This song has been permenantly on my mind for the past 48 hours.
This goes under the category of "Awesome Cheesy Pop Songs" in my head--a place where Patrick Wolf is no newcomer. I totally loved his darker stuff, everything from Tristan to the Magic Position, and now there's this catchy, adorable pop-y wonderful song. Just...delighftful. But also evil--a quintescential summer song released in the dead of winter? Why? Now I just want summer about a thousand times more. Thanks, Mr. Wolf.
Though at least the snow is melting here and it's almost pleasent being outside, that's something. I always considered February the worse month, but March is far from nice, too. My random urge for summer to hurry up has manifested itself in my listening to nothing but pure pop music for the past week. Tinie Tempah, La Roux, Rihanna, Jessie J, Hurts, Eliza Doolittle, and the like. I can say I think all of these are talented to some degree(Rihanna maybe not? hard to say. she has good producers.) but I hope actual warmth arrives so I can listen to stuff with some credibility. I think the same applies for the rest of my family--moody trip-hop Groove Armada songs have been replaced with the Divine Comedy's Best Of. Not that the Divine Comedy aren't cool or anything--Neil Hannon is adorable in a very odd way, no?
I only have 164 days to wait and the anticipation is killing me. I'm so happy I got super-early bird pre-sale tickets in August, since V sold in record time this year. 80 minutes! Although this doesn't even seem to be the truth somehow, from the tales I've heard. Some people were on straight away and couldn't get tickets! It sucks for people who actually wanted to go and couldn't get tickets...and makes all the V-Hating especially tiesome and frustrating. It is not a lineup for chavs. (British to American translation; chav = trashy teenage delinquaint). Last night I was under the impression I was gonna be able to watch Biffy Clyro on some crappy late night TV show, before I realized the channel doesn't show for my TV. I didn't wanna go to bed till I physically couldn't saty awake, so I stayed up for another hour watching Eminem videos on Fuse. He's good! Indie Elitsts are so silly, it's so extroardinarily close-minded to say a whole genre of music(rap) doesn't belong at a music festival! What is a music festival if not a celebration of live music? Wow oh wow, some people.
But I understand you're probably not going to V, so this is of no interest to you...
For all I've complained of Arctic Monkeys' new song, they're playing here in May and obviously, I'm going, as it will be amazing. Last time I saw them--December '09--was a brutal concert. Fun, but brutal. therefore I'm staying out of the main crowd this time. This will unquestionably not be the case in August. In August, I'm fighting to the front, getting squahsed in the crowd, and just generally revelling in the chaos. Can't do that with my parents, obviously, so May'll just be a ...warmup, until the real bedlam begins. Plus, like, a crowd ten times the size of May's? Um, yeah, August'll be great.
Yesterday was the big day for Elbow fans, like myself--new album! Aaaaah! With three English tests this week it seems unmlikely I'll be able to actually get out of the house to buy it and I don't wanna ruin the experience with YouTube. But, my god, is it tempting. Every single review has been positive, averaging about an 7/10 or 8/10 or so, and everyone's talking about this one song, called Lippy Kids, which is basically about everyone not recognising adolescence as the highly important time it is("Don't they know these days are golden?"). Guy Garvey usually finds the perfect balance between reality and romance, so I'm hoping for an interesting song. And an interesting album in general! This day did NOT come fast enough. Friday can't come faster too. US TOUR NOW PLEASE.
New Wombats album released on my birthday? And I listened to Tokyo at every possibly oppurtunity today. Can honestly say I'm very excited. I loved their 1st album, it was so adorable and perfect and I could listen to it all day, ugh, you too, April you come faster now.
On another note, I was impressed/shocked by the American CD stores getting Beady Eye in right off the bat. I'm sick of Beady Eye, yeah, I'm not a fan and I don't understand the hype--BUT I was amazed that they had them here, is all.
Well, as for school, we finally pushed through our 1st art project after 5 weeks and I really don't wanna go to class because the next one is hell. I have eight days to do a health project. Science is alright, though I DO NOT want to do our next project or indeed read about plate tectonics. Or listen to the know-it-alls behind me--who really do diserve nicknanames at this point, for all they aggravate me. BUT, I do enjoy how the girl next to me has gone on a mission to label the guy who sits next to her a peodphile, and tomorrow is bringing in a pedobear(sigh.) printout tomorrow.
World Civ is cool because it's all ancient history in China and Asia in general, and I reaaaaally don't wanna go into the European Middle Ages because a lot of people are closeminded enough to think that I'm word perfect on the subject. it takes the slightest bit of brain power, that many seem to lack, to realize that that's just silly. Ugh! What is wrong with everyone at school? Even the smart people come off as two-dimensional and silly, y'know? And there's just so much crap---superfical friendships, discrimination, slut shaming, ignorance, arrogance, and bullshit to say the least. This is not news, I know, but it's been getting to me a lot lately. Some people live under rocks, really, it's unbelievable. I keep hearing the M word--that is, one used to describe a Little Person--EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY and I'm like, really, guys? What year are we living in? Are we really so fundamentally vapid that we neglect all notions of progression? And fake friendships just to look good? And act horrible to others because they dress the slightest bit differently? And act the same as others, because that's all you've ever known? And act better than everyone else to feel better? And laugh at people who are quiet for many reasons, but one of them being they(I) don't want to talk to the overwhelming majority of people they are forced to comunicate with everyday, because they're so vacuous and boring and cruel? High school, high school, high school....
Um, yeah, that's that rant gone. Happy pancake day, Brits, I've probably gained weight after all that sugar and pancake and lemons, though it's my favorite meal of the year, so I can't complain. Can't really gush about it either, sadly--too much studying to be done.
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