Wednesday, March 23, 2011

so why has march been so randomly crazy?

There's your usual stuff that needs saying. I have a science quiz on Friday and I don't know any of it. And I'm not allowed to panic to anyone, apparently, because they're all like 'yeah, Naomi, you're gonna do so badly, you're gonna get like a 95'. Sorry for my arrogance there. Flattered as I am, that doesn't help when I KNOW that anything more than a 75% on this would be miraculous.

So I try to study, then I panic, then a study, and so on and so forth. Late nights all around.

So, might as well just do a song post, no?

Turns out, alex turner solo is absolutely gorgeous. though to be honest, I expected nothing less. I'm all the more excited for May--arctic monkeys--and August--V. Why is V still on my mind? 149 days. all I can think about is being packed like sardines in crowds, barbeque smoke, sunshine, and beer being thrown and landing in my hair.

and outside my head, it's not getting warmer, stores don't sell the CDs I want, and my Empire Stikres Back CD skips random parts. sighness.

anyway, er, yeah, night.

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