The house is dead silent, which I find disconcerting. my sister spent the night with her friends, and she just got home and now she's gonna be on skype for some hours still. my parents are seeing Gogol Bordello in concert right now. They won't be back for hours. I'm gonna listen to Noah and the Whale and blog.
Fact--I am the least cool person in my family.
It's so sadenning to me, the way I seemingly can only blog on the weekends now...really, it's quite upsetting. Because I love to blog, however banal the things I type tend to be. This year is going by so fast. I can't keep up. Time is slipping away and et cetera and nostalgia and all that. Don't they know these days are golden? Or something? Sigh. Truth is while one part of me is desperate for summer, the other just wants to drag this bleak, cold spring on a little bit further...Do you know how depressing my outlook on life is? Euphoria makes my emotional to the point of sadness. It's odd. I like to feel like I'm a changed person from year to year...It's a constant idea of knowing I'm shallow and misguidaded and unpleasant, but not kmnowing in what way exactly but knowing I will know in the future, and wanting to change who I am, and I hate feeling like I'm the same person I was on September and I hate the idea that I will have very few memories from this year. it's strange. Why can't I live life like a normal person? In the words of Simon Amstell--"and everyone's there, and they're running, and they're getting lost in the moment. And I'm going along with them and thinking 'well, this will make a good memory'".
I'm afraid when I'm let to my own devices and it's dark, I churn out this depressing angsty time-is-inexorably-slipping-away stuff. Maybe that's true for many.
Anyway, to counter this, the usual ramble about life.
This weekend was a productive one for me. Bought new editions of Q and the Word and and the new Cage the Elephant CD. Read Harry Potter, watched Lord of the Rings, avoided homework. Not looking forward to tomorrow--I've a monster of an essay to write, among massive amounts of other homework. And I need to catch up on piano. Groan. I want april vacation now. Two weeks to go. and then freedom and sunshine and listening to the Kooks to my heart's content.
I got a 73 on the science quiz! it a miracle, guys! The average was a 68! yay for scraping just above average! The world is wonderful, but learning about soil and landforms is not. Now we have to learn about water and my science teacher seems to have an endless supply of animals' skins to pass around the class, much to the dislike of many people and to the cry of 'oh god, not another one.' Where is she keeping these things? I have to do a book report. I was in the library late the other day hurridly looking through biology books. Settled on something about mavericks in biology. I don't particularly want to read it. Also we went outside on Thursday and it was surprisingly pleasent outside, though my group, less so. Someone hit a meter stick with all his might against the tree and it broke in two. Told the teacher he stepped on it.
We had a two-hour delay on Friday. Sleep has never been better. It's nice going through a day without the nagging feeling you're gonna pass out at any minute.
Monday and Wednesday in art continued the advanture of 'looking for my passion' in magazines that I don't particularly enjoy reading. I was getting pretty annoyed, as my teacher turned his nose up at every psuedo-artsy photo that caught my attention. I got to drawing a prism by Friday. Yeah, prisms, they're like my favorite thing in the whole entire world, obviously. No disrespect to prisms, mind, they're pretty damn cool, but still. He still doesn't seem impressed. Oh well. I'm not gonna draw a butterfly or a tropic rainforest bird like half the class.
Health, again, was the usual anti-drug runthrough, focus on alcohol this time. We watched a crappy video with English people in it, I was absolutely reeling in my seat. Drugs are bad and blah blah blah blah. Though we did a little game to test our knowledge on Thursday, and the ignorance of some people is unbelievable. these are popular people too! Aren't you supposed to go out on Fridays and get off your heads on illegal substances! It's freaks like me who are supposed to sit at home and watch star wars and think cigarettes are as hardcore as it gets! And yet I'm the one who knows what speedballing is, I know what drug classifacation marijuana is, I know what ecstacy's chemical name is, I know what the hardest form of cocaine is, and yes, I know that Meth is not a form of crack. (seriously to that last one, what the hell?). my god, guys...I know the world isn't ending because of this, but the lack of knowledge here was baffling.
I got a 96% on a world civ project about renaissance people whcih I'm very happy with because it took massive amounts of time to do. This week was basically us going over and over and over about the Crusades to the point where even me, as a history nerd with a focus on religious history, was tempted to fall asleep at times. Then we got assigned projects entitled 'POWER'(capitals needed), where we were divided into small groups and told to research the monarchies of powerful medieval civilizations. I got really lucky. Researcing about France is gonna be a ball! I reckon I got the most interesting one there, but I couldn't say for sure. I got out of Great Britain by the skin of my teeth. My teacher told my I could switch if I wanted to. For one, the freedom he gave me because of my nationality made me feel uncomfortable and alien. And two, I legitimately own half a dozen books on the British monarchy even though from a historical perspective, books simply listing monarchs are pretty dull. The nine-year-old me thought otherwise, it seems. Point being, I really should not be let anywhere near this part of history because I was just get sucked in and end up spending my days memorizing the entire British monarchy and stupid crap like that, and it'd just be bad and a waste of time and I'd get addicted. France sounds fun.
Oh yeah and we're drawing coats of arms, which is a nightmare times ten. I'll be glad to veer away from the European middle ages, actually. my teacher's a fun, decent, open-minded person but I don't like being singled-out when we're talking about the monarchy or government or whatnot. Don't get me wrong, many teachers do this and he's honestly one of the more knowledge on such matters, but it's still a tad frustrating. I know it's unavoidable, yeah. I shouldn't complain, I know.
the student teacher in English is completely inept at keeping the class under control. you know when you're doing grammar and you ask the class for an imperative sentence to use and their response is 'Suck this', that you're doing something wrong. Or when someone throws a calculator across the room. Deadly serious, it's funny but also pathetic. And now we're watching a movie? Wow, critical literary analysis indeed.
DOCTOR WHO. IN THREE WEEKS EXACTLY. OH MY GOD THE WORLD IS WONDERFUL. the new trailer looks wonderful. I'm a huge Whovian, you should know. I actually rather liked last year's series. I did have issues coming to terms with David Tennant being gone but I perservered...and matt smitth turned out to be rather good. as did Karen--I liked Amy. But no one beats Rose. I cannot, cannot get over series two no matter how hard I try. I took my Doctor Who waaaay too seriously in 5th grade. Unlike everyone else, I'm excited for the stuff about River. I never understood everyone's hate towards River...I'd take her over Amy any day, actually. Doctor Who reminds me of spring now, and warmth, and April vacation, and blogging. I loooove Doctor Who and cannot wait for its return.
Gonna go read and watch a movie late at night, hope the snow melts and all. Night.
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