Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tim Minchin Concert and Stuff.

mixed week.

Got a really bad headache on Friday so I stayed home from school. Which was good, I suppose, as I had to do a health project that day and I 'd been up late every day that week, and I don't think I could've handled it. I do the whole 'I don't think I could've handled it' routine a lot, I know, but this time it was most accurate.

I'm feeling much better now, particularly after a couple of nights in which I was not forced awake way before what is reasonable or comfortable. While apparently I have a science test on Tuesday, I'm gonna try to have a relaxing weekend. I would to try to care about this damn science test, but I'm almost beyond empathy. So tired. It's very hard to care when it's so nice outside, you know? Damn June. End of the year. I'll try to pull myself together for this science test, than give up and give in to two days of playing Sweeney Todd songs on piano, reading Lolita, watching old Disney movies, and playing Animal Cross(my revived love). Then I'll stay up on Monday as long as I can without the aid of caffeine.

So, I saw Tim Minchin last night. It was....hilight of...well, the year? Is that too wild a thing to say? 'cause it might just be true. I've been a huge(and really, a huge) Tim fan for about a year now. I got into, like, Canvas Bags and Predjudice last June and fell in love with his music and his lyrics and his amazing brain, and now I know and adore absolutely everything he's done. We got into Boston pretty late, and I couldn't bear to miss anything so I just about ran through Boston common and most of the theater area. Turns out we got there in bags of time--the theater, which I'd never been to before, is built like an old fashioned cabaret, tables in the front and waitress service and everything, so their main priority is to sell you as much pre-gig overpriced drinks as they can. Therefore, show starts late. The place is small and luckily his gorgeous grand piano was facing towards me, so I got to be very close up. We waited a while and the venue was very surreal so that's okay, but he came on and I kind of had a sort of moment of huge fangirlishiness. TIM. All big hair and eyemakeup and skinny jeans and NO SHOES. No shoes, everyone, it's amazing! And I was so close to him too. He comes on, plays around with the mic and what have you, and of course there's no one guy who has to scream "I LOVE YOU" and then "I WANNA HAVE YOUR BABIES". And then he opened with Rock & Roll nerd(always brilliant). He gets up, does a bit of dark, explicit humor that kinda is supposed to make you cringe, and he talks about, like, objectification and he's like "What if I got my cock and balls out right, now?" and the same man sort of screams in delight at the idea. He does a statistics joke(<3) THEN he plays his new song called Cont(ext)...I'll spare you the details, it's not on the internet yet but you need the element of surprise if ever you see it. Let me just say, it is very, very funny. Then he plays another new song called Thank You God, which follows the path of his other religion-bashing songs(The Good Book, Ten Foot, etc.) but it's good and it has one verse which is very, very clever. After he asks 'So, is anyone here interested in the game tonight? I mean, probably not...I tend to attract weird nerds, so probably not.." and some guy's like "what game?" and Tim's like "yeah...". then he plays if I Didn't Have You, complete with the famous Tim Wiggle, and I think he did you Grew On Me and then ended with Lullaby. It's hard to judge--he did a lot of standup, which turned out to be very funny, especially a little bit where he's comparing, like, the Quaran and Harry Potter, and it was good, and unlike the songs the standup is kinda hard to remember...bits stick out, yeah, but you can't remember everything. An interval, and then he played Predjudice, Confessions, Storm(' this is about the time of the night where most comedians would relax with something, this is a nine and a half minute jazz beat poem'), the Pope Song, and Darkside. He did a first enchore, with Drowned, and a second with Second Enchore(nach). More standup, too. Darkside's already amazing solo was lengthened a bit and it was even faster and more incredible, and then it kinda merged into Fur Elise for a second and I was like, oh my god, wow, genius. Overall I was blown away with just how good he was last night...I love him, his music, his songs, his everything. Go listen to him, now. I'm sad it's over. xD

Also, the Script on Tuesday. again I have to remind myself why I'm so keen to see this band...this'll be the 3rd time ? and then, um, it'll be four if I see them at V(which is likely). No matter. I'm so excited for V randomly, now. Probably to do with, like, the new Arctic Monkeys album out on Monday, which is supposed to be amazing and that I'm so excited for. Also, new kaiser Chiefs album! I'll be seeing both of those bands at V...also Razorlight, the Wombats, Pendulum for the hell of it, et cetera. V Fest is always the hi light of the year, and I cannot wait.

From a non-school standpoint, there's nothing much else to say this week. I have a science test and a health project due Tuesday, sooo...basically the next two days won't be fun. And finals coming up soon, sarcastic yay.

Finished my art project early this week, basically got a day off then. Then I started to draw my house, gonna paint it in watercolors. When I'm not talking about music to the people at my table, I hate this class.

Nothing new in health, was only there for one class anyway. Can't even remember what happened. Oh yeah, a quiz, and then I was reading the entire time.

Science is evolution, organism populations, and working towards out final project, nothing interesting. We got a review packet for our final(not looking forward to it in the slightest, of course). But since this whole class has just overloaded me with information this semester, this makes it a whole lot more interesting. Test Tuesday, Im scared.

World Civ has not been a whole lot of fun, either. Talking more about slavery and watching a movie(had a sub on Tuesday, woo)and the scientific revolution and stuff, and then on Thursday we had to do this shitty debate, where the class was divided into two and then one side had to side with Locke, and the other with Hobbes. It was shitty, because it's really not the sort of thing you can back up or argue, as both sides are kinda wishy-washy and in my opinion rather outdated and, frankly, inaffective. My teacher's really into debates, though. Plus, he made me talk...I was forced to do the closing statement with some guy I've never talked to before, and it was an embarrassing, humiliating mess, and no one knew anything and I felt like we were just sitting there bastardizing the works of both Hobbes and Locke. What's doubly annoying, is while the teacher is of course obligated to not choose a side, he made very--and I mean very--clear which side he was on, and then basically ridiculed the whole class when we were on the other side. It's a problem with many a history teacher, I've found--really liberal and makes a show of being all open-minded, but secretly they're a liiiiittle bit of a bigot. Sorry all. It was a bit tiring, and we've done this whole to-do before in this class and it only serves to make me a bit annoyed and frustrated the entire time.

English! The essay I was writing turned out to be terrible, my teacher is gonna be severely disappointed. I had a grammar test which turned out to be surprisingly decent. Then we started Romeo & Juliet. I've gotta through the first few chapters r whatever, I guess it's pretty good but I'm honestly not paying anywhere near as much attention to it as I should be. Then we analyzed some poems and talked at lengths about sexual innuendo in the writing, to the point of it being irritating and tiresome, and luckily we aren't doing fishbowl activities yet, we're not being forced to act, and we get to watch some of the movie. It's like my dream read-through of a book. This class is currently good.

The Wednesday and Thursday morning were spent doing state tests. Science tests. Luckily, they were the only ones Im doing this year but, unluckily, it was terrible. Not that they were particularly hard, of course, but its just that for the first time, they actually, if I'd have gone back in time and told 8th grade me that they'd be up late the night before and got up early on the day to study for state tests, they'd think I'd completely lost my mind. Maybe I have lost my mind,just a little bit? Wait, no, I'm okay...I was at a distinct disadvantage, along with 50% of my grade, because this tested only on physical science stuff. Which I did first semester. Some of which, I haven't looked at since, oh, November. Im sure if I was taking this stuff early in the year, it would have been painfully simple. Alas, I struggled in places because I hadn't done it in so long...I'm sure I did adequately, however.

Since this is a smaller than average post, Ill leave you with a Tim song, okay?

12 days to go.

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