Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ewan McGregor my life...

Revenge of the Sith came out just before I hit puberty, I believe. Because of that, when I've watched it again in more recent years, it's been shown to me in a totally new light.(yes, I am talking about Obi Wan, obviously.)(yes, Ewan's gorgeous, isn't he?)(yes, I'm gonna spread this out over another paragraph).

I've been in a Star Wars mood lately. And when I say mood, I mean addiction. obsession. pure that's-all-i-think-about level of devotion for the past week or so. It's funny cause I've loved Star Wars, really adored all the movies, bar maybe Phantom Menace but that has Qui Gon Jinn(lovelovelove) so that makes up for it, since Attack of the Clones came out. although after re-falling in love with them now I realized how little of the dialogue I really understood when I was younger, particularly in I, II, and III. Now that I actually have a general idea of what's going on, and am not completely overwhelmed by all the pseudo political talk, I have realized how fucking fantastic the whole thing is. I really love them. and I'm a reglar now on Fuck Yeah Star Wars. I'm lost among a fandom of aging men and pre-pubscent boys, but it's fine because the fandom's awesome and the movie's are great. GREAT I TELL YOU.

Can I say I've never been like fangirl-batshit-crazy over an actor before? Not even David Tennant, I'm pretty sure(but not certain--that was a while ago), not even Johnny Depp or Elijah Wood or Jared Leto, therefore I fail as a heterosexual girl. But I have a redemming point now. Ewan. McGregor. oh. my. god. have you seen him? in anything? even in magazines? he's...amazing. breathtakingly wonderful in all of the ST movies, and attractive obviously, and really lovely, and he can sing, it's fantastic. I never realized before just how great he is. and all of a sudden I am really an addict, to him, for no reason. search "Ewan McGregor tumblr" and literally you will be glued online for hours upon hours upon yet more hours, or at least I was mid-week, it's sad but unavoidable with someone like him.

(Aren't Scottish accents just the best accents out there? No? I'm writing this on St. Patrick's Day, am I[though I'll publish it the day after]? Ah, the nonconformist I am. Scotland's great.)

Team Ewan McGregor, yes, yes, yes.


1. Watch I Love you Phillip Morris.(don't judge me)
2. Watch Moulin Rouge
3. Watch Big Fish
4. Watch Trainspotters
5. Watch Angels and Demons
6. Watch The Men Who Stare At Goats
7. Watch Amelia
8. Watch the Ghost Writers
9. Internet
10. Homework

I don't care how bad people may judge the first eight movies to be. I get special treatment because I almost never watch movies, right? Ignorance makes up for my bad taste.

It's gonna be great.

I think my mom'd realise something's up if all these movies randomly appeared on my birthday list, no? Thus it must all be done in secrecy. I must reveal my obsession piece by piece. first, "have you seen Big Fish? Oh yeah, it's a Tim Burton thing...and Tim Burton's good, so we should see that" and then we'll watch it and I'll be like "oh, that's Obi Wan Kenobi, isn't it? oh, his name's Ewan McGregor, you say? Oh I had NO IDEA. he's such a good actor, right? what else has he been in? let's watch more movies". she needn't know how many of my favorite pictures on Tumblr are of him.

Everyone's hatrid twards Rebecca Black is childish and stupid. Most things I've heard about it comment on the silly lyrics(though apparently being told you're a firework or hearing glee sing sing 'L-O-S-E-R I can only be who I are" not a typo--is totally fine) and calling her a "stupid bitch". when I say stupid bitch, I mean really, that's like half the content in some of these infuriated blog/vlogs I've seen. It should go without saying that someone who considers this a crux to their argument--or who thinks they're the first one to comment on Friday, for that matter--isn't really someone worth valuing. Rebecca's actually a bit smart. Se's a teen pop star for the briefest moment, it goes under the same category as hating Justin Bieber(though yes, his songs are better, more production values). It's just so, so juvenile, hating these teenagers who haven't really commited any serious travesty to the music world with what they're doing. The people who, in my opinion, should be widely abhored, are met with love, mainly by the Rebecca Black haters. Namely emo bands and post-grunge bands. ALL OF THEm. GET RID OF THE LOT. BURN THEM AT THE STAKE. MUSICAL BLASHPOMY. although I'd actually be cool keeping the Colour and the Shape, if I'm honest, and MCR do not fall under any of these categories in case you were wondering. I very much want Gerward Way and co alive.

sorry to go all Rolling Stone going-against-the-tide re the Rebecca Black thing but I believe it had to be said. those who hate it, just grow up, for the love of god.

So the remarkable thing is, I haven't been to a concert since early December. Weezer, they were fantastic, but now they're coming thick and fast. apparently Manchester Orchestra are touring with Cage the Elephant and O'Brother. The tickets are so cheap it's almost scandalous, so I'm going--it's May 10t. I LOVE Manchester Orchestra and this has given me the kickstart to buying CtE's most recent record--I'm up for it. it all brings me back to Biffy Clyro/Manchester Orchestra/O'Brother/The Featrures, March 30th 2010. One of the best shows of my life. Was almost in Simon Neil's range of sweat. (again, don't judge me for this.) and I could have talked to James if I had the guts. Alas, I did not. I remember how sad I was listening to I Could Feel A Hot One after they'd gone. sniffle. new album, please. Funny thing is, wEEZER ARE also playing in Boston the same day as Arctic Monkeys. Talk about bad scheduling. Boston's gonna be empty.

So, school.

Main news of the week is our school's probably gonna cut one of the music teachers(and with it most of the music department thing) and everyone's up in arms about it and writing annoying signs and wearing supportive t-shirts. It's positively drenched in sensationalism and I'm just being quiet about it because I disagree with just about everyone else. Here's what bothers me--can we please just learn to be realistic? #1--I don't know the exact numbers of debt my town is in, and neither do any other students, so it's all well and good for us to say 'well, they should cut this, this, and this' when we've NO IDEA what this equates to or what the consequences are for the school. Therefore, to do so is silly #2--yes, they put far too much money into sports. In my ideal world, they'd cut most of the sports. But my ideal world is also free of Aids, rape, and discrimination. And honestly all of those problems are gonna be sorted out before my school cuts some sports, so get over it #3--These people who complain are all in the music department. It's not about the importance of the music department to them, it's the fact that they're in it. If we cut all the visual arts, most of them wouldn't be at all bothered. Selfish? Yes. #4--There are oganizations outside of school that can do this stuff you'll miss, so it's not the end of the world. #5--People are going on about how valuable the teacher they're cutting is as a person. The committee can't back down now, can they, they can't just go 'well, he's popular, we'll cut this other person instead". How unfair is that?! And besides, it's entirely possibly you're cutting someone else's favorite teacer if you're cutting someone else, particular if they're in the arts, as most people would say that's where the bulk of awesome teachers are situated. That is NOT fair. #6--Apparently my disagreement means I don't have an appreciation for the arts, or music. If you know me, you know that's nonsense--I know more about contemporary music than anything else. How arrogant. #7--"well, show choir is our family! some of us can only feel accepted here!". such crap. this isn't Glee, guys. I know people in these clubs, and they're totally normal, average, acceptable people for the most part. they DO feel accepted elsewhere. and fyi, this kinda undermines people who don't feel accepted at all. not in the arts OR in sports. I'm not explicitly talking about myself here because I'm totally fine most of the time, but still, this just isn't true and its unfair to others. #8--academics come first. I'm sorry, but there's no way around that. I hear some of the AP language classes might be cut, and my science teacher today was talking about the frustration in THAT department due to cuts. really, guys, my school is regared nationally as a good public school, and the AP classes are absolutely essential in my mind, far and away above music or arts or anything. #9--'It'll damage the nation as a whole--these people need the INSPIRATION to make music and sing". bullshit. Most mainstream artists who are generally regarded as good did NOT start this way. this is perhaps different for Broadway/Opera/whatever singers, but still. if you like music, you'll like music. if you're good at music, you're good at music. whether you're in a club or not. you'll go far with it, whether you're in a club or not. #10--these guys are all about the data that shows positive correlations between academic achievement and extra curricular activites. fyi, no one's IQ drops randomly cause they stop doing show choir. nor will their determination. I HATE statistics like this because there's so much more going on than just these numbers. for one thing, determined students do well in school AND do loads of outside stuff. therefore, lots of people in extra curriculars = determined kids= good grades. also, schools that can afford this stuff = wealthy schools. it's no secret wealthy schools get good exam results. there is way more going on than this.

While I'm amazed by the determination of these kids(they were gonna write the teachers name in cups in the wires of the tennis court at 6:30 this morning. I was expecting to see the letters sort of peter out half way through--but no, they were thre) I have to dispute their arguments as being unrealistic and juvenile. their first step was arguing at a town meeting, filled with them in matching t-shirts, bawling, and a bunch of guys in suits not taking them seriously. These people are being exceptionally childish in my opinion, and need to learn to face the imperfect situations which our school faces. or at least make an effort to provide some sort of viable alternative, rather than just wave signs at me as my bus drives into school.

I seem to be filled with relentless hatrid of everything and everyone. but hey, it's warm outside.

I took a science quiz on Monday and got a 96% on it. where'd that come from? Third best grade in the class, this is a good day. We've spent the week talking about soil. yeah, soil. It's pretty horrible. And I had to do a presentation. I was told by the girl next to me to speak up. She said this while I was talking anfd my brain was natrally inclined to stop talking to hear her say this, creating an awkward pause in the presentation. That made my presentation worse and it wasn't my fault. Why do people tell me to be louder? Do they think I have a say in this? Do they think I'd choose this if I could? Then she goes and reiterates everything I've said to the entire class. My head was thinking loudly and many scatching words crossed its path. This girl got a 99% on the test. Isn't the combination of intelligence and annoyingness just the worst? Her friend got a 76% so, like, ha.

This week in health was a nightmare, I finished this Time Capsule that had been looming over my head for a couple weeks, and it was awful. I literally couldn't finish the three-page paper. It was 12:30 and I was just like "ugh, forget it, I physically cannot spill out any more bs onto this page". Then I had to find ten things that represent me(Money, phone, ipod camera, thing from paris, thing with my last name on it, V Festival lineup 2011, book, pen, calculator). I presented it to class. I mumbled throughthis, completely petirifed as per usual, and no one could hear what I was saying. your average presentation done by me. These will be the death of me. I quite liked my mom's outlook on this project, which is basically me talking about how much I love heroin and unprotected sex for three pages. Oh I love her.

Today in art, I discovered the girl who sits next to me loves Doctor Who and then I didn't shut up for a while, which is a first in art in that class. And, she loves Graham Norton! Woah, that's actually very amazing indeed. and she's a nerdfighter! She's amazing. Speaking of Doctor Who, new episode out APRIL 23rd! AHH! So exciting! This is especially great because easter is April 24th and my birthday is April 25th. it's gonna be an amazing few days! Also, Ive gone far too long without watching Doctor Who, it's sad.

In World Civ we made castles(we're in high school, aren't we?) for two days and today we watched a documentrary about castles and they went to a medieval place in England I've been to. They do reanactments sometimes. (historical reanactments are wonderful). It's not my favorite history reanactment place though--there's this one in Kent where they give you fake Elizabethan coins and stuff. That place is one of my favorites in the world.

In English our student teacher is teaching is full time. It's not too much fun, though, presenting Aphoridte when Athena was so obviously the superior goddess and then spending all of today talking about verbs. We're reading Things Fall Apart, which is dull, and Oedipus, which I don't have the literary comprehension skills to get my head around, so I'm not sure it's worth trying in the first place.

No good singles came out this week except Patrick Wolf's but Us iTunes doesn't have that for some strange music. Since I've found NO good music this week, all I've done is listen to Tom Smith(Editors)' gorgeously melodramatic baritone bellow through my house, and I lie next to expensive speakers and hear of him ramble about plane crashes and depression and such. That and the perfect synth pop wonderfulness that is La Roux. Their songs work really well together, it's funny how they work worse as singles alone therefore the publicity is worse--not that this has hindered them, of course. I'm still tempted to write 'her' when refering to La Roux, though I've known for ages that this is not the case. Also the Naked and Famous' single of the week is worth checking out. Don't you just love when the song you want to buy just happens to be single of the week? It's only happened to me three times. anyway, Naked and Famous, take Passion Pit and make them better. Took me a while to get into them. (they've been hyped for a about fortnight now, so 'a while' is maybe about six days, since I'm as fickle as all the hipsters), since the first song I heard sounded like bad Radiohead. amazingly they're not like this at all.

This weekend I AM going to find Elbow's new record. I've tried SO HARD not to listen online but I admit, I gave up and listened to Lippy Kids. I love it. you know how, as 'music fans', we're always going on about how bands need to progress their sound from album to album? And I do that, I talk about that. But you know there's a few bands who you physically cannot do that with, because it seems like their music was made for you, even though you know this is betraying your obligations as a music critic? Yes, that me with Elbow. and indeed, everyone else with Elbow. Keep on repeating music, Guy Garvey, and keep writing pretty words. (ps, why do you keep talking so much about birds?)

I apologize for going a week without writing here. My cousin's vsiting sunday and I'm likely doing nothing tomorrow. the past week has been school work and music, as you'd expect.

so, 'night.

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