I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but I had an awesome day. It's actually pretty fun when everyone else is around you celebrating something and you're not. It's like you're in your own little world. I went for a walk. It's a spot by a river that I went to like every other day in summer, but I haven't been in months. It looks totally different of course, but still, very beautiful.
Today felt very autumnal. What's that you say? The internet's autumngasm happened in the middle of September? Oh, well I don't care. I tend not to get as deranged as some do about autumn(everyone's like "HALLOWEEN LEAVES HOODIES FOOTBALL THANKSGIVING BLAH BLAH BLAH' and I'm like "Jesus. Calm down.") but I've enjoyed autumn so far. Yeah. I fished out my camera the other day, and realised I haven't taken pictures in forever, and now I need to use up my yearly dose of folksy photos. Yay. Autumn's cool.
Also, like I said last time or the time before, my mother spent the week in England and she came back yesterday. Most people come back from England with t-shirts and teddy bears, all covered in union flafs. I got two NME's and a Pulled Apart By Horses CD. Had a rather lovely afternoon today delving into those. Everyone I know can't stand PABH, and admittedly the album is a bit all over the place, but, come on, High Dive Swan Dive Nose Dive? That's a fantastic song!
I've yet to see Harry Potter. There were some plans tossed around, but I'm gonna have to wait until Saturday. I might see it twice this weekend, who knows? I can't wait. Last weekend I saw our school play, Rent, and it was freakin brilliant. My Broadway knowledge is pathetically nothingy for a teenage girl, and the use of Angel as comic relief rather than a genuine person bothered me, but the songs were generally cool and our school's actors rocked. I'm seeing Brandon Flowers tomorrow, as mentioned I'm seeing HP, and maybe maybe maybe eating out or going to the mall. I looooove weekends. Especially long weekends. And it's my mom's birthday saturday.
NaNoWriMo is a pain but, yes, I am nearly there. I realised I'm just over half way through my story, though. But I'm going to count reaching 50K as a success anyway. Writing took three very distracted hours last night! Gosh! I don't have that kind of time today, though. By the way, I'm the only person in my study with homework. Everyone else has nice teachers. I have math notes to do, and then science notes, and a science review packet. Like, wow, not fair.
Oh yeah, pep rally on Wednesday. Not a hell of a lot to be said. Terms sch as 'Pep Rally' increase my general disdain for this country. There was a limbo contest and the competitors were basically all these really tall senior guys, and Kevin--'Minnie Allan'--who is in my study, and who I went for like a week thinking he was some sort of prodigy because he looks half his fourteen years. Everyone went crazy for him, and it was actually slightly cool. He should be our school mascot, as opposed to the guy in the eagle costume running around the gym.
I got a 102% on a math test. Highest grade in the class by a half percent, hell yes, I am pleased. Just had to say that. Meanwhile in science I'm bust not understanding magnets, and working on a research paper. I've mentioned this before, but now I have a topic; stars. Indeed. I was put with the only other person in the class who doesn't have a partner. I like genetics and microbiology. He likes geology and mechanics. Therefore we go to stars, because everyone likes stuff about space. I'm gonna try to hard on this, because the project is huge and I'm doing badly so far this term. I do well at informative writing things, I find. And I've started research early!
All the language classes at school watched the Namesake this week. Rather...bad, I must say. "I detest American television". Excuse me, what? I mean, yes, sitcoms and car ads and melodrama are pretty high up on the big old list of things I dislike, but I might say "I hate American TV". Not that I'd say that in front of strangers, or anyone would, English or not. It's an interesting reflection on things that one can make a movie criticising stereotypes on Indian people(and FYI, this was not exactly achieved in the Namesake) while showing that the stereotypes of an ignorant, angry, narcissistic Brit and at one point a sexy, sensual Parisian are totally fine. Weird, isn't it? They're different types of stereotypes, yes, but...still. Just a thought.
I'm in an Elbow phase and I'm acting like it's Christmas. Have you heard Great Expectations? My God. So beautiful. I feel strangely more connected to music than I normally do, at the moment. I love music, yes, but I'm going crazy with it at the moment. Something in the air, I dunno. I wanna listen to Elbow and Twin Shadow and Cloud Cult all day every day at the moment. I wish I had Guy Garvey's brain.
Oh, speaking of wishing I had various people's brains, today is the big Day; Peep Show Day. I saw a clip from the new episode and it's effing fantastic. Somebody better get those onto YouTube very quickly, or I will have to delve even further into illegality to watch them. Nothing gets between me and Mark Corrigan. NOTHING. Hear me? The only thing to tide me over today is new Buzzcocks. I will admit the new series is sort of...terrible compared to the Amstell Days but I think Noel's a pretty cool guy, and I watched the whole Jedward episode last night and I loved it. "I'm in Jedward, fuck you". Teeeehheeeheee Buzzcocks <3
I have rather a lot to get done today. Bye.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
all things purple are all things divine
The title quoth Oprah. Yeah, I don't care.
Are your eyes okay with the overwhelming purpleness of my blog? If my blog is supposed to represent my brain, then personally it is neither tacky birds flying over horizons or lo-fi off-white sophistication. And that is all blogger offers for backgrounds.
I bought the Color Purple on DVD some weeks ago and finally watched it yesterday. 'tis my favorite book and arguably my favorite movie. My sister watched it with me. I had to tiptoe around the answers to some of her questions--she's 12--but one could tell it was captivating for her. I guess it goes to show how great a story it is. She doesn't watch many movies or TV but she seemed to enjoy it a lot. Basically anyone can see it and be moved by it. Now, I wanna learn Miss Celie's Blues on piano and dye my blog purple.
My mother's returning on Wednesday. I get two NMEs, a trip to the mall, and possibly a Pulled Apart By Horses CD. Love it.
I got high honors on my report card(just). I'm pleased.
I'm a pretentious egotistical wanna be fashion blogger idiot with a busy weekend(School play--Rent-- today, piano lesson, homework, NaNo, hopefully HarryfreakinPotter tomorrow) and I've never done a Picture Post before. And I want to. So there.

Are your eyes okay with the overwhelming purpleness of my blog? If my blog is supposed to represent my brain, then personally it is neither tacky birds flying over horizons or lo-fi off-white sophistication. And that is all blogger offers for backgrounds.
I bought the Color Purple on DVD some weeks ago and finally watched it yesterday. 'tis my favorite book and arguably my favorite movie. My sister watched it with me. I had to tiptoe around the answers to some of her questions--she's 12--but one could tell it was captivating for her. I guess it goes to show how great a story it is. She doesn't watch many movies or TV but she seemed to enjoy it a lot. Basically anyone can see it and be moved by it. Now, I wanna learn Miss Celie's Blues on piano and dye my blog purple.
My mother's returning on Wednesday. I get two NMEs, a trip to the mall, and possibly a Pulled Apart By Horses CD. Love it.
I got high honors on my report card(just). I'm pleased.
I'm a pretentious egotistical wanna be fashion blogger idiot with a busy weekend(School play--Rent-- today, piano lesson, homework, NaNo, hopefully HarryfreakinPotter tomorrow) and I've never done a Picture Post before. And I want to. So there.

Celie and Shug, random tumblr thing, what I found searching for the Antlers, Jez and Mark nach, Bellamy, Jonsi and Alex(so. cute.), Celie, the Boys In the band.
Crap. I'm not interesting enough for this, but I had fun.
I'm gonna sleep. Bye bye.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
feckless with freckles and nothing to lose
The title is from Only Revolutions. Remember that amazing book I talked about last night? I went through quotes I found, last night, and found some beauties.
My mother's spending a week in England. Funny timing I know. I guess it doesn't have too many consequences other than I had to waste two hours of my previous time to go to the airport. Sigh sigh sigh. Oh NaNoWriMo, if only I didn't have to spend so much time writing for you every day, I might actually have time to write something halfway substantial here or update the crappy design of this blog. But alas, a half hour of this it is, and then to Spanish studying.
I'm gonna fail a Spanish test on Thursday at this rate. I don't know the words, let alone have time to study them My teacher gave us thirty questions that we have to have prepared answers for. Jesus Christ almighty, I do not have time for that.
I haven't watched Peep Show in days. Days! I did watch all of the first Lord Of The Rings on Sunday. Is it weird I'm in a Lord Of The Rings phase? FYI, that was my first proper fangirl obsession. So here's to nostalgia. I don't think I had the faintest idea what was going on when I first saw that movie, but I loved it. Now I notice things like "hey, Aragorn's pretty much the coolest guy ever" and "hey, the Orks have cool shoes, if they really qualify as shoes".
"It's okay. It's not a problem. I love her, she's going to kill me. Everything's fine". - Mark
Oh Mark, I know the feeling. I know the feeling.
I got my grades for term 1 today. An A 94% in Spanish, A 92% in Geometry, A- 90% on Science. So, good good good. Seems rather appropriate. I had a math test today which went fine, as far as I can tell. Aren't kites just the worst shape there is? I can't stand the damn things.
Oh yeah, I got a 90% on my science midterm which is a bit above average, and totally where I should be. Still, I loathe the idea of how big an affect it has on your grade. And electricity! I hate electricity! And research papers! We're finding out about that soon. What am I to do? I've no idea. I always do microbiology. But it's kinda dumb to do that yet again I think.
School play on Sunday. I wasn't gonna go but a drama person pressured me and I've become more of a recluse than I was before, so I was like whatever. It's Rent this year which I find exciting. I don't do musicals or plays or know anything about them, but this sounds good.
We went outside again in gym and we have to do zip lines and, oh yeah, no no no no no I am not doing that. Toooo much attention. That is not an excuse--that is the truth. This class can be lovable or detestable. I have cool people in my class. But at least it's not study--study is a blessing but all I ever hear at the moment is the annoying sophomore who constantly acts superior to us freshman, totally ignoring the fact that all the people his age look down on him. Plus, he gives us a daily dose of jokes that are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, self-obsessed, pretentious, and trashy. Always good to figt that political correctness, you know?
Here's one thing that bothers me; I'm not in health this semester but a lot of my friends are the topic is now sex. this girl I dislike--although we are misfits, so we accept we must stick together--was talking to this guy I dislike who won't leave me alone, about the class. How many times was the word "awkward" mentioned? That in itself is an overused word. But he was like talking about "the most awkward topic ever". Guess what guys? Penis vagina semen sperm clitoris estrogen testosterone eggs ovaries orgasm erection ejaculation STD herpes testes pregnancy sexual assault. Grow up.
America, when it comes to sex is stuck between being totally liberal and really freaking conservative. And I'm not talking individually, either, the country as a whole is just completely confused. I often wonder which is the better way. I mean, actually no, liberal is waaaaaay better(didn't see that coming, did you? Haha). Better I think if we get rid of these taboos that seemingly independent, intelligent fourteen year olds squirm*, things would be a whole hell of a lot better.
Anyway, now that that's done with, my blog is really shit isn't it? I know it's a journal, but...still. I need to make it decorative and pretty this weekend, if I can manage. Sigh sigh sigh. I hate my brain. It comes up with shit like this. And thinking about it, when did I regularly say the s word? I will fucing say fuck as fucking much as I fucking please, but I tend to shy away from the s word. My priorities are odd. ANYWAY,
I hate my blog. I wish I was, like, Tavi Gevinson but I am so obviously not. My blog is a freak, a social outcast. They say it's good to be unique but unique and shit is not a good thing, is it? The definition of unique is very specific, and often doesn't include fourteen year olds with far too linear-thinking brains who write endless, discordant nonsensey things every few days.
Anyway, I'm being distracted by some show that's trying to combine baseball and post 9/11 patriotism/paranoia. Not gonna happen, guys. Just watching this is making me angry. Why am I trying to be a bit, I don't know, stupidly politicized today? I should go listen to Faithless. I haven't had dinner yet, though. I'm tired as always. And my time is running out. Should probably go, gonna go listen to the Libs.
Bye bye.
*or perhaps the problem is pressure to be conservative about it? I'm not sure. I just had a Facebook discussion about defining gender and sexual reproduction. obviously this massive generalisation I am making about my peers does not include myself therefore I should not be one to make assumptions.
My mother's spending a week in England. Funny timing I know. I guess it doesn't have too many consequences other than I had to waste two hours of my previous time to go to the airport. Sigh sigh sigh. Oh NaNoWriMo, if only I didn't have to spend so much time writing for you every day, I might actually have time to write something halfway substantial here or update the crappy design of this blog. But alas, a half hour of this it is, and then to Spanish studying.
I'm gonna fail a Spanish test on Thursday at this rate. I don't know the words, let alone have time to study them My teacher gave us thirty questions that we have to have prepared answers for. Jesus Christ almighty, I do not have time for that.
I haven't watched Peep Show in days. Days! I did watch all of the first Lord Of The Rings on Sunday. Is it weird I'm in a Lord Of The Rings phase? FYI, that was my first proper fangirl obsession. So here's to nostalgia. I don't think I had the faintest idea what was going on when I first saw that movie, but I loved it. Now I notice things like "hey, Aragorn's pretty much the coolest guy ever" and "hey, the Orks have cool shoes, if they really qualify as shoes".
"It's okay. It's not a problem. I love her, she's going to kill me. Everything's fine". - Mark
Oh Mark, I know the feeling. I know the feeling.
I got my grades for term 1 today. An A 94% in Spanish, A 92% in Geometry, A- 90% on Science. So, good good good. Seems rather appropriate. I had a math test today which went fine, as far as I can tell. Aren't kites just the worst shape there is? I can't stand the damn things.
Oh yeah, I got a 90% on my science midterm which is a bit above average, and totally where I should be. Still, I loathe the idea of how big an affect it has on your grade. And electricity! I hate electricity! And research papers! We're finding out about that soon. What am I to do? I've no idea. I always do microbiology. But it's kinda dumb to do that yet again I think.
School play on Sunday. I wasn't gonna go but a drama person pressured me and I've become more of a recluse than I was before, so I was like whatever. It's Rent this year which I find exciting. I don't do musicals or plays or know anything about them, but this sounds good.
We went outside again in gym and we have to do zip lines and, oh yeah, no no no no no I am not doing that. Toooo much attention. That is not an excuse--that is the truth. This class can be lovable or detestable. I have cool people in my class. But at least it's not study--study is a blessing but all I ever hear at the moment is the annoying sophomore who constantly acts superior to us freshman, totally ignoring the fact that all the people his age look down on him. Plus, he gives us a daily dose of jokes that are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, self-obsessed, pretentious, and trashy. Always good to figt that political correctness, you know?
Here's one thing that bothers me; I'm not in health this semester but a lot of my friends are the topic is now sex. this girl I dislike--although we are misfits, so we accept we must stick together--was talking to this guy I dislike who won't leave me alone, about the class. How many times was the word "awkward" mentioned? That in itself is an overused word. But he was like talking about "the most awkward topic ever". Guess what guys? Penis vagina semen sperm clitoris estrogen testosterone eggs ovaries orgasm erection ejaculation STD herpes testes pregnancy sexual assault. Grow up.
America, when it comes to sex is stuck between being totally liberal and really freaking conservative. And I'm not talking individually, either, the country as a whole is just completely confused. I often wonder which is the better way. I mean, actually no, liberal is waaaaaay better(didn't see that coming, did you? Haha). Better I think if we get rid of these taboos that seemingly independent, intelligent fourteen year olds squirm*, things would be a whole hell of a lot better.
Anyway, now that that's done with, my blog is really shit isn't it? I know it's a journal, but...still. I need to make it decorative and pretty this weekend, if I can manage. Sigh sigh sigh. I hate my brain. It comes up with shit like this. And thinking about it, when did I regularly say the s word? I will fucing say fuck as fucking much as I fucking please, but I tend to shy away from the s word. My priorities are odd. ANYWAY,
I hate my blog. I wish I was, like, Tavi Gevinson but I am so obviously not. My blog is a freak, a social outcast. They say it's good to be unique but unique and shit is not a good thing, is it? The definition of unique is very specific, and often doesn't include fourteen year olds with far too linear-thinking brains who write endless, discordant nonsensey things every few days.
Anyway, I'm being distracted by some show that's trying to combine baseball and post 9/11 patriotism/paranoia. Not gonna happen, guys. Just watching this is making me angry. Why am I trying to be a bit, I don't know, stupidly politicized today? I should go listen to Faithless. I haven't had dinner yet, though. I'm tired as always. And my time is running out. Should probably go, gonna go listen to the Libs.
Bye bye.
*or perhaps the problem is pressure to be conservative about it? I'm not sure. I just had a Facebook discussion about defining gender and sexual reproduction. obviously this massive generalisation I am making about my peers does not include myself therefore I should not be one to make assumptions.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Something Like 15,000 Done
good evening all.
Everyone keeps putting their own twists on NaNoWriMo as a world. ie. "NaNoSuicidal", "NaNoTired", and John green's mad Finish A Draft Of your Novel thing he came up with. I won't bore you with my own although I'd be a liar if I said it hadn't crossed my mind. In fact I could do it anyway and use "I'm done with writing" as my allaby, or I can tell you honestly I'm just totally vapid and devoid of creativity, kay? Now that that's out of the way.
It's 9:15 and I have tomorrow off but I still need to do all my writing for the day, my God. My story is about as good as anyone's in this insane writing marathon, if quite a lot worse, and it's not that much fun to write. Right now for example I want to do madness dances to Typical girls by the Slits, watch new Buzzcocks episodes, and play an uber simple Jingle Bells on my piano. But allas, it's going to be a long night. I'm going to muktitask.
Dammit it's too hard. Noel Fielding, stop being awesome and making me wonder why I don't find you a pretentious imbecile! Sigh. Like mentioned, someone added the new Nevermind the Buzzcocks episodes that I can't get here to YouTube, finally, and It's crazy. I was so infatuated with this show last year that I'm not sure I've actually come to terms with the idea that I AM WATCHING NEW BUZZCOCKS EPISODES FOR THE FIRST TIME WOW WOW WOW. well to be fair I only saw the Mark Ronson one so far. Buzzcocks is slow and lazy and needs to be put to rest in some ways but I love it. Paul Foot basically is the coolest guy ever, Tine Tempah is way more interesting than most of his music would let on(although is Frisky the catchiest song ever? Um. Yeah.), Alicia is really nice, Molly is smarter than you'd expect, and Phil/Noel basically are just amazing. As for Mr. Ronson, I find him so confusing. My iPod does have some of his work and yet for some reason, I'm aware that Oh My God is horrendously terrible. I'm also aware that I hate his hair and his clothes and his "I know so much about hip hop and I play bass aren't I so cool?" thing make me want to attack him with a chainsaw. But whenever I see interviews, recent interviews, he does the awkwardly adorable charm thing which I am a sucker for. I love his randomly annoying monotone drawl thing, it's cute, okay? it's probably all an act, but whatever....he's so adorable and so annoying. And it's so obvious when he's reading an autocue. What am I to make of him?
I took a break to write 800 words. Yaaaaay.
6 days. Wow. It's gonna be tough to update all of this.
The midterm was...alright. I didn't do terribly well, I think, but I don't find out exactly till Friday. My teacher let us see our total grades, minus the midterm, a few days ago and I'm at a 90% which is definitely a few percent above average so I'm thinking I'm not completely screwed whatever happens. Science is a tough. I hate electricity so much I could scream and I hate how exhausted I am every science class. And labs. Uuuugh, labs are the worst things ever.
I also found out I have to do a science research paper at some point in the not so distant future. 5-10 pages. Not impossible but definitely longer than has ever been required for me before. If you're interested in regular rants about my 8th grade English teacher then I'd recommend my old blog, but put simply, we did not write. Ever. We did not write. the biggest fact-based writing assignment I got, I swear to God, was a minimum of three pages. and not only that, anything above three and a half was DISCOURAGED. Like, what the hell? She didn't even appreciate good writing. It could be 6th grade level for all she cared! this was May and by this time I couldn't be botheredwith what my English teacher thought of me so I was basically like "here's my rather dry five-draft six-page essay on Mark Twain. Have fun :D". Basically, now I'm not really prepared to...like, write. So I'm scared. But we get to chose our topic so, like, yay.
I got a 95% on a math test and we get to add mistakes, It's a complicated system she proposed, but I could work my way back up to a 100%. Which is cool. Except I do miss my triangles now that we have to do those silly quadrilaterals. Triangles rule, okay? That's just a fact. We did a little project that counted as quiz, my group, and got a 60% so there goes my A for term 1. And I got stuck with that girl in the class who you wonder how they were able to get into the class because she's a bimbo. Today my geo. teacher talked to me at lunch--she hovers around the lunch room, blah blah blah--about helping her, not that there was a ton to be helped with, whatever way you looked at it.
I failed a Spanish listening quiz but frankly I do not care one bit. The teacher's a bitch. Fact. I just get through it best I can. I quite like the crackle in the headphones in the language lab. That is all.
We played matball, again. Come on. With the same teams, and I have the worst team ever. I did stuff this time. For some reason the atmosphere was less scary. A lot less scary. I can't even explain myself on this front, but anyway Io got a point...or run...or whatever it's called in that game. Afterwards my teacher was like "now, you have to shake hands with someone on the other team.." and this two girls I talk to who always get me to participate shouted my name and raced each other to shake my hands. it was cool. today we played what was basically Evil Matball because it was physically impossible for you not to play. And the moment finally came when I failed to kick the ball. The inevitability that that would happen at some point was staring me in the face, I know. Game is evil and I hate it. I also wish we'd go outside again soon. I hate these indoor games so much.
*Superhans gets stuck in bathroom* 'What's wrong with the door?"
Jez; "oh, it's funny, Hans, you have to lift the handle then twis--"
SH; "this is BULLSHIT" *kicks door down*.
Spectacular moment.
Countdown; 16 days and I can't wait.
the sad thing is how little there is to update on. I have so much homework tomorrow.
So far this month I have become addicted to Love The Way You Lie, had a computer crash, and got a thing that looks like a brain from some art show.
If you ever thought I was interesting at all, which you should not, then you will be disappointed today. Sorry. It's 10:52 and I'm very tired already and still wanna watch peep Show tonight. And i'm hungry. To the Pringles.
I'm reading another Alice walker book. I'm happy. I loooooove Alice Walker, she's seriously my favorite author. But I couldn't write like her. Ever. or even attempt to try to copy. it's just far too good.
In gym, some girl said I look too innocent for anyone to try to get me out. And I was like, um, okay? Sure?
Also people keep saying it's gonna snow any day now but the weather is being nice. Leave me alone, winter.
Anyone, um, that's about it because I still need to write. Sorry. I am SO tried.
Bye for now.
Everyone keeps putting their own twists on NaNoWriMo as a world. ie. "NaNoSuicidal", "NaNoTired", and John green's mad Finish A Draft Of your Novel thing he came up with. I won't bore you with my own although I'd be a liar if I said it hadn't crossed my mind. In fact I could do it anyway and use "I'm done with writing" as my allaby, or I can tell you honestly I'm just totally vapid and devoid of creativity, kay? Now that that's out of the way.
It's 9:15 and I have tomorrow off but I still need to do all my writing for the day, my God. My story is about as good as anyone's in this insane writing marathon, if quite a lot worse, and it's not that much fun to write. Right now for example I want to do madness dances to Typical girls by the Slits, watch new Buzzcocks episodes, and play an uber simple Jingle Bells on my piano. But allas, it's going to be a long night. I'm going to muktitask.
Dammit it's too hard. Noel Fielding, stop being awesome and making me wonder why I don't find you a pretentious imbecile! Sigh. Like mentioned, someone added the new Nevermind the Buzzcocks episodes that I can't get here to YouTube, finally, and It's crazy. I was so infatuated with this show last year that I'm not sure I've actually come to terms with the idea that I AM WATCHING NEW BUZZCOCKS EPISODES FOR THE FIRST TIME WOW WOW WOW. well to be fair I only saw the Mark Ronson one so far. Buzzcocks is slow and lazy and needs to be put to rest in some ways but I love it. Paul Foot basically is the coolest guy ever, Tine Tempah is way more interesting than most of his music would let on(although is Frisky the catchiest song ever? Um. Yeah.), Alicia is really nice, Molly is smarter than you'd expect, and Phil/Noel basically are just amazing. As for Mr. Ronson, I find him so confusing. My iPod does have some of his work and yet for some reason, I'm aware that Oh My God is horrendously terrible. I'm also aware that I hate his hair and his clothes and his "I know so much about hip hop and I play bass aren't I so cool?" thing make me want to attack him with a chainsaw. But whenever I see interviews, recent interviews, he does the awkwardly adorable charm thing which I am a sucker for. I love his randomly annoying monotone drawl thing, it's cute, okay? it's probably all an act, but whatever....he's so adorable and so annoying. And it's so obvious when he's reading an autocue. What am I to make of him?
I took a break to write 800 words. Yaaaaay.
6 days. Wow. It's gonna be tough to update all of this.
The midterm was...alright. I didn't do terribly well, I think, but I don't find out exactly till Friday. My teacher let us see our total grades, minus the midterm, a few days ago and I'm at a 90% which is definitely a few percent above average so I'm thinking I'm not completely screwed whatever happens. Science is a tough. I hate electricity so much I could scream and I hate how exhausted I am every science class. And labs. Uuuugh, labs are the worst things ever.
I also found out I have to do a science research paper at some point in the not so distant future. 5-10 pages. Not impossible but definitely longer than has ever been required for me before. If you're interested in regular rants about my 8th grade English teacher then I'd recommend my old blog, but put simply, we did not write. Ever. We did not write. the biggest fact-based writing assignment I got, I swear to God, was a minimum of three pages. and not only that, anything above three and a half was DISCOURAGED. Like, what the hell? She didn't even appreciate good writing. It could be 6th grade level for all she cared! this was May and by this time I couldn't be botheredwith what my English teacher thought of me so I was basically like "here's my rather dry five-draft six-page essay on Mark Twain. Have fun :D". Basically, now I'm not really prepared to...like, write. So I'm scared. But we get to chose our topic so, like, yay.
I got a 95% on a math test and we get to add mistakes, It's a complicated system she proposed, but I could work my way back up to a 100%. Which is cool. Except I do miss my triangles now that we have to do those silly quadrilaterals. Triangles rule, okay? That's just a fact. We did a little project that counted as quiz, my group, and got a 60% so there goes my A for term 1. And I got stuck with that girl in the class who you wonder how they were able to get into the class because she's a bimbo. Today my geo. teacher talked to me at lunch--she hovers around the lunch room, blah blah blah--about helping her, not that there was a ton to be helped with, whatever way you looked at it.
I failed a Spanish listening quiz but frankly I do not care one bit. The teacher's a bitch. Fact. I just get through it best I can. I quite like the crackle in the headphones in the language lab. That is all.
We played matball, again. Come on. With the same teams, and I have the worst team ever. I did stuff this time. For some reason the atmosphere was less scary. A lot less scary. I can't even explain myself on this front, but anyway Io got a point...or run...or whatever it's called in that game. Afterwards my teacher was like "now, you have to shake hands with someone on the other team.." and this two girls I talk to who always get me to participate shouted my name and raced each other to shake my hands. it was cool. today we played what was basically Evil Matball because it was physically impossible for you not to play. And the moment finally came when I failed to kick the ball. The inevitability that that would happen at some point was staring me in the face, I know. Game is evil and I hate it. I also wish we'd go outside again soon. I hate these indoor games so much.
*Superhans gets stuck in bathroom* 'What's wrong with the door?"
Jez; "oh, it's funny, Hans, you have to lift the handle then twis--"
SH; "this is BULLSHIT" *kicks door down*.
Spectacular moment.
Countdown; 16 days and I can't wait.
the sad thing is how little there is to update on. I have so much homework tomorrow.
So far this month I have become addicted to Love The Way You Lie, had a computer crash, and got a thing that looks like a brain from some art show.
If you ever thought I was interesting at all, which you should not, then you will be disappointed today. Sorry. It's 10:52 and I'm very tired already and still wanna watch peep Show tonight. And i'm hungry. To the Pringles.
I'm reading another Alice walker book. I'm happy. I loooooove Alice Walker, she's seriously my favorite author. But I couldn't write like her. Ever. or even attempt to try to copy. it's just far too good.
In gym, some girl said I look too innocent for anyone to try to get me out. And I was like, um, okay? Sure?
Also people keep saying it's gonna snow any day now but the weather is being nice. Leave me alone, winter.
Anyone, um, that's about it because I still need to write. Sorry. I am SO tried.
Bye for now.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
I have A Midterm tomorrow
One that I should really, probably, most likely be actually studying for.
But you can only do so much, you know? I either know it or I don't. Yeah. Or, I've yet to come to terms with the fact that ten percent of my science grade depends on whatever happens tomorrow morning. Good lord.
the good thing is how this is all panning out for NaNoWriMo. Day off Tuesday, day off next Thursday, Thanksgiving, not too much homework, et cetera. It works out very well to write so many words each day which, if you're wondering, is going swimmingly. Way better than last year's at this stage although admittedly that was nothing short of horrendous from the get go. I'm better now with the idea that's it about just getting the words down, not making them sound terribly good.
On my day off I got orange gloves that I will most likely never wear for I've nothing to wear them with, which is a shame because they're just so incredibly lovely. and a sweatshirt. Frankly I feel I need more clothes but I dunno what clothes I want at the moment. *shrugs* I probably look stupid most of the time but I don't really wanna wear a lot of the stuff that's in Forever 21. I don't know how people actually pull of the stuff in there. And by pull off, I mean like normal. this is New England, not Paris. People here actually manage to make hipster clothes look untrendy, which is obviously I skill I will never master. Not that I know a whole ton about clothes beyond, like, Style Rookie and "oh, that's a nice color of t-shirt".
I have too many t-shirts. too many unisex t-shirts. they don't fit or work for me but oh they're so comfy, especially when I have to get dressed at like quarter past six every morning and I'm like "screw looking halfway decent". I can do that when I wake up on nine every saturday. Well, sort of. to the best of my ability I can.
I had a Spanish quiz yesterday which was easy and today i had to present a Spanish skit. I'm growing to hate this teacher, hate this language, et cetera. If I could turn back time, first thing I'd do is make myself take German instead. cause German is so cool. and also in the skit today we were doing a scene at a restaurant. I'm the customer who is a total bitch and has more lines than anyone else. One of my lines is 'Que Asco!" or "how gross" which by the way I wouldn't say in real life ever because A.) the word gross is, well, gross B.) I would end up nearly suicidal for all the mocking because of my accent and C.) Seriously, who actually complains about their food at a restaurant? No one! If you don't wanna eat it you don't technically have to. you don' have to tip either. No one actually complains to the waiter that their food tastes bad. my Spanish teacher had a go at me for not being expressive enough, so she's like "okay, say it in English". So, I do, as humiliating and aggravating as it was. and she laughs because I was expressionless, she thought, although a better term was "angry and anxious and terrified". I say the line in front of the class as best I can--I'm not an actor in any language, okay?--and she laughs. and then she says to the class after the skit "we quizzed naomi on it before, and she says it like that[lacking in expression] in English, too." I was busy ignoring her completely and getting a book from my bag, seeing as I'm apparently so lacking in emotion, although frankly, I was very, very, very pissed off. How dare she say that at all, let alone in front of the entire class? I hate this total...war against people who aren't the most extroverted and out-there people in the world. I hate it. It's everywhere! How many times a day am I asked to talk more? I can't even begin to count. Asked to be something I'm not. Ridiculed for being who I am. Humiliated and embarrassed and occasionally rather isolated for something that basically is beyond my control. Great. thank you, spanish teacher airhead snobby stuck up bitch.
Gym memories are flooding back from 8th grade. today we played matball. My entire class hates me because I do nothing, and I guess in some ways they're being very reasonable for hating me, but also people aren't necessarily hated by their peers for doing nothing in other classes, are they? I guess that's my educational Achilles Heel. I learn way better by doing stuff largely on my own. By the way, I also hate being told to run around the gym( technichally we didn't have to run but of course that rule evaporates the moment the game starts and it's not like the teachers care), kick a ball badly, be shouted at, laughed at, and stand, nothing short of terrified, hoping the ball doesn't go anywhere near you. "this game is supposed to be fun for everyone". Yeah, well why the fuck don't you try to achieve that?
Before the game started, my teacher was like "now, since this game is fun for everyone, if someone looks like they'd be okay with having a ball thrown at them, then you can do that. If they don't, then don't. For example, I don't think she would like to have the ball thrown at her because she's not the most interactive of people, so respect that."
Bet you can't guess whose shoulders her hands were on, who these embarrassing words were aimed at.
I had the big dreaded math test today for triangles I don't understand. Good thing is, no orthocenters or proofs. some stuff was a bit confusing and there were a few things I totally didn't get, but I did get at least one bonus right(with a circle, hahahaha), and apparently everyone struggled. Also I'm an a in that class so whatever.
Today I took a partner test which confused me and reviewed. Sorry to bring up a sort of recurring theme to this post, but my teacher was asking me about something and she was like "you know, I think this is the first time we've had a long enough conversation for me to work out you have an accent." She laughs. "You don't talk much".
you know you've had a bad day when this doesn't even enter your top five of worst moments.
Tomorrow will not go well but I'm an A- in science so it shouldn't be, like, horrendous or anything. or it could. actually, no, it will. Please no more energy stuff, Mrs. Teacher, that's killing me. wow I'm actually quite scared now. And how do i study for that? I've no idea!
Tthere's no...war or bomb shit in Crete, is there?" - Jez
Countdown; 22 Days.
I can't wait. Mark, Jez, Superhans, and I guess technically Jesse and Sam, you rock. blogspot won't let me post that annoying heart emoticon, but I promise you that is so appropriate here.
I can't stop listening to Robyn or eating Pringles. Weekend soon. I'm happy and slightly neurotic, or I wish I was.
I need to study. Bye Bye.
But you can only do so much, you know? I either know it or I don't. Yeah. Or, I've yet to come to terms with the fact that ten percent of my science grade depends on whatever happens tomorrow morning. Good lord.
the good thing is how this is all panning out for NaNoWriMo. Day off Tuesday, day off next Thursday, Thanksgiving, not too much homework, et cetera. It works out very well to write so many words each day which, if you're wondering, is going swimmingly. Way better than last year's at this stage although admittedly that was nothing short of horrendous from the get go. I'm better now with the idea that's it about just getting the words down, not making them sound terribly good.
On my day off I got orange gloves that I will most likely never wear for I've nothing to wear them with, which is a shame because they're just so incredibly lovely. and a sweatshirt. Frankly I feel I need more clothes but I dunno what clothes I want at the moment. *shrugs* I probably look stupid most of the time but I don't really wanna wear a lot of the stuff that's in Forever 21. I don't know how people actually pull of the stuff in there. And by pull off, I mean like normal. this is New England, not Paris. People here actually manage to make hipster clothes look untrendy, which is obviously I skill I will never master. Not that I know a whole ton about clothes beyond, like, Style Rookie and "oh, that's a nice color of t-shirt".
I have too many t-shirts. too many unisex t-shirts. they don't fit or work for me but oh they're so comfy, especially when I have to get dressed at like quarter past six every morning and I'm like "screw looking halfway decent". I can do that when I wake up on nine every saturday. Well, sort of. to the best of my ability I can.
I had a Spanish quiz yesterday which was easy and today i had to present a Spanish skit. I'm growing to hate this teacher, hate this language, et cetera. If I could turn back time, first thing I'd do is make myself take German instead. cause German is so cool. and also in the skit today we were doing a scene at a restaurant. I'm the customer who is a total bitch and has more lines than anyone else. One of my lines is 'Que Asco!" or "how gross" which by the way I wouldn't say in real life ever because A.) the word gross is, well, gross B.) I would end up nearly suicidal for all the mocking because of my accent and C.) Seriously, who actually complains about their food at a restaurant? No one! If you don't wanna eat it you don't technically have to. you don' have to tip either. No one actually complains to the waiter that their food tastes bad. my Spanish teacher had a go at me for not being expressive enough, so she's like "okay, say it in English". So, I do, as humiliating and aggravating as it was. and she laughs because I was expressionless, she thought, although a better term was "angry and anxious and terrified". I say the line in front of the class as best I can--I'm not an actor in any language, okay?--and she laughs. and then she says to the class after the skit "we quizzed naomi on it before, and she says it like that[lacking in expression] in English, too." I was busy ignoring her completely and getting a book from my bag, seeing as I'm apparently so lacking in emotion, although frankly, I was very, very, very pissed off. How dare she say that at all, let alone in front of the entire class? I hate this total...war against people who aren't the most extroverted and out-there people in the world. I hate it. It's everywhere! How many times a day am I asked to talk more? I can't even begin to count. Asked to be something I'm not. Ridiculed for being who I am. Humiliated and embarrassed and occasionally rather isolated for something that basically is beyond my control. Great. thank you, spanish teacher airhead snobby stuck up bitch.
Gym memories are flooding back from 8th grade. today we played matball. My entire class hates me because I do nothing, and I guess in some ways they're being very reasonable for hating me, but also people aren't necessarily hated by their peers for doing nothing in other classes, are they? I guess that's my educational Achilles Heel. I learn way better by doing stuff largely on my own. By the way, I also hate being told to run around the gym( technichally we didn't have to run but of course that rule evaporates the moment the game starts and it's not like the teachers care), kick a ball badly, be shouted at, laughed at, and stand, nothing short of terrified, hoping the ball doesn't go anywhere near you. "this game is supposed to be fun for everyone". Yeah, well why the fuck don't you try to achieve that?
Before the game started, my teacher was like "now, since this game is fun for everyone, if someone looks like they'd be okay with having a ball thrown at them, then you can do that. If they don't, then don't. For example, I don't think she would like to have the ball thrown at her because she's not the most interactive of people, so respect that."
Bet you can't guess whose shoulders her hands were on, who these embarrassing words were aimed at.
I had the big dreaded math test today for triangles I don't understand. Good thing is, no orthocenters or proofs. some stuff was a bit confusing and there were a few things I totally didn't get, but I did get at least one bonus right(with a circle, hahahaha), and apparently everyone struggled. Also I'm an a in that class so whatever.
Today I took a partner test which confused me and reviewed. Sorry to bring up a sort of recurring theme to this post, but my teacher was asking me about something and she was like "you know, I think this is the first time we've had a long enough conversation for me to work out you have an accent." She laughs. "You don't talk much".
you know you've had a bad day when this doesn't even enter your top five of worst moments.
Tomorrow will not go well but I'm an A- in science so it shouldn't be, like, horrendous or anything. or it could. actually, no, it will. Please no more energy stuff, Mrs. Teacher, that's killing me. wow I'm actually quite scared now. And how do i study for that? I've no idea!
Tthere's no...war or bomb shit in Crete, is there?" - Jez
Countdown; 22 Days.
I can't wait. Mark, Jez, Superhans, and I guess technically Jesse and Sam, you rock. blogspot won't let me post that annoying heart emoticon, but I promise you that is so appropriate here.
I can't stop listening to Robyn or eating Pringles. Weekend soon. I'm happy and slightly neurotic, or I wish I was.
I need to study. Bye Bye.
high school,
mid term,
Monday, November 1, 2010
NanoWriMo Day One
I got done with my first 1,667 words a few minutes ago. Yes, I am doing NaNoWriMo. for some reason among midterms, tests, homework, piano lessons, my mother going to England for a week, and all that--which, admittedly, isn't a ton compared to most--I have decided to write a 50,000 word story in 30 days. i am one of those crazy deluded people, yes. But for the first week at least, it's fun.
Something's being elected tomorrow so no school. Yay! that's good for the writing. however, over the course of actual school, blogging and writing a novel will be tricky to do at the same time. So, until December, blogging will pretty much be a weekend thing. So...y'know, savor it while you can. I will savor not being ridiculously stressed for the moment. However, the big positive about this is that it gives me something to do over November. It's not technically winter yet but it is in my head. and I hate winter. hate hate hate it so much. Everyone dislikes it but I am something, it appears, of an extreme. I mean that so much more than I can actually explain. Seasonal Affective Disorder? Not diagnosed and don't think I should be. It's just different. I need something to do this time of year or things just get very bad. thanks, nanowrimo.
My Halloween rocked thank you very much. I spent the whole weekend worrying I wouldn't get to go with anyone but I went with my friend, and two sort of friends. I knew them from middle school and they're nice enough. And one's in my geometry class and the other my gym and study. it was the first Halloween where it wasn't seventy plus degrees and I had to wear gloves(I was a last minute pirate by the way. Emphasis on last minute.). the depressing thing was how empty it was. Probably to do with it being a Sunday or something, but we were in a fairly busy area and there weren't many kids out. Kind of a shame. we went back to have pie at my friend's house but there wasn't enough time. So, great!
that evening I went to a Florence and the Machine concert. It's not much of a story but it would take up more words than I have time to write. Put simply, she was very very very good. she played all my favorites and didn't play You got The Love(nice) and her and her band were dressed as skeletons. it was cool. My first time seeing Florence. Would very much like to again. although how 'bout that 2nd album, eh Florence? See my, um, music blog for details(ish).
Now, I'm so tired. last night i did my random thing of waking up at three in the morning for no reason, despite going to bed so late. Ugh. why?
Sunday morning was like super super busy, what with homework and organising the evening and stuff. I carved a pumpkin! I used a template and it says Welcome. It was a tricky design and an awkward bit fell off but I'm proud of it. also, do pumpkins not smell amazing? I love it! Halloween is so cool. Christmas then Halloween then...everything else, in my book. Yes.
It's kinda sad that it's over. oh, it's the curse of November 1st. My silly brain.
On the plus side, Peep show in 25 days. Jesse and Sam, give me a super witty late November sitcom, 'kay?
"I'll tell you what, this crack is really moreish" - Superhans
this show is my life and my love. I'm creepy.
I'm listening to Peter Doherty's solo. Still love it. It is so not mediocre like people think. What's happening with the Libertines, I wonder? I've heard nothing. that's so weird.
Is it just me, or is music SO boring at the moment? it's so sad that a Kings of Leon album is gonna be the biggest album of the latter part of the year. I've only added a few songs lately to my ipod . i will add more Florence and Walkmen, but come on...things just aren't looking good. I'm sad about it.
Oh yes, Friday afternoon! amazing! I knew the school were gonna dress up but I wasn't expecting the extent to which it went. My God, there was some serious effort put into some of those. Yes, most were like Mario and cross dressing and stuff but there was Lady Gagas and one Mario with an electric board thing, a condom dispenser, a guy walking upside down, etc. it rocked! Most mornings in the hallway where I sit, there are these guys who put an iPhone in their backpack playing the same dance track and wander around in circles for no reason. Friday there were like twenty of them, all in costume of course, and it was kinda amazing. the funny thing was how it was the senior guys who had put in the serious effort and it was the freshman in, like, funny hats and glasses. How brilliant and unexpected is that? plus, a guy in my study was supposed to be Mexican and he brought a guitar with him. We had a sub in study and the teacher was reading out all the rules one already knows, as subs tend to do, and the guy kept playing a couple of chords after he finished each sentence. "Now, this is a QUIET study..." *Mexican-sounding strumming*. Genius!
I'm gonna have a busy week. math test on Friday, Spanish test wednesday, Spanish presentation Friday, Science test wednesday, science mid-ohmyeffinggod-term Friday. all these tests! My grades are okay in all classes at the moment. I got updates a few days ago. Slightly better in geometry slightly worse in science. spanish the same. Science labs are silly. Spanish is verbs that are boring, and food that I can't be bothered to learn. Gym is gym. We were pulling people up like flying squirrels today. It's getting rather too cold to be outside every lesson.
Geometry's weird. I had a quiz last week and I thought I did really badly because I didn't understand half of it and I could have done with more time. However, i got it back today. 104%. She acknowledges people who do really well after tests and quizzes and I was the only one today. and I'm not a regular for that sort of thing. I'm not trying to boast, I'm just saying this is the weirdest thing that has happened to be in quite a long time. On the bonus one, I guessed. How did I guess a bonus and get it right? It's like, what the hell? And when I say guess, I literally mean the only logic I applied was "well, this unit is about congruent sides on triangles and stuff, so I'm gonna run with that idea and hope it's right". And it was! Ha! Hardest quiz so far and best grade. Yeesssssss. Here's to keeping an A minus and feeling good.
Since I have a day off tomorrow, I'm gonna go to the mall. it's not very exciting, but it's something. This entire week, my sister is at a camp in Maine in below average temperatures, sitting outside and learning about peer pressure and going to bed several hours earlier than she likes. Yay! Her whole grade does it. I did it, too, in 7th grade and I abhorred it like most others. I actually had it a week earlier and I still froze so I win, sorta. But it will be lonely without her. I will have to take her place. I will have to hit random piano keys while I'm playing, I will have to not do my math homework until my dad screams at me to do so, I will have to have arguments with myself over whether I can watch Peep Show or Avatar before I go to bed. It's gonna be a fun, fun week.
Have fun writing guys. 1/30 there! Happy November xD
- Naomi
I got done with my first 1,667 words a few minutes ago. Yes, I am doing NaNoWriMo. for some reason among midterms, tests, homework, piano lessons, my mother going to England for a week, and all that--which, admittedly, isn't a ton compared to most--I have decided to write a 50,000 word story in 30 days. i am one of those crazy deluded people, yes. But for the first week at least, it's fun.
Something's being elected tomorrow so no school. Yay! that's good for the writing. however, over the course of actual school, blogging and writing a novel will be tricky to do at the same time. So, until December, blogging will pretty much be a weekend thing. So...y'know, savor it while you can. I will savor not being ridiculously stressed for the moment. However, the big positive about this is that it gives me something to do over November. It's not technically winter yet but it is in my head. and I hate winter. hate hate hate it so much. Everyone dislikes it but I am something, it appears, of an extreme. I mean that so much more than I can actually explain. Seasonal Affective Disorder? Not diagnosed and don't think I should be. It's just different. I need something to do this time of year or things just get very bad. thanks, nanowrimo.
My Halloween rocked thank you very much. I spent the whole weekend worrying I wouldn't get to go with anyone but I went with my friend, and two sort of friends. I knew them from middle school and they're nice enough. And one's in my geometry class and the other my gym and study. it was the first Halloween where it wasn't seventy plus degrees and I had to wear gloves(I was a last minute pirate by the way. Emphasis on last minute.). the depressing thing was how empty it was. Probably to do with it being a Sunday or something, but we were in a fairly busy area and there weren't many kids out. Kind of a shame. we went back to have pie at my friend's house but there wasn't enough time. So, great!
that evening I went to a Florence and the Machine concert. It's not much of a story but it would take up more words than I have time to write. Put simply, she was very very very good. she played all my favorites and didn't play You got The Love(nice) and her and her band were dressed as skeletons. it was cool. My first time seeing Florence. Would very much like to again. although how 'bout that 2nd album, eh Florence? See my, um, music blog for details(ish).
Now, I'm so tired. last night i did my random thing of waking up at three in the morning for no reason, despite going to bed so late. Ugh. why?
Sunday morning was like super super busy, what with homework and organising the evening and stuff. I carved a pumpkin! I used a template and it says Welcome. It was a tricky design and an awkward bit fell off but I'm proud of it. also, do pumpkins not smell amazing? I love it! Halloween is so cool. Christmas then Halloween then...everything else, in my book. Yes.
It's kinda sad that it's over. oh, it's the curse of November 1st. My silly brain.
On the plus side, Peep show in 25 days. Jesse and Sam, give me a super witty late November sitcom, 'kay?
"I'll tell you what, this crack is really moreish" - Superhans
this show is my life and my love. I'm creepy.
I'm listening to Peter Doherty's solo. Still love it. It is so not mediocre like people think. What's happening with the Libertines, I wonder? I've heard nothing. that's so weird.
Is it just me, or is music SO boring at the moment? it's so sad that a Kings of Leon album is gonna be the biggest album of the latter part of the year. I've only added a few songs lately to my ipod . i will add more Florence and Walkmen, but come on...things just aren't looking good. I'm sad about it.
Oh yes, Friday afternoon! amazing! I knew the school were gonna dress up but I wasn't expecting the extent to which it went. My God, there was some serious effort put into some of those. Yes, most were like Mario and cross dressing and stuff but there was Lady Gagas and one Mario with an electric board thing, a condom dispenser, a guy walking upside down, etc. it rocked! Most mornings in the hallway where I sit, there are these guys who put an iPhone in their backpack playing the same dance track and wander around in circles for no reason. Friday there were like twenty of them, all in costume of course, and it was kinda amazing. the funny thing was how it was the senior guys who had put in the serious effort and it was the freshman in, like, funny hats and glasses. How brilliant and unexpected is that? plus, a guy in my study was supposed to be Mexican and he brought a guitar with him. We had a sub in study and the teacher was reading out all the rules one already knows, as subs tend to do, and the guy kept playing a couple of chords after he finished each sentence. "Now, this is a QUIET study..." *Mexican-sounding strumming*. Genius!
I'm gonna have a busy week. math test on Friday, Spanish test wednesday, Spanish presentation Friday, Science test wednesday, science mid-ohmyeffinggod-term Friday. all these tests! My grades are okay in all classes at the moment. I got updates a few days ago. Slightly better in geometry slightly worse in science. spanish the same. Science labs are silly. Spanish is verbs that are boring, and food that I can't be bothered to learn. Gym is gym. We were pulling people up like flying squirrels today. It's getting rather too cold to be outside every lesson.
Geometry's weird. I had a quiz last week and I thought I did really badly because I didn't understand half of it and I could have done with more time. However, i got it back today. 104%. She acknowledges people who do really well after tests and quizzes and I was the only one today. and I'm not a regular for that sort of thing. I'm not trying to boast, I'm just saying this is the weirdest thing that has happened to be in quite a long time. On the bonus one, I guessed. How did I guess a bonus and get it right? It's like, what the hell? And when I say guess, I literally mean the only logic I applied was "well, this unit is about congruent sides on triangles and stuff, so I'm gonna run with that idea and hope it's right". And it was! Ha! Hardest quiz so far and best grade. Yeesssssss. Here's to keeping an A minus and feeling good.
Since I have a day off tomorrow, I'm gonna go to the mall. it's not very exciting, but it's something. This entire week, my sister is at a camp in Maine in below average temperatures, sitting outside and learning about peer pressure and going to bed several hours earlier than she likes. Yay! Her whole grade does it. I did it, too, in 7th grade and I abhorred it like most others. I actually had it a week earlier and I still froze so I win, sorta. But it will be lonely without her. I will have to take her place. I will have to hit random piano keys while I'm playing, I will have to not do my math homework until my dad screams at me to do so, I will have to have arguments with myself over whether I can watch Peep Show or Avatar before I go to bed. It's gonna be a fun, fun week.
Have fun writing guys. 1/30 there! Happy November xD
- Naomi
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