Thursday, December 22, 2011

tongue tied

Woohoo grouplove, this song will make your life.

It’s December 22nd and Christmas is aalllllmoooost here this is wonderful. Unlike last post, I’m currently in such a wonderful mood because the hard parts of school are done with and the house is all decorated and it’s only three days until everything will be amazing. Ahhh I’m far too sentimental and mushy you know. And sometimes the opposite. I’m a paradox.

Christmas mood, which I will continue to go in about no matter what anything else, was exaggerated by a holiday piano recital. And I definitely could not play the piece as I wanted to and this kind of stuff makes me more nervous than it used to. So, I was very very very unhappy and stressed going in. But thank god the others weren’t extraordinarily good. Like, they weren’t bad, they were okay, I didn’t think I stood out much on any points. Luckily, the small child scheduled to play the Moonlight Sonata before me (playing, um, Silent Night) was a no-show. That was the best thing in my head, which is probably sad. I was happy after cause I got compliments from strangers and my teacher said I did well. I doubt it, if nothing else because flats + pedals is a bad combination, but nevertheless I was in a good mood after that. I place too much emphasis on external validation. Yay.

 As far as other Christmas stuff goes, I bought my sister a Bonsai tree and I’m listening to the Dear Hunter’s White EP, which features bells. Also went to the mall, totally unrelated, but malls in December are as terrifying as as they are wonderful.

English. Monday. After a weekend of not editing my shitty essay, it was collected and all hope of retaining a good grade in that class was lost. We were then assigned our next book, which is The Things They Carried by Tom O’Brien. And oh my god, I don’t like war books. I don’t like war books one bit. Least of all Vietnam war books. And oh, it is a long book! We’ve also been assigned the most impossibly terrible project to go with it. It’s also an ‘ongoing’ project which just compounds the problems. We had to get into groups and another group asked if I would be with them, and my Regulars got so irrationally annoyed at this. I am literally Judas to this one power-wielding maniac girl. (in this situation, she sees herself as Jesus, I am quite confident). My English teacher, get this, is making us do art. In an English class! I am not an artist! I cannot do art! What is this! I will do so badly and it’s not due until late January but I’ll put it all off till the day before! Woohoo, yay! All about creativity! Which is not my strong point! And my teacher’s one of those who things I should designate an area of my house to collecting materials for these art projects. Silly teachers, people don’t give a fuck, that should be one of the pillars around which you should design your projects. To make matters worse, we’re also being forced to do graded ‘seminars’ every single day. Talking. To everyone. And getting failing grades if I don’t. We’ve done this twice now, in which times I’ve found myself either falling asleep, doodling Black Books-related cartoons on the backs of the worksheets we’re given, or observing how my pulse and breathing rise when the thought of actually speaking up comes to me. Is it worth it? I don’t know. And do you want the –why-talking-for-the-sake-of-sound-and-good-grades-is-the-worst speech again? I’m going with no. After day one, there were about eight people who had not spoken. Now, we are down to two. The other will drop out in good time, and I will be all alone. After this, my teacher looks at me and says “Naomi: you’re quiet”. And I say “yes”. That isn’t even persuasion or questioning or gentle teasing like the other teachers do in this situation. It’s neither here or there. Yes, I am quiet: what’s your point? Jesus. Today, we were supposed to watch Elf in the class, but the DVD didn’t work so now we’re watching an inspiring and uplifting tale about a reluctant genius who’s living against the odds. Never could I be more thankful to have a hiatus from this class.

Math hell continues, although it’s getting less and less intense as time goes by. I did well enough on a quiz but my teachers impossible grading system means my grade isn’t going to get any better because of it. Sigh. We’re promised a party tomorrow (last day) if we bring enough food. She has not specified the amount, because her thinking is fuzzy and irritating. I’m taking in enough to feed the class for a week, though, just to be certain we don’t have to work.

Normal 20th century week, boring work, and we were given the most impossible in-class essay you can ever imagine. And we were gonna have two days to work on it, but then he made it one, so what I wrote was absolutely terrible. I am so done with work! And the essay was too hard, far too hard. And we watched videos. Tired tired far too tired, that’s me. And we’re given extra work, I suppose, cause the teacher’s are working to rule starting in January (most likely). Nothin’s fair.

My bio teacher thinks letting us watch an episode of House is a good thing to do when she’s not there. And I….really, really, really don’t like House? Well, I’ve only seen a handful of episodes but all of this just don’t sit well with me at all. Waste of time? Yes. We had a quiz today and it was easy cause it was partially open book but I still worried too much about it before. Typical me. Oh dear. This stupid class. Good thing is talking about genetics now; I love genetics. One of my favorite areas of science. We did an activity was chromosomal disorders today and it wa really neat.

My aunt arrived here last night. She always stays for Christmas. She’s still pretty jetlagged but it’s fun having her here. She’s not like most family in that seeing her is totally relaxed and everything. Today was the best, I came home and had—oh my god—no homework or anything to do. And we listened to her new Led Zeppelin CD. (Revelation: I like Led Zeppelin) and for the first time in ages got to relax. It was sunny and the house was a mess and the music was very loud. It was so wonderful. And we also went shopping cause my aunt wants to browse the local shops every year, even if it’s just craft shops or something, and we kind of bought far too much stuff but it was fun. We also made gingerbread again. Amazing amazing amazing.

 Do I foresee an actual good night’s sleep tonight? It seems so.

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