Wednesday, December 22, 2010

silent night

I'm waiting for my aunt to get here and I'm thinking, oh snow, how you torment me. There's a good...powdering of the stuff out there right now. Capturing my attention and my hope(in vain) of a properly white christmas. Europe stole it, I have concluded. A foot of snow, England, really? Kinda want it back now. Dunno if you heard, but heathrow were having problems with it. Yesterday's Virgin Boston flight didn't go and things were looking pretty worrying back there for a while. Luckily BAA(or whoever is dealing with this gigantic nightmare) pulled through for us, and my aunt's in her way. apparently heathrow was quiet--hard to imagine, right?-- since like two thirds of flights were cancelled. I feel bad for those people.

Can't wait to start the Christmas traditions tomorrow. Came home from school in said irritatingly minimal snow, looked in my kitchen and wow, what's this? Orange juice? Iced tea? Pot noodle? Fancy Whole Foods hippie yogurts? Foreign chocolate? Must be a dream. I love my parents. Tomorrow's my last school day of 2010 and on Friday I'm gonna go shopping and bake and blog and eat baked potatoes. In many ways I prefer Christmas Eve to Christmas Day, I realise. Plus, duh, Saturdayy, gonna rock. We got our tree up and it's all decorated and super pretty, and there's only one present under the tree. For me. From my sister. because she's cool. plus, mum got me this big book of Christmas songs too play on piano. I can play water down versions of all of the basics, except We Three Kings seems to be missing. I have a very very simple copy somewhere. Anyway.

So last week of school--a science quiz(90%, thank god), another science partner quiz, a math quiz, a spanish quiz, another spanish quiz, and a math test. WHAT IS THIS? oh yeah, and a science presentation tomorrow. to quote jez of the new(and wonderful, naturally) episode of Peep Show, everything is "triple fried fucked". everybody's presentations are better than mine will be because my topic's boring and I'm scared in front of crowds and my partnerias vile and has to be reminded to do things like capitalize the bulletpoints on slideshows. ugh. and he didn't do a damn bibliography for his pictures. stupid.

I wrote that all that two days earlier. Sorry. where was I?

Oh yeah, presentation sucked. My geometry teacher's pissed at me. Spanish wasn't super straightforward. throughout the week, I've basically been falling asleep, failing stuff, watching nothing interesting go on, be the only one I know with serious amounts of homework. gym was cool this week. first, because Tuesday we played matball against the juniors and seniors and God knows I like to see cocky fourteen year old boys go all embarrassed and shy after someone beats them at sports, so I basically had a field day. we played pick up sticks in spanish, too.

THEN, last day of school last block, was absolutely incredible. There was this giant matball game that I don't think anyone watched, and I found out we didn't have to be there. there was some concert going on elsewhere, so me and a friend kinda walked off with some people to see that. then, I found this other friend in my gym class and she's like "Martin Johnson's here! martin Johnson's here!" all fangirlish. He's the singer in Boys Like Girls and he went to our school and yes I'm aware that gives away where I live, but no one who reads this cares. So, while everyone else went in to see the concert, my friend saw this group of people hanging around down the hallway so we walked over to them. And lo and behold, we look into the band room, and there he is. Bearing in mind, I don't actually like this band nor was I particularly familiar with his appearance, and I'm not ordinarily bothered when someone finds an English book with his name in it. But truth is yes, I'm very very pathetic, and yes, I did suddenly develop a desire to meet someone I dislike because they are a famous musician who is reasonably attractive and he was, y'know, right there. don't judge me. he walked out and all these other girls crowd around him. out comes my friend's phone. everyone's kinda gone fangirl/ape at this point, a real famous musician in the flesh! I was so in that mood to if I'm honest. my friend talks to him first, asks for a picture. My being me, I have to prep myself for five minutes to say a word to him. and then I'm like "Can I have a picture with you?" and he said "of course you can". DID YOU HEAR THAT? Wow wow wow wow wow! And fuck yes I got a picture. With him. Oh my god, how amazing is this?(only downside being I'm gonna have to start pretending I like his shit band)

Now that that's all out of the way, I'm going to have to state the obvious; it's Christmas eve! My 2nd favorite day of the year! Now that my aunt's here, things are going great. It was amazing finally getting out of school and sleeping. I feel totally awake which has become such an odd sensation. Yesterday after school we went into town with my aunt to this gift shop, because we go there with her every year and it's always closed. I got a necklace with a creepy moon thing on it, and I love it to death already, somehow. After dinner, I watched a musical version of A Christmas Carol which I've always loved, and nearly fell asleep to it.

And today was of course, fantastic. My family and I made a gingerbread village in the morning, then we made the icing for our cake, and iced it. (so much food). after lunch, we made paper chains--too many in fact-- andfinished decorating our gingerbread village. I made one I penned The Jackson Pollock of Gingerbread Houses, which my aunt similarly penned The House Of The Village Eccentric. It was so much fun to make. Then, we drove around our town looking at the pretty lights, which I love every time. then we made yule logs and mince pies. in essence, another perfect christmas eve. I loooove this holiday, so much. currently I'm sitting around with my family, at the moment, and it's wonderful. my sister is trying to paint a pineapple. yaaaaaay.

I'm not very interesting tonight but I wanna get back to what I've been doing. so I apologise. I'll get back to you on Boxing Day I hope when I'm all excited-out.

Good night.

Oh yeah, merry christmas, of course.

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