One that I should really, probably, most likely be actually studying for.
But you can only do so much, you know? I either know it or I don't. Yeah. Or, I've yet to come to terms with the fact that ten percent of my science grade depends on whatever happens tomorrow morning. Good lord.
the good thing is how this is all panning out for NaNoWriMo. Day off Tuesday, day off next Thursday, Thanksgiving, not too much homework, et cetera. It works out very well to write so many words each day which, if you're wondering, is going swimmingly. Way better than last year's at this stage although admittedly that was nothing short of horrendous from the get go. I'm better now with the idea that's it about just getting the words down, not making them sound terribly good.
On my day off I got orange gloves that I will most likely never wear for I've nothing to wear them with, which is a shame because they're just so incredibly lovely. and a sweatshirt. Frankly I feel I need more clothes but I dunno what clothes I want at the moment. *shrugs* I probably look stupid most of the time but I don't really wanna wear a lot of the stuff that's in Forever 21. I don't know how people actually pull of the stuff in there. And by pull off, I mean like normal. this is New England, not Paris. People here actually manage to make hipster clothes look untrendy, which is obviously I skill I will never master. Not that I know a whole ton about clothes beyond, like, Style Rookie and "oh, that's a nice color of t-shirt".
I have too many t-shirts. too many unisex t-shirts. they don't fit or work for me but oh they're so comfy, especially when I have to get dressed at like quarter past six every morning and I'm like "screw looking halfway decent". I can do that when I wake up on nine every saturday. Well, sort of. to the best of my ability I can.
I had a Spanish quiz yesterday which was easy and today i had to present a Spanish skit. I'm growing to hate this teacher, hate this language, et cetera. If I could turn back time, first thing I'd do is make myself take German instead. cause German is so cool. and also in the skit today we were doing a scene at a restaurant. I'm the customer who is a total bitch and has more lines than anyone else. One of my lines is 'Que Asco!" or "how gross" which by the way I wouldn't say in real life ever because A.) the word gross is, well, gross B.) I would end up nearly suicidal for all the mocking because of my accent and C.) Seriously, who actually complains about their food at a restaurant? No one! If you don't wanna eat it you don't technically have to. you don' have to tip either. No one actually complains to the waiter that their food tastes bad. my Spanish teacher had a go at me for not being expressive enough, so she's like "okay, say it in English". So, I do, as humiliating and aggravating as it was. and she laughs because I was expressionless, she thought, although a better term was "angry and anxious and terrified". I say the line in front of the class as best I can--I'm not an actor in any language, okay?--and she laughs. and then she says to the class after the skit "we quizzed naomi on it before, and she says it like that[lacking in expression] in English, too." I was busy ignoring her completely and getting a book from my bag, seeing as I'm apparently so lacking in emotion, although frankly, I was very, very, very pissed off. How dare she say that at all, let alone in front of the entire class? I hate this total...war against people who aren't the most extroverted and out-there people in the world. I hate it. It's everywhere! How many times a day am I asked to talk more? I can't even begin to count. Asked to be something I'm not. Ridiculed for being who I am. Humiliated and embarrassed and occasionally rather isolated for something that basically is beyond my control. Great. thank you, spanish teacher airhead snobby stuck up bitch.
Gym memories are flooding back from 8th grade. today we played matball. My entire class hates me because I do nothing, and I guess in some ways they're being very reasonable for hating me, but also people aren't necessarily hated by their peers for doing nothing in other classes, are they? I guess that's my educational Achilles Heel. I learn way better by doing stuff largely on my own. By the way, I also hate being told to run around the gym( technichally we didn't have to run but of course that rule evaporates the moment the game starts and it's not like the teachers care), kick a ball badly, be shouted at, laughed at, and stand, nothing short of terrified, hoping the ball doesn't go anywhere near you. "this game is supposed to be fun for everyone". Yeah, well why the fuck don't you try to achieve that?
Before the game started, my teacher was like "now, since this game is fun for everyone, if someone looks like they'd be okay with having a ball thrown at them, then you can do that. If they don't, then don't. For example, I don't think she would like to have the ball thrown at her because she's not the most interactive of people, so respect that."
Bet you can't guess whose shoulders her hands were on, who these embarrassing words were aimed at.
I had the big dreaded math test today for triangles I don't understand. Good thing is, no orthocenters or proofs. some stuff was a bit confusing and there were a few things I totally didn't get, but I did get at least one bonus right(with a circle, hahahaha), and apparently everyone struggled. Also I'm an a in that class so whatever.
Today I took a partner test which confused me and reviewed. Sorry to bring up a sort of recurring theme to this post, but my teacher was asking me about something and she was like "you know, I think this is the first time we've had a long enough conversation for me to work out you have an accent." She laughs. "You don't talk much".
you know you've had a bad day when this doesn't even enter your top five of worst moments.
Tomorrow will not go well but I'm an A- in science so it shouldn't be, like, horrendous or anything. or it could. actually, no, it will. Please no more energy stuff, Mrs. Teacher, that's killing me. wow I'm actually quite scared now. And how do i study for that? I've no idea!
Tthere's no...war or bomb shit in Crete, is there?" - Jez
Countdown; 22 Days.
I can't wait. Mark, Jez, Superhans, and I guess technically Jesse and Sam, you rock. blogspot won't let me post that annoying heart emoticon, but I promise you that is so appropriate here.
I can't stop listening to Robyn or eating Pringles. Weekend soon. I'm happy and slightly neurotic, or I wish I was.
I need to study. Bye Bye.
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