a sort of attempt to promote abstinence. I swear to God, I actually heard that. So. Assuming someone were Catholic they might listen to you, and if somehow they believe you, well, what if they get AIDS? Yeah, they die. Wait. So who is the Catholic-killer now? Not us Athiests, no, it is in some twisted way, your fault, Pope. Oh, what a Nazi. Dick.

Now that I've got that party out of my system, we can sort of pretend that never happened and get on with our lives. Ahem.

The great thing about high school is how much more exciting it makes the weekends. Like, it may be wet outside and I may not be listening to music(yet. Where's my NME?) it was just really exciting to get into a supremely lazy routine of read, music, Facebook, repeat from two thirty to nine and then blog. Also, it was really great, my sister went out with friends because she actually has a non-school social life, and I was alone with Chinese takeout, series 6 episode 1 and 2 of Peep Show, and my copy of Mockingjay. Oh, it is lovely, Fridays are the best. Superhans, you are such a lovely crackhead. I can't wait for series seven.

Oh, by the way, do you know what I heard this week? Only the best news of the year. If Peep Show is my cocaine, then Nevermind The Buzzcocks is unquestionably my heroin; and guess what. IT IS RETURNING. Just when I was losing hope on that front, hey, there it is again. Well, in a couple months I'm guessing. Hosts include Robert Webb, Frankie Boyle, Mark Ronson, and ohmyeffinggod Tim Minchin. I was sort of obsessed with Tim Minchin in July-ish time. It was great. I love Tim, he's so clever and funny and talented. And hosting? Jesus, it'll be great. Cannot. Wait. New Glee series in a couple days? That's nothing. Give me Next Lines instead any day!

school has been moving along this week. The first five-day week felt oddly unlike a five-day week. It moved fast. There's a lot of elements of the school I really, really truly like, a lot. My science teacher's so cool, she doesn't patronize us and she talks how I'd like to talk if I was smarter. I get to school a half hour before school starts and I go into my hallway and it's super quiet. I like the routine in the morning, I pass three or four friends, sit down outside my class, take out a book or some studying that needs doing and sit there and drift away and watch people flow past. Be the creeper staring at everyone because she thinks that routine's nifty. An hour twenty minutes in science, nearly fall asleep, wake up on the way to geometry, talk to my ever-growing group of people approaching friends in Geometry, walk to Spanish, forty minutes Spanish, lunch and then read as lunch finishes, back to Spanish, Spanish, and then either gym or study. On the bus. Ride home. Homework. Computer. Sleep. Boom boom boom, easy, organised, fun. No one treating you like a baby or making you do skits and no gawking at the clock for a half hour because it's so tedious. No. Plus, everyone's really cool. I don't know why the people from the other middle schools seem so much cooler than in my middle school, but they so are. They're really down to Earth, they don't go on about being so out-there and they're not so homophobic and they don't make half the cafeteria stare at your lunch table(my goal is to find a new lunch table.) because they're just so loud. Stupid people I know. Why can't they be like everyone else at school? Why can't they be nice and weird but not too extroverted? Why is that so hard to ask for in a person? it seems I may never know.

I was gonna elaborate on this more, but it seems I may be in too good a mood. But regardless, I went to a music festival this summer. After every concert I get in bad moods about it being over. And I didn't for V. I only just realised it was because I didn't have time. Now that things are calming down it just sorta exploded. I miss home. I miss summer already. When I walk to my bus stop there are acorns and leaves falling, and I've started to wear jeans again. It makes me really sad. I miss the freedom so much it hurts. Summer walks, music festivals, British TV, shorts and t-shirts, it's so saddening I can't even begin to explain it. While I like school, I wanna go back so badly. I don't like this country, not that I see much of it thanks to homework. I don't want winter to come. I want warm and happiness again, not science and Facebook. Boo hoo. I don't know why I'm contradicting myself all over today, but it so happens I am. It's juat that all I want is July again.

But such is life.

Thanks for reading if you did. I guess I'm off to practice piano or read or sleep. Night everyone!

- Naomi

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