Friday, May 27, 2011

Hey There, Sister Wife.

The title is of no relevance to's an Alex Winston song. It's not amazing but it makes me happy.

most amazing day in ages.

It was the Seniors' Last day on friday, so most of the inanity of high school life was intermittently interrupted with parades of screaming, shouting, shirtlessness, and general obnoxiousness. Ah, what do you expect. Health was boring--a quiz, then several people's projects. I read through most of it. Science, nothing, my teacher talked about turtles and how she wants to be reincarnated as a groundhog, then she was forced to reel herself back in and talk about evolution or whatever. (pfft, all that natural selection shit, who needs to know that when you can talk about the complications of domesticizing a bear?). Lunch was interesting too, though the senior prank was weak. Stealing all the chairs from the cafeteria, really? Then throwing water balloons and confetti everywhere. Hmm, I'm not impressed. At least it got me outside for a while...all seniors dressed for the beach, and blasting Katy Perry somewhere. Fun? I don't think the other non-seniors enjoyed this, but I did, in my quiet, distant way. World Civ, we talked about slaves and whatever, nothing interesting. English, we went over poetry(next unit. Not too excited) and edited these Tale of Two Cities essays we've had to do. So I got stuck with the writing prodigy, but she's cool and that's okay...I don't really have any proper like friendfriends in English--like her and one other girl I'm familiar with. Good enough. At about 1:30, a stampede of seniors made their way through every guy had a vuvuzela(ah, remember last July? Time flies.), another decided to walk into my room, blow a whistle, and then leave. We joked that if someone were to peek out into the hallway, they would be rapidly pulled out into the flow of the crowd, like in a cartoon or whatever. There was a noticeable difference when they'd left. The seniors are more seniors...three and a half weeks left for me. Shit, guys, this year is almost over. Shit.

Evening was a amazing. A couple of friends and myself spontaneously decided to go downtown for the night. it was the usual--saw a few people, saw some drunk seniors screaming out of cars, saw about a dozen policeman hanging around looking out for said drunk seniors. We went to CVS, ate out in Bertuccis, walked around, I rang a giant bell after like ten tries, then hung around like the creepy teenagers we are in a deserted, gorgeous Catholic Church. Oh my god, the night was amazing and it feels like summer and I love it all. Life is wonderful. I will die over summer if I don't see these amazing people enough--that is all.

So yeah, it's also hot here for the first time. It's really hot and it's late-ish. Hello, summer, nice to see my favorite season again. It's been too long, too much rain and snow. I don't think it's very, y'know, cool to say summer is your favorite season...but whatever.

School. Health! Nothing out of the usual. I have my Bipolar project due Wednesday, but it was moved to Friday due to mid-week state tests. Yay, since I haven't exactly started it yet. it was the usual talking about birth control this week, the teacher obviously struggling to counterbalance the requirement to talk about that stuff, when really she wants to scream at us to just not have sex. Ha. In addition, I have decided that it is impossible for anyone to become so mature, that seeing someone put a condom over their arm(while asking you to write down a list of 'steps') is no longer funny. Really. We followed up an activity we did the week prior, where we draw a 'perfect partner'. Turns out, we did this because 'if we do not know what we want now, we will never get it'. Kinda confused, as I thought we were basically being told not to look for anything? Huh.

Art, nothing out of the usual, more focused on doing butterfly painting things on my folder than working on my actual art project. However, there are no longer any insipid, stupid conversations for me to secretly laugh at, because some guy that everyone hates has joined our table(he wanted to be away from the potheads at his previous table) and the girls at my table want to be mildly unpleasant to him. Turns out, he's nowhere near as annoying as the regulars at my table are, so whatever. He's actually a decent person, the others are the weird ones.

Science, we're doing this huge group project that counts for 6% of the total grade. Six percent! Luckily it's easy, and if I do well on this and do well on the final, I'm basically guaranteed an A. The people in my group are mildly irritating(and I'm supposed to be feigning friendship with two of them)and I don't wanna write about trees or whatever. Le sigh. We went out for the last time to our environmental area some time during the week. It threatened to rain the whole time, but it never quite got there luckily. But it was still cold then, and wet, and it wasn't fun. Also I have to do physical science state tests next Wednesday and I know nothing.

World Civ has been extraordinarily dull this week...we finished some activity from a previous week, watched a movie about colonists, and talked about types of colonies. my god, this is so far away from the history stuff that interests me. My teacher kind of rambles a bit, but remarkably he manages to ramble about the same shit at different parts of the class and never notices. I took a quiz on this stuff at some point, but I honestly had no clue about anything...first failed world civ quiz? I think so. I'm failing a lot lately, I've given up on school. Now we have to talk about slavery, and we're not allowed to be even remotely cheery about it. And we have to watch a shit movie about it. So many movies in this class.

English, finally finishing up Tale of Two Cities. This week's been a blur. Grammar, grammar, so much grammar, test on Tuesday + I know nothing. The essay wasn't fun...but we got all of Thursday to write it in class, which made for an exceptionally pleasant class. A few more fishbowl activites, one I got 100% on, the other 85%. My teacher's been impressed with my stuff lately, I guess I really 'got' Tale of Two Cities. I wasn't very good--everyone else was just very bad. They hadn't a clue what was going on. Literary skills by proxy? I guess so. But not really...and now there's more pressure for the damn essay. Also, we start Romeo and Juliet next week. For preparation, I have to spend the weekend analyzing shitty haikus. Ugh.

Not a whole lot else to report for this week. It's a long weekend which I hope to spend well. No Doctor Who this weekend. Listening to CocoRosie and reading Plath. It's been good, though.

Tim Minchin next Saturday, too.

Anyway, night.

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