Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 7th, 2010

Hello blog.

I'm sorry it's been a month and a bit and I've only done ten posts. I feel kinda guilty, like somehow I should feel guilty because of my blog of all things. I used to post every three days. Now I'm averaging five. I just feel like that isn't properly recording what I wanna record, you know? Sigh.

Not that there's a whole heck of a lot to report. Life at the moment? The leaves are falling, I have a love/hate relationship with gym, I'm going to a Halloween-themed theme park thing with friends tomorrow, I've become such a Shooting Stars addict that I've been watching some stuff from series 1 online, I'm gonna see Weezer in December, and I like sitting in hallways in the morning reading books and unintentionally staring at people.

Overall, not too bad. On the Weezer note, I dunno if you heard about the way they're touring, but I'm seeing them the day they're playing the Blue Album. Not a huge Pinkerton fan, me. And I'm not actually getting Hurley. I just thought they'd be fun to see.

Autumn's so short here that I really need to get into the spirit, like, now, because this is Massachusetts and for all I know we could have two feet of snow tomorrow. That'd really suck. I haven't really gotten the chance to enjoy it. My favorite thing about autumn is going for walks but I can't. Homework. High school hates people being happy, right? Silly high school. But October's a really great month. I loooooooooove October.

School's been up and down this week! I had such a great gym class today. Next week we're going outside to do these kinda, I don't know, adventure courses. Walking on planks of wood, zip lines, that sort of thing. To prepare for it we've had to do a lot of trust exercises. It's as stupid as it sounds. I will never trust all seventeen other people in my class. I do not even come close to liking several of them. So trust is kinda dumb, but hey, it's not actual sports which sometimes is all I can ask for. We did trust falls on Tuesday, and today we did trust falls off the bleachers in the gym. Your feet are probably about seven feet off the ground from the top of the bleachers. below you, said seventeen other kids holding their hands out criss-crossed with the people opposite them, kinda cheering you on as you stand there, wishing they'd just stop because you can't stand the attention. The drop's the easy bit. I'm not really scared of heights or falling anyway. Your heart kinda sinks as it does, and it is quite possible I started flailing my hands in the air although I can't really remember, and then you're awkwardly being held by a dozen of your classmates. Rather more exhilarating than I've found this Team Work shtick so far this year. Going out into the woods Monday. With this so-called new lease of 'trust' in my peers, will I be able to do whatever horrors are set forward? Who knows.

That being said, the logic problems they give us are pretty humiliating. It's a thing where you're "in" when you get them, and mocked by the "in" while you're out. I'm always the last to get them. And by get them, I mean be told by someone whilst in the locker room. I'm not a moron, sort of, though I wouldn't say I'm smart either. Guess it's just not my sort of logic. But the fact that I'm being publicly humiliated, feel embarrassed, and start to hate myself when the class is over...what's the point of that? Usually the psychology behind most of these games are pretty simple, but this. What kind of mind games are they trying to pull? Honestly, I'm seeing no benefits.

Geometry we had our little party on Monday. Had cake. Felt a bit baffled at the confusion of our relatively simple chapter we've been working on and why we had to do extra review. Took a look at our test today, and mentally ran through my list of "I'm really pissed off now" vocabulary. How dare she give us a proof worth eight points! Not a single person in the class can do proofs! And I know I got zero points 'cause I somehow ended up talking about a parallelogram and there's no doubt in my mind that that was a mile away from where I was supposed to be, So, pretty much screwed up the third test, the one I thought was simple. It's just slope and theorems, right? Wrong. That test was evil. I didn't even have TIME for the bonus questions, let alone racking my brains for answers! Anyway. I got new seats and I'm with a girl who has labelled me a superhero, and another that has declared that I don't talk much because when I talk, world disasters happen.

I will never know about science until the day of a test. I have one tomorrow. Could potentially be a disaster or rather fantastic. Who knows, right? Stupid Newton, he's really annoying. I have a Spanish quiz tomorrow, too. Know the ideas, though not all the vocab, and not enough time to really understand it. Uuuuugh. Good news is, I'm getting better at Spanish. I'm near kids of a similar level, and all we've been doing this week is busy work and practising skits. Presented those today, too. Was the only one in my group who knew all the lines, and I was the one who was mocked for lack of emotion. A bit unfair.

Today coming home the person I feel obligated to sit next to just 'cause, was elsewhere so I got the whole seat and it almost looked really warm outside. So bright. The bus was nearly empty. I'm just saying. And such a light homework load. Musing over logic problems and gravity. Easy day.

I'm getting back into the swing of piano. I'm just saying, thank you Tim Minchin. the sort of obsession one is allowed to feel for a musician would be considered weird for just about anybody else. And by musician, I mean 'normal' musician. Sorry Tim. People would think I'm weird for how much I like Tim Minchin. Who cares? I was listening to a few of his songs earlier, then I went back to practice my much much simpler little pieces and just kinda had a new energy for the way I was playing. I was playing badly, not that Tim does obviously, but I was having so much fun. Tim is basically awesome, though of course you already knew it.

And I bought an Arcade Fire CD. Again, just saying.

I do not honestly know why I don't want these paragraphs to flow anymore.




Right, now I just sound ridiculous.

LAST THING; NaNo update; nothing to report. Not good! I can come up with characters. Really dumb, cliched, cookie-cutter characters, but characters nonetheless. I have some stupid plots. No good plots. I've been writing stuff out, hoping that something will kinda pop out. Again, stupid things. I've another three weeks to have that brilliantly revolutionary literary idea pop into my head.

That, or I'm copying Mark Danielewski. Ideas?

Past tenses and forces await studying, friends. Night.

- Naomi

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