The April Vacation story so far: Sunday: read, played Sims(ha.), played piano, went on computer. Tuesday, much the same, went to a random port town with the family. It was pretty and I got an old fashioned ruler. Today, the same again, went to the mall, got a t-shirt, someone thought I worked in Delias and asked if 'I had any bathing suits', caught up on almost a week's worth of reading for my science book report project(I hate to say the book's not much fun. I suppose it has some good points but the writing style is very dry. and focuses on the same areas of science), and organized all my CDs. They're all in their proper cases now! It hasn't been this way for months. I thought I'd lost my Manchester Orchestra CD. Luckily, this was not the case.
I also found my Hot Fuss CD out of its case(shit fuck dammit ugh) but it doesn't seem to be damaged. Hot Fuss was like the 2nd CD I ever bought, so I really don't want to replace it. Hopefully I won't have to.
Also I listened to loads and loads of Elbow today. I almost exclusively listened to Elbow in fact. If I get their debut for my birthday I'll have the full collection! I don't think a lot of people can attest to that...if you were one of those people who listened to The Seldom Seen Kid, loved it, and never further explored Elbow, you're missing out on so much. I was listening to Leaders of the Free World Today, for the most part. I could listen to the title track all day. Oh, and I'm listening obsessively to Lippy Kids and the Birds, too. Everybody knows Elbow are a band for people in their 30s--and judging by the difficult I've had in finding the new record, for people in their 30s who live exclusively in Europe--and since I'm 14 and in love with them, they feel almost like my little secret. Which is kinda silly because they're so popular elsewhere but...I'm the only one round here, in my school anyway, who loves them. They're my thing.
Since I really haven't done anything this week, I figured this is the perfect time to do a music post. In the possibility you have any interest in what I've been listening to at the moment, well, this is your lucky day. Also, I'm a music addict(who isn't?) so this is perfect. and so easy.
Starting with the obvious--
Gorgeous, gorgeous, wonderful, beautiful, through and through. I expect nothing less. It's perhaps my favorite representation of adolescence in music. One that neither goes on about drugs and partying or about rebelling or about feeling empty or 'being young and free'. I suppose in many ways the song is about all of those things...but in a way that's both romanticized and realistic, and the balance is so perfect that it works. It's also told by someone who has long since passed adolescence, which is certainly different. The whole album's about nostalgia, I believe. It's really very interesting because not many people write about that in popular music. Also, Guy Garvey has one of my favorite voices I've heard. I like how it isn't smothered in major label gloss. It's weather worn and sounds human and he doesn't break into falsettos or anything, it's just so blissful and it makes the (already brilliant) words he's speaking sound more true. Love.
The darling of r'n'b/dubstep mashups, at least for this week. His sound is very interesting(even some soul in there, I think) and his voice adds a unique layer. Also there's that...I don't know what to call it, Eastern European sound going on. Yeah, it's good stuff. Buy his album. It's not on US iTunes, ugh.
I...only just bothered listening to Bon Iver. *hangs head in shame*. They always struck me as one of those folk bands I never stop hearing about, which tends to put me off the music. Namely because they have hipster fans aplenty. It's a good thing I did bother to listen, though. This song is brilliant. Brilliant in a very sad way, of course, but brilliant nonetheless. "Come on, skinny love, just last the year". I guess I'm just overly sentimental, but there's something about that.
Another brilliant song. Sleigh Bells are definitely my favorite 'up and coming' band of the last year. This song is so powerful and forceful and well, just firey and energetic and loud. But in the most brilliant way possible. Also, it's interesting how they mixed this sound with super saccharine vocals. They've done this on all their other songs that I've heard and I love it.
'Hell in a hand basket' is the way I first heard this song described. Quite accurate, really. Again, this is in the best possible way. And I don't really like...industrial or whatever this is, but this is just addictive and energetic and great.
This should be bland indie pop but I actually rather like the sound of this. I never expected this out of Metronomy--I don't think anybody did, did they? Such an interesting song...also, I want to play it at the beach or something.
More frenzied, frantic, energetic pop/rock? Yes. By the best of the business--Pulled Apart by Horses. I think I could sing along to these nonsense lyrics all day. And go crazy. Because the song is so fun and weird and reminds me of November.
I'm seeing Manchester Orchestra in a few weeks. I cannot wait. I just remembered, oh yeah, the album this is from is fucking amazing. for a guitar band! And I'm not even so into 'alternative' bands at the moment, so this is quite an achievement.
Cage the Elephant are gonna open for Manchester Orchestra. I don't really know how that happened but it's fine with me. I like CtE less than Manchester Orchestra but Ive been familiarizing myself with their new album int he car. I often forget that this is the same band that came out with Ain't No Rest for the Wicked a couple years back. But in a good way! The album is eclectic. Definitely very wannabe classic rock-ish, but they make it work.
Super catchy riot grrrly pop-rock, anyone? Yes please.
Piano lesson tomorrow, going downtown, and oh yes, my mom is taking me to a James Blunt concert. I don't like James Blunt but I haven't been to a concert since December so I'm actually excited. It's only a shame Christina Perri is opening. I cannot stand Jar of Hearts, I'm afraid.
Night, all.
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