Monday, February 21, 2011

In which I blog to feel almost productive

Where have the last three days gone?

It's amazing how time flies when you know you have nothing you should be doing. This weekend has been a routine of waking up, listening to music, reading, writing, and falling asleep again. and no panic too. I'm not sure I've ever been this lazy in my life. hey, when did I become such a teenager? oh yeah I always was a bit. anyway.

I have labelled this my sort of theme song even though the lyrics have nothing to do with me and I'm nowhere near as interesting this song. it's frenzied, frantic, chaotic, fiercely energetic. it's wonderful! so much is going on! aaaah! and this is nothing, I hear the whole album this is from is absolute bedlam, but in a good way of course. I first listened to this guy because Tom Milsom was wearing a Max Tundra t-shirt and the t-shirt and Tom's hair were similar in color. interest sparked, somehow. Oh wow, that is beyond silly.

A few weeks ago my parents put a limit on how many songs I can buy on iTunes. This one week I bought like 20 songs, I will concede, but that was a one-off. some weeks I buy almost nothing, it varies a lot. but I don't buy that many on a regular basis! I was having a lucky few days that week when I was looking for music. point being, now I'm only allowed to buy 6 songs a week and I think I'm going crazy. You know this rule is an issue when you stay up on Sunday evening till 00:01 to buy five songs. grrrr. Oh how I love music.

Perhaps I will catch up on my CDs because of this? I still have a few left from Christmas. I'm itching to get into Kid A, the timing seems appropriate. I've yet to watch any reviews for the new Radiohead EP thing, I assume it's good though? I've mentioned being in a Radiohead mood a few times now, I think.

Oh Land is worth listening to, particularly Son of a Gun. The Goldfrapp of 2010/2011? Yes please! It's rather minimalist(if you excuse my blatant ignorance of minimalism and let me use the word to distract from my limited vocabulary) and the production is coolish.(when did I start this thing of pretending to know anything about production, anyway?). This is honestly some lovely synthpop in my opinion. like la Roux level wonderfulness.

Sad music news; I missed out on Florence tickets. They sold out ridiculously fast. But I've already seen Florence once so it's not that bad...and I'm also not very happy since I was under the impression someone was gonna WRITE A SECOND ALBUM at some point. This album came out in early July can you stay hyped over three summers? For all I love Florence, she strikes me as a bit one album wonderish. Her most remarkable talent is the ability to keep people interested in the same few songs for inordinate amounts of time. how does she do it?

I watched the original True Grit on DVD and I really like it. the new one's better, though.

That and woah, NME Awards in a few days. I don't keep up with award things, be it music or otherwise, for some reason, but I just heard about this. I'm excited, I think? I miss the tour de pretentiousness that is the NME, sigh sigh sigh, please come soon, summer. I miss you England, though honestly I'm living off pot noodle this week which is good enough. At least the NME put up hundreds of videos of their stuff. Hey, Dave Grohl got that outstanding Godlike Genius Award. why is it the people who win that are always people I don't really like?

I find out the lineup to the music festival I'm going to in a week. That is, I find out the lineup in a week not go to it obviously. I have to wait another six months to go to the damn thing.

It seems the good bands will be more spread out over the major UK festivals this year. Last year was Glasto's 50th so they got all the good oldies, and Reading and Leeds were amazingly lucky with their to-die-for lineup so V got some of the leftovers, frankly. not to say it wasn't good! Prodigy was the best spectacle of my life to date, no question. But this year I think is turning out to be a more even balance.

I think one day I want to go to all three festivals? In one year? I mean, I'll have to become a sort of billionare first, obviously, but it would be fantastic. certainly I will go to all three in my lifetime. it's problematic being overseas because Glastonbury's so early and R&L's so late. the general consensus is that they're bettter than V but seeing as I'm local to V and it was my first festival, that'll probably always be my favorite. Glastonbury will probably become completely outdated in my lifetime. R&L will continue to thrive, although it is filled primarily with lunatics and metalheads.

I think I'm going to read Plato's Republic because all the cool people are into neo-platonism, or at least a few hundrd years ago they were. Borders' only al-Farabi book is selling for $115. What? I don't understand.

Did I mention we're dogsitting for my sister's friend? I don't really do the animal thing, unless it happens to be a guinea pig(not joking). She's cute, yes, and she's well behaved! But it's a bit of a burden. I'm such a horrible person...

anyway, plans for this week; read a lot, write something that isn't about myself(scary thought, huh?), learn something on piano outside of what my teacher assignes, sort out my bombsite of a room, listen to CDs, start health project, ignore science project, work my way through DVD boxset of the Fast Show, sleep. sad.


and uh, 'night!

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