Sunday, November 20, 2011

sunrise, sunset

hello hello hello

I’m in a Dear Hunter phase. Here’s a song.

Tell me that isn’t so beautiful. That’s the first song on the Blue EP. I’m not necessarily sure it seems like a blue sort of sound to me...I’d have gone with purple myself. Nevertheless, I love it.

Today has been the craziest week ever, homework wise, though I’m not entirely sure why. Well, that and the combination of nanowrimo, which I’m about 5000 words behind on unfortunately. I probably could have managed without all of that. But with it, not possible. I’m so glad this week is over. Next week is only two and a half days, thank god.

When we’re not working on grammar in english, we’re going on about collecting thanksgiving food for less fortunate families. The whole school’s doing it—it’s a good cause, etc. and I can’t complain. Slightly confused cause I had to go through hell, when we assigned foods I was out and my teacher can’t organize anything for the life of her, and it’s been a nightmare to establish just what I’m supposed to be bringing in. Sigh. I’m growing to dislike her more and more, and I shouldn’t because it’s all totally irrational, it’s just the coffee-drinking and the movie-watching and what have you. I could do without it. She was out today and we watched something about the Nuremburg trials (20th century debates and now here; just can’t get away from them). Doing nothing was good. It was one of those weeks where you seemed perpetually, endlessly busy, and just watching a video was like an amazing breath of fresh air, for no good reason. I’m so tired; I keep getting headaches.

Learning about WWII in 20th century is as depressing and generally dull as ever, with occasional bounds of information that are just unpleasant. I don’t particularly want to spend much more time on this damn war unit. We’re watching a lot of videos. Much to the appreciation of the class (and my sort of ambivalence), we watched Saving Private Riot. Or, the fast half hour of it, anyway. I can’t say i understand watching only a fraction of a film. Nor do I understand the idea that i really needed to spend any portion of my life watching continuous shots of people holding their internal organs in their hands to understand D Day. I don’t know how I’d rather learn this stuff. From time to time, it’s quite interesting, in a weird sort of way. I’ve always been a history nerd. It just has a tendency to get repetitive and all the videos, my god, they’re not helping us get anywhere. Over the weekend, we have to write about a real life holocaust survivor. I really don’t want to write any of this.

We had the worst lab in bio this week. We were given the entire block to observe the effects of enzymes under various conditions, and it wasn’t enough, since I had to stay after school for upwards of twenty minutes to finish it. The teacher said it was possibly to do in this time space, but I’m not sure I believe her. As usual, I can’t help but be absolutely useless in labs. Hard as I sometimes try, I never have any real idea of what’s going on or what I’m supposed to do. I’m just vaguely aware somewhere in the back of my mind that time is short and it’d probably help my future in this class if I don’t make the people around me hate me. I can’t really put any of that thought or emotion into what I’m doing, though. The thought that I made slip up and make mistakes throws me off far too much. We had a quiz today(not good—my A has yet to make a comeback), watched the most unabashedly vile video about the digestive system any crappy educational video department could come up with, and over the weekend we have to write about the digestion of a thanksgiving dinner. Creatively. I keep falling asleep in this class even when I try my best not to.

We got tickets for Richard III! It’s in February, a Friday or Saturday of the last weekend or the one before. I’ve gone on about this for ages and I’m so excited that it’s finally happening. It’ll be good to go back to New York City for a while, too. The last time I went was 100 hundred degrees in July and I wasn’t as infatuated with it as I thought I’d be. I imagine, perhaps romanticize, that it’ll be better in February. Whenever I think of new york city I think of winter...but christmas time. So maybe I’m wrong and new york will be awful in february. The question keeps me interested in going.

Fun moment of the week: I was extremely busy a few nights back, and I’m not sure why, and I had to take a make-up piano lesson from a couple of weeks back and it was a group lesson. And I wasn’t told that I’d be playing in front of like ten three year olds? I’d like to emphasize that while I’m not a wonderful pianist, this group of students was random, not based on ability, and I am actually above everyone else there. Just to make sure you’re all aware of that. And it was embarrassing as hell but also absolutely fantastic because I played the Danse Macabre, a simplified version with a thousand and one mistakes and they still look at you like you’re a genius. And I played this other piece, Song of India by Rimsky Karsakov, and I was only marginally better at that because I haven’t played it properly since July or so, and the cutest Asian girl you could ever imagine says “that song reminds me of butterflies flying through”. Just that. It’s probably troubling to know how happier and how much more self-assured I was by those group of fucking kids when I walked out, but hey, there you go.

Fun, but long, day on Friday. After school I walked downtown with friends and an acquaintance. We looked at books, although I didn’t have money for all the Kerouac books I want (‘all the Kerouac books I want’ is essentially everything the guy ever did. I bought a few of them the next day, oh and Hemingway and Slaughterhouse-five.), ate at Bertuccis, all the usual stuff. After some friends left me and my best friend spent a half hour in CVS when it was dark outside cause we were gonna see the school do fiddler in the roof but couldn’t walk back in the dark. And it was funny cause we dropped him off and then he came back about two hours later, and we watched the Lovely Bones with our other friend and played that game where you put sticky notes with a thing on someone’s head and they guess what it is. Fun stuff, really.

I was impressed with Fiddler, which I saw the following day. They did RENT last year and I recall being impressed with the actors (still applicable), but less so with Rent itself. But Fiddler—wow, I really like that. I like the style of the music. It could very easily be a sort of bastardized style stolen from traditional music, but I can’t for the life of me tell, so for the time being I say it’s a really well written thing. I’ve always had a thing for pop music badly fused with various cultural sounds (see: Disney movies), so this sits well with me. I’ll look more into it, actually. I disagree that it’s too long, also. Hey, if nothing else, seeing Fiddler made me check the Fiddler Wiki page which led me to find this thing Bright Eyes did where they took the melody and chords and instrumentation of Sunrise, Sunset and added loads of crazy, frantic lyrics, and moments of heavy guitars and stuff. I’ll post it here sometime. It’s clever because of the way it distorts and twists the theme of the song into something kinda mad and paranoid and stuff. I’ve never known such a hit and miss band as Bright Eyes.

It’s almost December, which means first that Nanowrimo, thank god is almost over(and I’ll have been successful if I catc up on two days of writing or so), but also that it becomes cool to celebrate christmas around other people again. I love Christmas so much, I’m gonna order the Sufjan Stevens Christmas EPs and everything. But my point was—we made the christmas fruit cake this weekend gone by! It got me in the christmas mood. And in a few days I can watch the Snowman and play Silent Night and I will be at my happiest, sad as that might be.

Aaaand now it’s a Friday and I wanna watch In the Loop and eat ice cream, so good night all of you.

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