Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I found this band years ago, but I'm only getting into them now. I love the lyrics to this song.

We have a day off school tomorrow. Initially it was just a half day, but they changed it cause we lost a day in November that we were supposed to have off cause of a power outage. I have to study tomorrow, but this is good news.

  It’s been a boring few days. Pretty awful on Saturday, when I was dragged along to the mall with my mom to look for clothes. It was odd, because by the time we’d got there my mother and I had already had an argument, but about whether a song on the radio was by My Chemical Romance or not. (it was). Which was an interesting sort of mother-daughter argument, if nothing else. The mall wasn’t as busy as you’d think. And it made me very happy, because I love malls at Christmas time more than I should, given that I’m not a big fan of the crowds. It’s just...the cheap gold and red christmas trees, guys. And the terrible covers of the same five or ten songs in all the shops. Unironic appreciation for the creepy christmas feeling. I did get stuff, but I had an awful day and was pretty unhappy for various reasons, which continued well into the night, including when my mom said we should also watch Brave Little Toaster for the nostalgia or something. It wasn’t my day. I’m moody but even so. On Sunday, too! But less so. Went looking for DVDs, specifically movies, I might wanna ask for, for Christmas. And then I remembered that movies are awful. Where do people find good movies? I don’t get it. Oh, but I did find the US DVD version of Submarine. Aesthetically much better than the UK one. Plus, I think it comes with a little note from the protagonist, which is pretentious and anti-American and just so Oliver that it’s endearing. In the way that Oliver Tate can do really despicable things and somehow you can’t help but like him. That I suppose was a good moment. Spent much of the rest of the day studying for biology, reading Hemingway, and listening to bad music. Disappointing weekend, although my mom did get chocolate christmas candy and what have you(19 days, guys) so there were good elements.

  English is boring as hell. I like to think I approach books with an open mind, but this A Lesson before Dying thing is awful to me. It’s melodramatic as can be, the characters are boring, and the plot isn’t interesting. It’s making going to the class every day more and more difficult. My teacher’s really into it, so I find it hard to get along with her. Her naive, repetitive, i’m-so-into-literature shtick is tiring. Also, I don’t understand being put into groups to answer questions, or present, or anything. We’re not getting anywhere and it doesn’t make sense. I want this book to end. Soon.

This week in 20th century, we changed seats at last. I am now with a passably decent group of people. The only problem is, because we have round tables in our oversized classroom, I am facing directly away from the front of the classroom most of the time. It’s quite irritating and my back hurts coming out of that class sometimes. I always feel very uncomfortable because I have to have the chair fully turned away from the desk, and I feel too exposed like that. We’re talking about Vietnam in class at the moment. It’s fairly tiring. Looking at every war in the 20th century that the U.S. was involved in, it’s kinda like ‘okay, hurry up, I wanna stop now’. That kind of a feeling. Yesterday was a lecture, today we watched a video of actual troops in Vietnam at the time. Also, peace stuff. All the hippie movement seemed to be arguing for something important in wholly irrelevant and juvenile ways. Hmmm. Oh! And I’ve gotta do my first presentation in that class on Friday. Well, something resembling a presentation. We’re in groups, arguing either for or against a lesson learned from Vietnam. My teacher’s way into ‘critical thinking’. Although, I’m rather baffled, because I’m supposed to be arguing that we shouldn’t go to war in south east Asia, and the people in my group have told me to connect this to Iraq and Afghanistan. I don’t know what my, um, geographically confused group expect me to do. So, I’ll probably end up not doing anything, and come Friday I’ll have nothing and they’ll hate me and I’ll read a single sentence off someone else’s work in the presentation. Ever the dysfunctional group worker and presenter, that’s me. My teacher’s always talking about how necessary group presenting skills are, and every time he does this I just become a little more resolute in my conviction to take up a career with the most minimal social interaction possible.

A redeeming quality of a fairly not so good few days. A bio test on the hardest unit of the year got moved two days! I spent much of the weekend, including just about all of Sunday, studying for the damn thing. Because the nanowrimo-induced sleep loss caught up with me, and my brain seems to be incapable of staying active last block of the day, I’d found it impossible to take in any of the cellular respiration information from the past week. This annoyed me especially when faced with a detailed diagram of the Krebs cycle, and the knowledge that I must memorize that and many other things of equal complexity in two days. I was decently prepared by Monday, and we reviewed the whole time, I accidentally annoyed the people I was supposed to be working with. Oops. It was so good on Monday to come home and get an e-mail saying it’d been moved cause of Tuesday’s recently-added schedule changes. (15 minute talks, by guidance counselor, with the principal about the hazing incident mentioned in the last post. The Fox news vans and what have you are gone, by the way. Same old round here. And it wasn’t so much any revelation of new details on the incident, as some may have expected, but a call to arms not to have it happen again. Anyway). Unfortunately htis change meant watching the most tedious nature documentary you could ever possible imagine. Seed dispersal. The majority of it was dedicated to animals shitting to spread fruit seeds. “I’d rather have just failed the test today” said the guy next to me. And everyone else agreed.

  I’m looking forward to having a lazy evening today, possibly watching some QI or playing video games or something, staying up late, having a relatively relaxing day tomorrow. Apologies for my moodiness in this post. It hasn’t really been my sort of few days, but it’s getting better. Also, my Sufjan Stevens CD’s gonna get here in a few days, and we’ve only a few weeks left of school. And I bet you’ve heard more than enough about Sufjan Stevens here, yeah? Yeah. Things aren’t bad. So that’s my incredibly terrible post for the moment guys. Enjoy?

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