Monday, November 1, 2010

NanoWriMo Day One


I got done with my first 1,667 words a few minutes ago. Yes, I am doing NaNoWriMo. for some reason among midterms, tests, homework, piano lessons, my mother going to England for a week, and all that--which, admittedly, isn't a ton compared to most--I have decided to write a 50,000 word story in 30 days. i am one of those crazy deluded people, yes. But for the first week at least, it's fun.

Something's being elected tomorrow so no school. Yay! that's good for the writing. however, over the course of actual school, blogging and writing a novel will be tricky to do at the same time. So, until December, blogging will pretty much be a weekend thing. So...y'know, savor it while you can. I will savor not being ridiculously stressed for the moment. However, the big positive about this is that it gives me something to do over November. It's not technically winter yet but it is in my head. and I hate winter. hate hate hate it so much. Everyone dislikes it but I am something, it appears, of an extreme. I mean that so much more than I can actually explain. Seasonal Affective Disorder? Not diagnosed and don't think I should be. It's just different. I need something to do this time of year or things just get very bad. thanks, nanowrimo.

My Halloween rocked thank you very much. I spent the whole weekend worrying I wouldn't get to go with anyone but I went with my friend, and two sort of friends. I knew them from middle school and they're nice enough. And one's in my geometry class and the other my gym and study. it was the first Halloween where it wasn't seventy plus degrees and I had to wear gloves(I was a last minute pirate by the way. Emphasis on last minute.). the depressing thing was how empty it was. Probably to do with it being a Sunday or something, but we were in a fairly busy area and there weren't many kids out. Kind of a shame. we went back to have pie at my friend's house but there wasn't enough time. So, great!

that evening I went to a Florence and the Machine concert. It's not much of a story but it would take up more words than I have time to write. Put simply, she was very very very good. she played all my favorites and didn't play You got The Love(nice) and her and her band were dressed as skeletons. it was cool. My first time seeing Florence. Would very much like to again. although how 'bout that 2nd album, eh Florence? See my, um, music blog for details(ish).

Now, I'm so tired. last night i did my random thing of waking up at three in the morning for no reason, despite going to bed so late. Ugh. why?

Sunday morning was like super super busy, what with homework and organising the evening and stuff. I carved a pumpkin! I used a template and it says Welcome. It was a tricky design and an awkward bit fell off but I'm proud of it. also, do pumpkins not smell amazing? I love it! Halloween is so cool. Christmas then Halloween then...everything else, in my book. Yes.

It's kinda sad that it's over. oh, it's the curse of November 1st. My silly brain.

On the plus side, Peep show in 25 days. Jesse and Sam, give me a super witty late November sitcom, 'kay?


"I'll tell you what, this crack is really moreish" - Superhans

this show is my life and my love. I'm creepy.

I'm listening to Peter Doherty's solo. Still love it. It is so not mediocre like people think. What's happening with the Libertines, I wonder? I've heard nothing. that's so weird.

Is it just me, or is music SO boring at the moment? it's so sad that a Kings of Leon album is gonna be the biggest album of the latter part of the year. I've only added a few songs lately to my ipod . i will add more Florence and Walkmen, but come on...things just aren't looking good. I'm sad about it.

Oh yes, Friday afternoon! amazing! I knew the school were gonna dress up but I wasn't expecting the extent to which it went. My God, there was some serious effort put into some of those. Yes, most were like Mario and cross dressing and stuff but there was Lady Gagas and one Mario with an electric board thing, a condom dispenser, a guy walking upside down, etc. it rocked! Most mornings in the hallway where I sit, there are these guys who put an iPhone in their backpack playing the same dance track and wander around in circles for no reason. Friday there were like twenty of them, all in costume of course, and it was kinda amazing. the funny thing was how it was the senior guys who had put in the serious effort and it was the freshman in, like, funny hats and glasses. How brilliant and unexpected is that? plus, a guy in my study was supposed to be Mexican and he brought a guitar with him. We had a sub in study and the teacher was reading out all the rules one already knows, as subs tend to do, and the guy kept playing a couple of chords after he finished each sentence. "Now, this is a QUIET study..." *Mexican-sounding strumming*. Genius!

I'm gonna have a busy week. math test on Friday, Spanish test wednesday, Spanish presentation Friday, Science test wednesday, science mid-ohmyeffinggod-term Friday. all these tests! My grades are okay in all classes at the moment. I got updates a few days ago. Slightly better in geometry slightly worse in science. spanish the same. Science labs are silly. Spanish is verbs that are boring, and food that I can't be bothered to learn. Gym is gym. We were pulling people up like flying squirrels today. It's getting rather too cold to be outside every lesson.

Geometry's weird. I had a quiz last week and I thought I did really badly because I didn't understand half of it and I could have done with more time. However, i got it back today. 104%. She acknowledges people who do really well after tests and quizzes and I was the only one today. and I'm not a regular for that sort of thing. I'm not trying to boast, I'm just saying this is the weirdest thing that has happened to be in quite a long time. On the bonus one, I guessed. How did I guess a bonus and get it right? It's like, what the hell? And when I say guess, I literally mean the only logic I applied was "well, this unit is about congruent sides on triangles and stuff, so I'm gonna run with that idea and hope it's right". And it was! Ha! Hardest quiz so far and best grade. Yeesssssss. Here's to keeping an A minus and feeling good.

Since I have a day off tomorrow, I'm gonna go to the mall. it's not very exciting, but it's something. This entire week, my sister is at a camp in Maine in below average temperatures, sitting outside and learning about peer pressure and going to bed several hours earlier than she likes. Yay! Her whole grade does it. I did it, too, in 7th grade and I abhorred it like most others. I actually had it a week earlier and I still froze so I win, sorta. But it will be lonely without her. I will have to take her place. I will have to hit random piano keys while I'm playing, I will have to not do my math homework until my dad screams at me to do so, I will have to have arguments with myself over whether I can watch Peep Show or Avatar before I go to bed. It's gonna be a fun, fun week.

Have fun writing guys. 1/30 there! Happy November xD

- Naomi


  1. You're not creepy! Your obsession with Peep Show is just like mine with Glee except they are completely different shows xD

  2. that's good! and yes. Both are equally brilliant in their own ways. Except Peep Show is way less....innocent.
