Saturday, February 12, 2011

baby I was born this way

yes, I am adding to the surplus of Born This Way quotes that have been all over the universe for the past 48 hours. I listened to Born This Way for the 1st time last night, and I was instantly blown away. I like Lady Gaga but usually it takes me a while to really start enjoying her songs, but....WOW this was something else. It came out Friday and it sort of already feels like a classic, y'know? that's astonishing.

this song and my getting lost on Simon Neil's tumblr are probably why I've done no homework and tomorrow will be hell. Biffy clyro are playing to a bunch of fans in Boston tomorrow, only I am too young to be one of them. it's so not fair. luckily, Tim Minchin in less than four months! and, V lineup announced in sixteen days! and stuff like that!

I loooooove Bify Clyro, I just remembered. well I never really forgot but you know I've been listening to too much La Roux and LCD Soundsystem lately too notice. Those two groups do lovely stuff, believe it or not. I can't stop listening to Drunk Girls by LCD Soundsystem. I've known and liked the song since it came out(April) so why I've decided to become particularly attached to it now, I'm not quite sure. My album birthday list is growing fast...and I still haven't listened to all my Christmas stuff yet. I'm bad. I cannot stop listening to Klaxons too--Echoes is quite good. It puts what little I know of Myths of The Near Future to shame. plus, Elbow just released a song a week ago. and, it's taking me way longer to get into it than their for other stuff, but Elbow have been around for almost 15 years and I like every single one of their songs, so I think it's unlikely they'll fail me now. argh, not long until the new album out. everything Guy Garvey does is to die for.

yeah, I didn't mean to start rambling about music tonight.

I'm doing a World Civ project where we have to compare a European renaissance man and an Islanic Empire renaissance man and I actually love it. I have a habit of falling for subjects of projects. I'm comparing Abu Nadr al-Farabi and Nicholas of Cusa. I felt like looking for philosophers that day, I don't really know why. I guess a lot of people were after artists and I wouldn't to do something a little bit different. al-Farabi was pretty awesome, he did more or less everything, wrote hundreds of books, and spoke loads of languages. he was a genius. Nicholas of Cusa was too--he wrote a book called De Docta Ignorantia('Of Learned Ignorance') where he's talking about how knowledge is good but we're all inherently ignorant and the human mind can never fully comprehend the universe and nothing can be totally proven and everything we learn is relative to the simplistic things we already know. He was a Cardinal. He was, by today's standards, an agnostic theist. Also, he had some pantheistic views and his idea of heaven was one of a unison of all good people of all religions. All of this was kind of extraordinary for his time. I really want to buy Of Learned Ignorance now but it's more than likely I won't understand half of what's being said. Hell, some online summaries are even a bit of a stretch for my feeble literary comprehension. Also I want to get into Plato, because both of my renaissance men(and also everyone I came across in research) were kinda obsessed with him, but the same issue of comprehension presents itself. anyway, for all I love this stuff(and really, I do adore it all) it loses its appeal a bit late at night, like tonight, when I still need to research. and I need to type everything up by Monday, ugh, hell.

and an English essay! We have to do some awful essay about comparing heroes in stories we've read. I did my planning really late Thursday so everything I'm gonna write will be even more terrible than usual. on friday the teacher made us write our theses anonymously on the board then she went round and everyone critiqued them. this is something I've seen done before in this school system, and I don't really understand. there's this idea that the moment a name disappears from some work, the writer behind it disappears. in other words, the critics can be complete assholes about whatever's written(teacher included!). For a few theses, some people's reaction was to openly laugh at them. What?! How is that okay?! There's someone in the room who's most likely feeling awful about their writing now, and just because you don't know who that is, does not make them feel any better. I find it quite disgusting, actually. Luckily mine didn't cause laughter, but it was far from good, too. I think the teacher grimaced? Hmm. And I know some of the kids who were being the most cruel about this; they're hardly T S Eliot. this whole experience has put me off this class and this essay, of which I have a first draft due Monday. it's horrible.

and I have to start a health project soon...well, two. 1st one's a time capsule, that's easy and interesting for someone who seems absolutely obsessed with themself, and is. finding a hero in health is more problematic, simply because I don't have any. at least, none that I think would be appropriate for this project. sigh again.

Even though tomorrow's gonna be Homework Hell, I'm gonna see True Grit and I'm so excited.

I've only got one week until February vacation, which will contain the bulk of my celebration of Peter Doherty Appreciation Month(yeah, this is still happening), mainly by watching the Peter Doherty Arena documentary, the music video to Fuck Forever, and that really weird video on YouTube where he's with Amy Winehouse and some day-old baby mice.(the last one's really worth a watch, actually). oh yeah, February is also a bit Radiohead-ish for me, more pop-y and electronic Radiohead though, and I need to get into Kid A nowish.

also, Tokion had better release a new issue now or I am not going to be happy.

anyway, that's about all that's going on for me right, just thought I should write it here...


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